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徐纯中,1947年生于上海,浙江镇海人。美国洛杉机加州大学毕生 教授,美国宝尔博物馆顾问,原复旦大学和上海大学教授,上海炎黄画院院长,地方 美术学院硕士,日本东京艺术大学博士,美国注册建筑师,即将在太湖湖畔投资40亿元兴修 的大型太空主题公园总设计师。如今 回国任教于东华大学(原中国纺织大学)。在世界艺术史,文物史,比较文明 学等研讨 上很有成就 。多次举办中外画展,并获美国,日本欧洲大奖,发表著作论文多种。
1969年,因在《红旗》杂志上,与陈逸飞共同发表水粉画《金训华》而出名 。
1972年到北京学国画,师从关山月周思聪杨之光等大家,并以《爱之海》等国画入选全国美展。在地方 美院取得硕士学位后,徐纯中考入日本东京艺术大学,专攻艺术和东方文物学。留日期间,他创立“徐纯中画室”,教百余名日本人学画。
1996年,徐纯中来到了洛杉矶加州大学,并留校任教至今。期间,他多次举办中外个人画展并获得数十种国际大奖,如日本首相奖、美国州长奖、帕沙迪纳奖和 “世界5 千艺术家”奖等。徐纯中还被邀加入美国油画会、艺术家联盟等重要主流艺术协会,并出任美国炎黄艺术家协会的会长。
2001年“9·11”事件发生后,徐纯中仅用了8天的时间便赶制出了3幅巨制油画,赠送给当地政府。这些作品迅速被印成了宣扬 画和明信片出售。义卖所得600多万美元全部捐赠给了纽约的受害者家属。媒体及社会各界对这3幅作品和 作者本人都给予了极高的评价,美国众议院和红十字会授予徐纯中“美国英雄”的称号。这个称号,在美国历史上是第1 次被庄严地授予了一位 华人。
徐纯中前后 为施瓦辛格、史泰龙、威尔·史密斯、布鲁斯·威利斯、汤姆·汉克斯、迈克尔·道格拉斯等明星画过肖像画。此外,他还受中国政府拜托 为英女王登基50周年绘制了女王夫妇的肖像画;前美联储主席格林斯潘的办公室里,也挂着徐纯中为他创作的肖像画。宋美龄105岁的时候,徐纯中给她画了两幅肖像,分别是100岁和35岁的宋美龄。当时,宋美龄看后非常高兴,她在旁人的搀扶下,亲笔写了感谢信,还特地在本身 的1 张照片上签字赠与徐纯中。
2009年创作巨画《抗震救灾,万众一心 》,表达本身 的内心感受。发表巨幅作品以号召身边的华人华侨积极 捐款。

次要 作品
反映华人参加南北和平 的作品《辫子刘》
《抗震救灾,万众一心 》系列国画
其他著名作品相当多没法 逐一 详列
被美国众议院授于了“美国英雄”称号奖,这是美国历史上第一名 华裔,他用本身 的画笔为“911”后艰难的美国民众打了1 针安抚剂
2009年被“南方报业集团”在全国网络评选为“中国十大精英”之1 ,同年上海国际艺术节和市侨办主办“徐纯中画展”,次要 展出近50幅中国历史油画。
联合国2010年将发行1 套以徐纯中作品为主题的系列邮票

