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马玉岩,男,号雄风堂主人,1949年2月2日生,满族,辽宁铁岭人。自幼酷爱绘画,15岁便有作品入选黑龙江省美展。创作初以西画为主,后主攻中国画,尤以人物飞禽 见长,格调清雅,生动传神,溶中西画为1 炉,北派气势与南派灵秀兼备。
马玉岩1968年毕业于牡丹江轻工业学校工艺美术专业。历任牡丹江市工艺美术研讨 所设计员、副所长,牡丹江书画院创作室主任,二级美术师。现为中国美术家协会会员,黑龙江美术家协会理事、牡丹江市美术家协会主席、国家1 级美术师、世界收藏联合会书画委员会理事。自幼酷爱绘画,16岁便有作品入选黑龙江省画展。
创作初以西画为主,后兼作中国画,尤以人物飞禽 见长,格调清雅,生动传神,溶中西画于1 炉,北派气势与南派灵秀兼备。
多年来,马玉岩有100多件作品在省级以上发表或展出,其中《巨大鞭策》入选全国双庆美展和纪念毛泽东《在延安文艺座谈上的讲话》发表三十5 周年全国优秀作品展,地方 电视台介绍了这幅作品。《喜看神州处处春》和《给我和海迪阿姨照张像》入选第六届全国美术作品展、《腾风》入选95中国水墨画展、《晨霜》入选当代中国画名家约请 展、《幽林深处》和《四季猛虎图》入选第六届全国年画展、其中《幽林深处》获铜奖、《山泉》入选日本举办的中国画展、《清韵》入选韩国大田研墨画展、《高风图》入选海峡两岸美术观摩展,七件作品在省美展中获奖,三件作品在全国杯赛中获奖、《山鬼》于1993年获世界铜奖、《破晓》入选台湾举办的世界画展。1989年应邀赴日本举办联展,1993年应邀赴台湾参加中国当代国画大展。1997年和1998年两次应台湾中华水墨学会约请 赴台北举办个人画展,其中《破晓》被台北美协主席破格选入世界中西画大展,并因而 免费出版了《马玉岩画集》。1999年应邀赴俄罗斯访问,出版有《马玉岩画集》、《马玉岩油画集》、《中国美协会员精品画库——马玉岩》。2008年在荣宝斋举办画展。
据业内权威人士介绍,在中国美协举办的全国美展中,至今仅有4人的画虎作品获过奖项,马玉岩便是其中之1 。
1949年出生的马玉岩,4岁时生母病逝,随养母由辽宁铁岭搬到了黑龙江省牡丹江。当小学教师的养母,对马玉岩疼爱有加,从4岁起就买了1 块小黑板教他写字、画画。或许 天生是块画画的料,马玉岩1 天到晚总是在那里画个不停,家中的瓶瓶罐罐成了他临摹的道具。上小学后,马玉岩成了班里的绘画尖子;上初中时,成了学校墙报板报的专业美术编辑;上牡丹江二轻工业学校美术班时,他的工笔国画《半工半读育新人》入选了黑龙江省美展。
1968年,马玉岩中专毕业,被分配到牡丹江树脂厂当工人,看到车间有1 面空白的墙,他利用两天专业 时间画了1 幅《毛主席在北戴河》的油漆画,抽象 生动、逼真,立即在工厂引发 轰动。很快他被调到了厂政工组当美工。这使他如鱼得水。上班画画,上班 也画画,学画如饥似渴,临摹名人作品经常入迷,1 画就是1 个通宵。“技不恒,巧能干 ;功之苦,拙可补”,马玉岩说到了也做到了。那段经历让他深入地了解了工人的生活,他的多幅反映工农兵生活的作品参展,获奖,被媒体报道。同时,也使他找到了步入绘画艺术殿堂的门径,为他日后创作积淀了深厚的底蕴。
1998年,马玉岩调入牡丹江书画院工作。凭借着西画的基本功,马玉岩很快就在国画创作上摸索出1 条适合本身 的路子。他潜心研讨 中国传统绘画,领悟中国画所寻求 的不同于西画的审美理念,通过研讨 历代名字的力作和在实践中不断磨炼,他的画风逐步 构成 ,作品外型 严谨,格调清雅,生动传神,意境深远,融中西画于1 炉,北派气势与南派灵秀兼备。
1 次偶然的机会,马玉岩选择了画虎。那是在全国第六届美展时,辽宁画家冯大中的《初雪》让他动情。他想,1 个辽宁画家能画那么优秀的虎作品,而我们牡丹江有全国最大的养虎基地横道河子虎园,却找不到1 个优秀的画虎名家。以画动物见长的马玉岩深感不安,他暗暗发誓,必然 要把虎题材作为后半生努力探索的方向。为了画虎,他常到虎园去写生,不断地近距离观察,不断地深入感悟老虎的性格 、画了大量的速写草图。渐渐地,他提笔画虎,愈来愈 得心应手,好像看得见老虎在面前跃动,对虎的表情变化、动作习气 、皮毛褶折等纤细 波动,都笔追心记,烂熟于心。他以虎为师,不嚼别人嚼过的馍,1 次次地探索,终究 走出1 条属于本身 的道路。
如今,他笔下的猛虎形神兼备。特别在背景处理上,他1 反前人画奇石古松、飞泉浩月的技法,更多地去表现东北常见却没人留意 的春暖草荣、山朗林绿的生机之感和冰封霜染、风劲叶黄的苍茫冷峻之势,自此在众多画虎画家中脱颖而出。

Introduction to the artist

Ma Yuyan, male, hall of date male wind is master, unripe on Feburary 2, 1949, manchu, person of Liaoning iron mountain. From a child loves brushwork, 15 years old have work selected Heilongjiang saves the United States to exhibit. Give priority to with be being drawn on the west at the beginning of creation, main attack China is drawn after, blame with character beasts be good at, style elegant, vivid lifelike, picture of dissolve Chinese and Western is one furnace, boreal group imposing manner and south clique clever show has both.
