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孟禄丁 - 纯化语言的“公案”与孟禄丁的绘画

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 孟禄丁 (1962.12—)北京人。生于河北保定市。擅长油画。 1979-1983年就读于地方 美术学院 附中。1983-1987年就读于地方 美术学院油画系,毕业后留校任教于地方 美术学院油画系第四画室。1990 就读于德国卡斯鲁赫国立美术学院,1992年移居美国,1993 任教于美国理德学院,1989成为中国美术家协会会员,1993作为评委参加“中国油画双年展”(中国美术馆)北京,1985获“国际青年年美展”鼓励奖,1987获“地方 美术学院双年展”奖,1993获“中国油画双年展”特别荣誉奖。



1986:四国古代 艺术展 巴黎, 法国

1987:北京国际艺苑第二届油画展(中国美术馆)北京,第1 届中国油画展(上海展览中心)


1989:中国古代 艺术展(中国美术馆)北京,古代 中国油画展 东京, 日本, Werner Melleting Gallery 科隆, 德国

1991:“I Don’t Want to Play Card with Cezanne” Pacific Asia Museum,美国亚太博物馆,洛杉矶U.S.A, “Her-i-tage, an Exhibition of Art by Asian Americans”西雅图U.S.A

1992 :Denise Amato Gallery, Portland U.S.A, 纽约国际艺术博览会 New York U.S.A


1998:ESLawrence Gallery, Aspen, U.S.A

2005:没。关系,艺术展(南京博物院-古代 艺术馆)




 2008年 参加“意派:中国‘抽象’艺术三十年” (la Caixa Forum 美术馆) 巴塞罗那和马德里,西班牙。

2008年 “Chinese Abstract Art in Last 30YearsatLaCaixaForum,BarcelonaandMadrid,Spain

2006年 参加“1978年以来中国大陆油画”(台北市立美术馆)。

2006年 “The Oil Painting of Mainland China since 1978” at Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taiwan

1993年 参加“中国油画双年展” (中国美术馆)北京。

1993年 “China Oil Painting Biennial Exhibition” at the National Museum of Art, Beijing

1991年 参加“I Don’t Want to Play Card with Cezanne” (亚太博物馆)洛杉矶,美国。

1991年 “I don’t Want to Play Cards with Cezanne” at Pacific Asia Museum, Pasadena, USA

1989年 参加“中国古代 艺术展”(中国美术馆)北京。

1989年 “China/Avant-garde Exhibition” at National Art Museum, Beijing

1988年 参加“中国油画人体艺术大展”(中国美术馆)北京。

1988年 “Oil Painting Exhibition of Human Body” at the National Museum of Fine Arts, Beijing

1987年 参加“第1 届中国油画展”(上海展览中心)。

1987年 “The First Chinese OilPaintingExhibitionatShanghaiExhibitionCenter,Shanghai

1985年 参加“国际青年年美展” (中国美术馆)北京。

1985年 “Exhibition for International Year of YouthattheNationalMuseumofArt,Beijing


 《在新时代――亚当.夏娃的启示》,《红墙》、《火把节》、《乐音 》、《元》、《背景》《足球》系列,《生灵》,《乐音 》,《外壳》,《家庭》,《元态》系列,《零》系列,《元化》系列。发表论文有 《纯化的过程》、《荒诞、体验》、《不可回避》。




 孟禄丁是二十世纪八十年代的代表画家之1 ,作品《在新时代-亚当夏娃的启示》作为85美术运动的开篇之作被记载史册。他的表现主义风格的作品:《足球》。

孟禄丁至今次要 从事抽象艺术的创作和研讨 ,是当代具有开拓性的抽象风格画家。

Introduction in English

 Meng Luding (1962.12 -) is from Beijing. Born in Baoding City, Hebei Province. Good at oil painting. From 1979 to 1983, he studied in the middle school attached to the Central Academy of Fine Arts. From 1983 to 1987, he studied in the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. After graduation, he stayed at the Fourth Studio of the Oil Painting Department of the Central Academy of Fine Arts. He studied at the National Academy of Fine Arts in Karluch, Germany in 1990, emigrated to the United States in 1992, taught at Ride College in the United States in 1993, became a member of the Chinese Artists Association in 1989, participated in the "Chinese Oil Painting Biennial Exhibition" (Chinese Art Museum) in Beijing as a judge in 1993, won the "International Youth Year Art Exhibition" encouragement prize in 1985 and the "Central Art" in 1987. The Academy Biennial Award was awarded the Special Honorary Award of the Chinese Oil Painting Biennial in 1993.


Enlightenment of Adam Eve in the New Age, Red Wall, Torch Festival, Noise, Yuan, Background, Football Series, Life, Noise, Shell, Family, Yuanwei Series, Zero Series, Yuanhua Series. Published papers include The Purification Process, Absurdity, Experience and Inevitability.


Monroedin's works are collected in museums and private collections.


Monroedin is one of the representative painters in the 1980s. His work "The Revelation of Adam and Eve in the New Age" is recorded as the first work of the 85 Art Movement. His expressionist style: Football.


Monroe Ding is a pioneering contemporary painter of abstract style, mainly engaged in the creation and research of abstract art.