Introduction to the artist

In Xu Chun, was born at Shanghai 1947, zhejiang presses down sea person. University of California of machine of fir of American the name of a river in Shaanxi and Henan provinces is taught personally eventually, museum of American treasure Er is advisory, former Fudan University and Shanghai university are taught, dean of courtyard of Shanghai phlogistic Huang Hua, master of central academy of fine arts, doctor of university of Japanese Tokyo art, american Registered Architect, be about to be in too the total stylist of park of theme of large outer space that lake lakefront invests 4 billion yuan of build. Go back to the motherland now teach Yu Donghua university (university of former China spin) . Alive bound is artistic history, cultural relic history, there is attainment very much on the research such as article chemistry quite. Hold art exhibition of China and foreign countries for many times, obtain the United States, japanese Europe large award, publish book paper a variety of.
The Great Master in Xu Chun follows to learn a picture from father as a child, its work gets namely when 5 years old of Song Qingling praise, holding individual art exhibition in Shanghai, national vice-chairman Song Qingling allows to be its autograph personally when, began artistic life from now on. After motion of go and work in the countryside and mountain areas begins, he is sent upgrade sea to esteem bright farm jump the queue.
1969, because be in " red flag " on the magazine, fly to publish gouache jointly with Chen Yi " Jin Xunhua " and famed.
Learned traditional Chinese painting to Beijing 1972, master wait for everybody from month closing hill, Zhou Saicong, Yang Zhiguang, and with " the sea of love " wait for traditional Chinese painting beauty of selected whole nation is exhibited. After centrally beautiful courtyard obtains master's degree, university of Japanese Tokyo art is taken an examination of in Xu Chun, specialize in art and Oriental cultural relic to learn. During taking day, he founds " the atelier in Xu Chun " , teach more than 100 Japanese to learn a picture.
1996, university of los angeles California came in Xu Chun, stay school teach up to now. During, he holds art exhibition of individual of China and foreign countries for many times and obtain tens of planting international large award, be like Japanese premier award, American bey award, handkerchief award of Sha Di accept and " 5000 artists of world " award. Still be invited to mix American oil painting in Xu Chun the society of art of fundamental main trend such as alliance of meeting, artist, take up the post of the chairman of association of home of art of American phlogistic Huang Yi.
2001 " 9 · 11 " after incident happening, the time that 8 days used only in Xu Chun is driven make gave 3 gigantic make canvas, give local government. These work are imprinted quickly into poster and postcard to sell. 600 much dollars tax gain of sale of work entirely the victim family member that sent new York. Media and social all circles gave extremely high opinion to these 3 work and him author, american Boule and Red Cross award Xu Chun in " American hero " title. This title, be in the United States is first time was awarded a Chinese by sacred ground on the history.
The Xin Ge that use watt, Shi Tailong, Weir Smith, Bruce · is early or late in Xu Chun Weilisi, Tom Hankesi, . In addition, he still suffers Chinese government to entrust for flower queen ascend the throng 50 years of scale the portraiture of queen couple; Before beautiful couplet store in the office of chairman Gelinsipan, also hanging the portraiture that creates for him in Xu Chun. Song Meiling is 105 years old when, two portrait were painted to her in Xu Chun, it is 100 years old of Song Meiling with 35 years old respectively. At that time, after Song Meiling looks very glad, she is in of other people support sb with hand below, the holograph wrote acknowledgment letter, return specially to sign on a piece of his photograph in donative Xu Chun.
Went back to the motherland to teach in institute of spin of Dong Hua university 2005.
Produced gigantic picture 2009 " aseismatic provide disaster relief, unity is strength " , the heart that conveys oneself is experienced. Publish gigantic a work with the Chinese overseas Chinese beside the appeal eagerly contribution.

Main work
Fly with Chen Yi close achieve " Jin Xunhua "
The work that reflects a Chinese to enter battle of north and south " braid Liu "
Horse but · pineapple sees Yuan Shizu Hu Bilie
Zheng He's fleet arrives at Africa
" aseismatic provide disaster relief, unity is strength " series traditional Chinese painting
Other and famous work is many cannot one by one detailed row
3 achievement reach honor
Ever flew with Chen Yi collaboration " Jin Xunhua " fame big a confusion of voices, publication of red flag magazine sends back cover page, appeal the people of the whole country learns to him jointly, and issue a stamp commemorate in order to this
The Song Meiling when Ceng Wei is 105 years old paints portrait
Biennially suffers invite for Zeda Jones picture
Ever was Bush's president, the celebrity picture such as Gelinsipan
Ceng Chuang makes Yi Lisha the effigies of white empress and infante of phenanthrene benefit general goes to Ying Lun as Guo Liyuan
Was awarded by American Boule " American hero " name prize, this is the first foreign citizen of Chinese origin, he is with his paintbrush " 911 " hind hard American people hit stitch to pacify an agent
2009 by " southern group signing up for course of study " choose in countrywide network for " 10 old elite of Chinese " one of, section of art of international of Shanghai of of the same age and city live abroad do sponsor " the art exhibition in Xu Chun " , basically exhibit canvas of history of nearly 50 China.
U.N. will issue a series stamp that gives priority to a problem with the work in Xu Chun 2010
2012 dragon year the Spring Festival, u.N. publishs 6 histories in Xu Chun to draw thematic stamp, first days are sealed and postcard of postage of the canvas in Xu Chun of national post office.
Went to United States Congress and U.N. to do individual art exhibition 2012, win parliament " Atemisi " artistic award.