Ma Yuyan was graduated from major of arts and crafts of school of peony river light industry 1968. Have successively held the posts of the member that institute of arts and crafts is designed, assistant director, courtyard of peony river painting and calligraphy writes room director, division of 2 class art. It is Chinese artist academician now, division of one class art, world collects chairman of association of artist of city of river of director of Heilongjiang artist association, peony, country director of council of federation painting and calligraphy. From a child loves brushwork, 16 years old have work selected Heilongjiang saves art exhibition.
Give priority to with be being drawn on the west at the beginning of creation, china holds concurrently to draw after, blame with character beasts be good at, style elegant, vivid lifelike, dissolve Chinese and Western is drawn at one furnace, boreal group imposing manner and south clique clever show has both.
Come for years, ma Yuyan has 100 to many work are published in provincial above or exhibit, among them " tremendous lash " Shuang Qingmei of selected whole nation is exhibited and commemorate Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary have an informal discussion " publish outstanding work of 35 years of whole nations to exhibit, the CCTV introduced this work. " happy event see China everywhere spring " and " to I and Haidia the aunt is illuminated piece picture " selected work of art of the 6th whole nation is exhibited, " Teng Feng " selected 95 China wash is exhibited, " morning frost " selected and contemporary China, 7 work are in the bear the palm in saving the beauty to exhibit, 3 work are in countrywide cup contest bear the palm, " hill ghost " won world copper award 1993, " dawn " the world art exhibition that selected Taiwan holds. Went to Japan to hold couplet to exhibit on invitation 1989, went to Taiwan to attend Chinese contemporary traditional Chinese painting to be exhibited greatly on invitation 1993. Mixed 1997 answered twice 1998 Chinese ink of Taiwan China water learns to invite go to Taipei to hold individual art exhibition, among them " dawn " by Taipei beauty assist chairman abnormality chooses picture of world Chinese and Western to be exhibited greatly, because this is free,published " Ma Yuyan draws volume " . Went to Russia visit on invitation 1999, publish have " Ma Yuyan draws volume " , " collect of Ma Yuyan canvas " , " Chinese beautiful association member high-quality goods draws a library -- Ma Yuyan " . Art exhibition was held in Rong Baozhai 2008.
