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傅文淑(曾用名傅宗郁),女,生于1924年7月,四川岳池县人。1948年毕业于武昌艺术专科学校,1950年3月参加工作,1953年12月加入中国共产党。1950年3月至1950年8月,在重庆赣江中学任美术教师;1950年8月至1954年12月,在重庆渝女师任美术教师、班主任;1954年12月至1956年6月,在重庆市1 师任美术教师、班主任;1956年6月至1985年,在四川省美术家协会前后 任机要秘书、美术创作人员;1985年11月退休,2006年7月改为离职疗养 。
傅文淑同志生前次要 从事版画、油画创作。
版画作品《晨》《打神》《化妆》《上学》《小岗哨》(抗日烽火组画之1 )等参加全国及省、市美展,并被选送法国、日本、美国、德国等国家展出。其中《打神》获四川省优秀作品奖;《早》1986年获5 省联展优秀奖。版画作品入编《四川版画选》《中国新兴版画5 十年全集 》《中国版画作品选》《中国版画家作品选》《中国古代 美术全集·版画全集》等大型画集。

Introduction to the artist

Fu Wenshu (ever used a Fu Zongyu) , female, was born in July 1924, person of county of pool of Sichuan high mountain. Was graduated from training school of fierce prosperous art 1948, had a job in March 1950, joined a Chinese Communist in December 1953. Came in March 1950 August 1950, art teacher holds the post of in middle school of river of Chongqing another name for Jiangxi Province; Came in August 1950 in December 1954, in Chongqing change female division holds the post of art teacher, classmaster; Came in December 1954 in June 1956, in Chongqing city one division holds the post of art teacher, classmaster; Came in June 1956 1985, in Sichuan province artist association holds the post of confidential secretary, art to create staff early or late; Emeritus in November 1985, instead left his post in July 2006 recuperate.
Comrade Fu Wenshu basically is engaged in woodcut, canvas creating before one's death.
Woodcut work " morning " " make a mind " " make up " " go to school " " small lookout post " (one of pictures of group of the balefire that fight day) etc attend beauty of the whole nation and province, city to exhibit, be chosen to send the country such as France, Japan, United States, Germany to exhibit. Among them " make a mind " obtain Sichuan to save outstanding work reward; " early " obtained 5 provinces couplet to exhibit outstanding award 1986. Woodcut work is entered make up " Sichuan woodcut is chosen " " Chinese burgeoning woodcut 50 years of anthology " " Chinese woodcut work is chosen " " work of Chinese woodcut home is chosen " " complete works of woodcut of · of complete works of Chinese modern art " wait for large picture collect.
Canvas work includes still life, character, landscape, tonal and lively massiness. Art gallery was saved to hold individual canvas to exhibit in Sichuan 1995, " peach " " violet kite is beautiful " attend congress of woman of the 4th world to be held in Beijing " work of Chinese female artist is exhibited " , Guangzhou " work of home of female painting and calligraphy of 95 years of China is exhibited " . Many work are collected by lover of China and foreign countries.
Had the honor to win Sichuan to save article couplet to issue 1993 " pursue literary job 40 years honorary award " ; Had the honor to win Sichuan to save article couplet to issue 2003 " pursue literary job 50 years honorary award " . Achievement loads " collect of Chinese literary handed down from the older generations of the family " " Chinese woman blue book " " blue book of Chinese contemporary artist " " dictionary of Chinese-English of home of book review of Chinese contemporary artist " " sea of China character demit " wait for a book.



