刘彦,女,汉族,1963年2月生,吉林人。大学学历。第六届宁夏美协主席团委员,油画艺委会委员,油画学会理事。自治区文联组联部副主任。多次策划组织宁夏女性艺术家作品展。作品入选第三届油画展、中国穆斯林海湾六国巡展、第七届民运会美展、首届齐白石国际文明 节、李苦禅艺术馆开馆暨全国中国画提名展、第六届西部大地情画展。在上海油画雕塑院画廊举办个人油画作品展。
Liu Yan, female, the Han nationality, unripe in Feburary 1963, jilin person. University record of formal schooling. The 6th Ningxia is beautiful assist presidium committee member, canvas art appoint conference committee member, canvas learns director. Vice director of department of couplet of group of municipal article couplet. Engineer work of artist of constituent Ningxia female to exhibit for many times. Work is selected 6 states patrol exhibits bay of Moslem of the 3rd oily art exhibition, China, beauty of meeting of the 7th civil transport is exhibited, artistic house opens Cultural Festival of international of first Qi Baishi, Li Kuchan house and countrywide China are drawn. Individual canvas work is held to exhibit in gallery of courtyard of Shanghai canvas sculpture.