Introduce according to personage of the authority inside course of study, in Chinese beauty assist held countrywide beauty is exhibited in, up to now only the work drawing a tiger of 4 people obtains overpraise, ma Yuyan is among them one of.
The Ma Yuyan that was born 1949, strange mother dies of illness when 4 years old, moved Heilongjiang to save peony river by Liaoning iron mountain along with foster mother. When the foster mother of elementary school teacher, be very fond of to Ma Yuyan have add, bought a small blackboard to teach him to write since 4 years old, picture. Inherent perhaps the makings that is a picture picture, ma Yuyan from morning till night always draws ceaseless over, the bottle container canister in the home became the stage property of his copy. Go up after elementary school, ma Yuyan became the painterly the best of its kind in the class; Go up when junior high school, became school wall newspaper the professional art of board newspaper edits; Go up peony river when class of art of school of 2 light industry, traditional Chinese painting of his traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail " part-time Yo new personality " selected Heilongjiang province beauty is exhibited.
1968, technical secondary school of equestrian jade cliff graduates, be allocated factory of peony river colophony becomes a worker, see the workshop has one side blank wall, he used two days of off hours to draw " Chairman Mao wears a river in north " oily lacquer painting, image is vivid, clear, cause sensation in the factory instantly. Very fast he is moved to factory political work section when art design. This makes his feel just like a fish in water. Picture going to work, come off work to also be drawn, learn to draw eagerly, copy celebrity work often enchanted, brushstroke is an all night. "Ability not constant, artful incapacity; The suffering of result, clumsy can fill " , respecting of equestrian jade cliff also accomplished. That paragraph of experience let him know the worker's life deep, the work ginseng that his many report workers lives is exhibited, bear the palm, by media coverage. In the meantime, also make he found the way that enters painterly and artistic hall, create in the future for him accumulated solid inside information.
1998, ma Yuyan transfers into courtyard of peony river painting and calligraphy works. Depending on the basic skill that draws on the west, ma Yuyan is very fast on creation of traditional Chinese painting fumble the way that gives to suit his. His with great concentration studies Chinese tradition is painterly, comprehend China to draw what what go after to be different from the aesthetic concept that draws on the west, the master piece that carries name of research past dynasties and ceaseless in practice training, his picture wind is formed gradually, work model is compact, style elegant, vivid lifelike, artistic conception is far-reaching, chinese and Western of be in harmony is drawn at one furnace, boreal group imposing manner and south clique clever show has both.
Accidental opportunity, ma Yuyan chose to draw a tiger. That is to be in when the 6th beauty of countrywide is exhibited, of Liaoning painter Feng Dazhong " Chu Xue " let his become enamoured. He thinks, painter of a Liaoning can draw so outstanding tiger work, and our peony river has horizontal stroke of the throughout the country's biggest the base that raise a tiger path river child Hu Yuan, cannot find an outstanding a person of academic or artistic distinction that draw a tiger however. Feel in order to draw the equestrian jade cliff of animal be good at disturbed, he pledges secretly, must regard second half as to give birth to the way that effort explores tiger subject matter. To draw a tiger, garden of his haunt tiger goes sketchy, ceaselessly close quarters observation, the disposition that comprehends a tiger deep ceaselessly, drew many literary sketch sketch. Gradually, he carries strokes tiger, more and more handy, seem to look so that see the tiger is jumped before to move, to the expression of the tiger plait of habit of change, movement, fur is folded wait for subtle wave motion, the pen chases after a heart to write down, know sth thoroughly at the heart. He is division with the tiger, do not chew the steamed bun that others has chewed, the ground is explored, walk out of a road that belongs to oneself eventually.
Nowadays, the spirit of fierce tiger body of his the wording and purpose of what one writes has both. Special go up in setting processing, he turns over forefathers to paint the ability way of month of grand of strange Shi Gusong, cliffside spring, go morely behaving northeast common however nobody notices spring the feeling of warm careless flourish, Shanlanglin's green opportunity of survival and icebound frost are caught, wind is strong the situation of vast Leng Jun of Xie Huang, show itself in the numerous painter that draw a tiger from this.



