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2004年在顺德容桂工农路十六号成立工作室,前后 三次参与策划“德胜当代艺术年展”并以德胜河沿岸老工业区为题材创作油画,作品在国内外多次获奖,被中国美术馆、广东美术馆、上海美术馆、中国文明 部、地方 电视台等国内外文明 艺术机构收藏。2009年以顺德工农路为题材创作长篇纪实报告文学作品《工农路十六号》(25万字,现已出版),2010年以顺德文明 为背景创作长篇小说《废墟守望者》(20万字,2011年9月出版).

2007-2009年多次向政府建议保护顺德容桂老工业区建筑遗产,在政府的关注下,德胜河工业遗产得以保存,并构成 德胜创意园。



2007年 上海青年美术大展,二等奖

2007年 全国风景风情油画大展,优秀奖

2007年“地方 电视台油画作品展播”优秀奖

2007年 “美苑杯”全国高等美术院校作品评选,学术奖

2008年 广东省青年美术大展,学术奖



2009年“走进鄂尔多斯国际美术作品大展” 优秀奖

2011年 上海青年美术大展,优秀奖


2010年 被评为顺德十大年度文明 名人

2011年 被评为顺德“新容桂人”

Introduction to the artist

Luo Ling, born in Hunan in 1974, graduated from the graduate student of Oil Painting Department of Guangzhou Acmdemy of Fine Arts and received his master's degree. I am working and living. He is a member of the Provincial Artists Association and a member of the Provincial Writers Association. Since the establishment of studio No. sixteen, No. 2, 2004, the works have won many awards at home and abroad. His works include a long documentary reportage, No. 16 Gongnong Road, and a novel, The Watcher of the Ruins.


In 2004, the studio was set up at No. sixteen Hon Nong Nong Nong Road, where three times participated in the planning of the "Desheng contemporary art annual exhibition" and oil paintings on the old industrial area along the Desheng river. The works were awarded many times at home and abroad, and were collected by the Chinese art Museum, the Museum of fine arts, the Museum of fine arts, the Ministry of culture of China, and other cultural and art institutions at home and abroad. In 2009, she wrote a long documentary report entitled "worker peasant road sixteen" (25 thousands words, now published) on the theme of "worker peasant road". In 2010, she wrote the novel "the catcher of ruins" (20 million words, published in September 2011) under the background of Chinese culture.


In the past 2007-2009 years, the government has proposed to protect the architectural heritage of the old industrial area. With the concern of the government, the industrial heritage of the Desheng river has been preserved and the Desheng creative park has been formed.


2007 youth art exhibition, two prize


2007 National Oil Painting Exhibition of Landscape Style, Excellent Award


2007 "outstanding exhibition of canvases" award


2007 "Meiyuan Cup" National Academy of Fine Arts Works Selection, Academic Award


2008 provincial youth art exhibition, academic award


In 2008, the 30th Anniversary Exhibition of Fine Arts in Guangdong's reform and opening up was awarded the excellent prize.


2009 Youth Art Exhibition, Excellence Award


2009 "entry into the Ordos International Fine Arts Exhibition" Excellence Award


2011 youth art exhibition, Excellence Award


Social honour


In 2010, he was named "ten" cultural celebrity of the year.


In 2011, he was named "new Rong Guangxi" in Shunde.



