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邓元昌(1939.—)四川双流人。擅长油画。1961年毕业于北京艺术学院美术系油画专业。历任地方 民族大学美术系油画教研室主任,硕士研讨 生工作室副主任、导师。作品有《血沃中原肥劲草》、《青春》、《新疆女》和重彩画《安详曲》、《钟馗嫁妹》等。
兼任中国书专业书法课。为中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员、中国古代 书法学会副秘书。传略收入《中国当代艺术界名人录》、《中国当代书画家名人大辞典》等辞书。其油画及重彩作品多次参加国内外展览、获奖和被收藏。自幼爱好书法,临习多种书体,其中尤喜隶书(张迁碑)、行草(米芾)和金文,并在此基础结合古代 审美观念;和视觉效果创作古代 书法。参加1985年在北京举办的古代 书法首展、古代 书法十人展等。
邓元昌——1961年毕业于北京艺术学院美术系油画专业。从师卫天霖吴冠中等先生。以学习成绩第一位 留校任教。“文革”前艺术院校调整,该校解散,1965年调入26中任美术老师。1981年调入地方 民族大学美术系。99年退休前任油画教研室主任,硕士研讨 生导师。现为中国美术家协会和中国书法家协会会员。
1983年他曾以26中1 些老师为模特,创作1 幅油画《学校里的顶梁柱——中年教师图》。是这样1 批老师顶起了在“文革”中被糟蹋不堪的学校教学的大梁。这幅画在当年《光明日报》主办的“全国优秀美术作品奖”画展中获了奖。您若细看,尚能分辨出所画是谁。光阴荏苒,当年所画的老师和邓老师1 样,都早已退休了。但他们“虔诚 党的教育事业’’的精神形态 似还留在画幅中。

Introduction to the artist

Deng Yuanchang (1939. , ) Sichuan double banish a person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from art of Beijing artistic institute to fasten canvas major 1961. Having successively held the posts of art of central nation university is director of canvas staff room, vice director of atelier of Master graduate student, adviser. Work has " blood fat interest of fertile Central Plains is careless " , " green " , " Xinjiang daughter " draw with heavy colour " unruffled music " , " Zhong Kui is married younger sister " etc.
Hold class of calligraphy of Chinese book major part-time. For Chinese artist academician, Chinese calligrapher academician, China contemporary calligraphy learns assistant secretary. Biography brief income " blue book of group of Chinese contemporary art " , " big dictionary of celebrity of home of Chinese contemporary painting and calligraphy " wait for dictionary. Its canvas and heavy colour work attend for many times domestic and international exhibition, bear the palm and be collected. From a child likes calligraphy, face review a variety of chirography, be fond of official script especially among them (Zhang Qian tablet) , travel is careless (Mi Fei) with inscriptions on bronze, combine contemporary and aesthetic idea in this foundation; Create contemporary calligraphy with visual effect. Law head exhibits the contemporary book that attends to was held in Beijing 1985, 10 people exhibit contemporary calligraphy etc.
Deng Yuanchang -- was graduated from art of Beijing artistic institute 1961 is canvas major. Defend the Tian Lin, gentleman such as Wu Guanzhong from division. With studying result the first stays school teach. "Culture Revolution " before artistic school is adjusted, this school is disbanded, transferred into 1965 26 in hold the post of art teacher. Transferred into art of central nation university is fastened 1981. Director of staff room of canvas of 99 years of emeritus predecessor, adviser of Master graduate student. It is Chinese artist association and Chinese calligrapher academician now.
1983 he ever with 26 a few mediumer the teacher is model, create a canvas " the pillar in the school -- middleaged teacher pursues " . It is a batch of such teachers the top rose to be in " Culture Revolution " in the crossbeam of the school teacher and student that is can'ted bear by botch. This picture is in in those days " bright daily " sponsor " reward of work of countrywide fine art " award was won in art exhibition. You are like scrutiny, still can differentiate who is picture giving place. Time elapses quickly, the teacher that draws in those days and Mr. Deng are same, retired already. But they " the educational enterprise of faithful party ' ' psychosis is like in still staying in picture.



