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朱乃正 - 《回望昆仑-朱乃正西部油画写生笔迹

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朱乃正,男,1935年11月-2013年7月25日零时3分辞世,长年 77岁。,浙江省海盐县人。地方 美术学院教授。1958年毕业于地方 美术学院,受吴作人艾中信王式廓等先生指点 。1959年春分配到青海省工作,在青藏高原工作21年。期间历任青海省美术家协会副主席、青海省人大常委。师承吴作人艾中信王式廓诸先生,作品《春华秋实》1979年获第5 届全国美术展览三等奖,《国魂·屈原颂》1984年获第六届全国美术展览铜质奖。有《朱乃正素描集》。1980年调地方 美术学院任教。曾任省美术家协会副主席、地方 美术学院副院长。
现为,中国美术家协会理事、中国美术家协会油画艺术委员会委员、中国油画学会副主席、地方 美术学院学术委员会主任,全国政协委员。教授、博士研讨 生导师。作品多次在国内外展出,为国内外美术机构及个人收藏。
次要 作品有《新曼巴》、《金色的季节》、《春华秋实》、《青海长云》、《大漠》、《国魂—屈原颂》、《春雨》、《晴雪》、《爽秋》、《初夏》、《临春》、《归巢》、《冬至,春远乎?》、《5 月雪》、《最初 1 抹霞光》、《春风拂起》、《雨雪松云》等。曾于国内外展出、获奖并被收藏。此外,兼擅书法与水墨画。
出版有《朱乃正素描选》、《朱乃正作品选》、《朱乃正水墨百图》、《朱乃正小型油画风景选》、《朱乃正60小书画》、德国出版《SIGNATUR》签名画册、《朱乃正素描作品全集 》、《当代巨匠系列125—朱乃正》、《朱乃正品艺录》、《朱乃正素描集》等。


朱乃正出生于江南,学成于京华,又经过青海二十多年的砥砺磨炼。钟灵毓秀与豪放朴厚对立统1 奇妙融和,培养 出独1 无二的朱乃正。是青海的高天厚土,大山大水,给乃正这位江南才俊展示 出高旷、雄壮 、苍莽无垠之境界;是青海绝对 木讷朴拙的民风,给乃正这位美院高足以粗犷、质朴、真诚而豪放的感受;是青海悠久深远的昆仑文明 ,给乃正这位学兼中西的智者提供了发醇酿造融会贯通的学问 底蕴。是青海,以她博大的襟怀 ,接纳、拥抱了一名 受伤的赤子,奉献出一名 成熟的艺术大家。青海之于乃正,犹如新疆之于王蒙。可以说,没有新疆二十年,就没有今日之文坛大家王蒙;没有青海二十年,就没有今日之画坛鬼手美术通才朱乃正
内地研讨 朱乃正及其艺术的作者与媒体动辄习气 于大肆渲染朱乃正在青海时期的苦难,感动而慨之,大发谈论 。朱乃副本 人却从不反刍往昔的艰辛遭遇 ,他时常感念青海真朴实诚宽和敦厚的情义,曾多次诚挚地庆幸而言:“多亏当年到了青海,毕生 受用不尽!”乃重视 青海为他的第二故乡。青海父老也没有遗忘 他,青海人以我们高原曾经陶铸了朱乃正这样的大艺术家而引以为荣。
他自1962年至今四十多年中,相继面世的数十幅精品力作。《5 月星光下》《金色的季节》《第1 次出诊》《让革命骑着骏马前进》《春华秋实》《青海长云》《大漠》《长河》《爽秋》《晴雪》《国魂———屈原颂》《冬至,春远乎?》《归巢》《陇原寂寂》《风卷山雪》等历属全国性美展参展、获奖作品,都在不同时期产生过较大影响,观众注视 ,艺坛悦服。多数已收藏 于中国美术馆或其他高格堂馆,成为国家级艺术收藏 品。奠定了朱乃正作为中国油画界领军人物之1 的学术地位。
1995年,乃正六十初度,在北京中国美术馆举办《朱乃正六十小书画展》。七年以后 的2002年,举办《回望昆仑———朱乃正西部油画写生笔迹》专题画展。展出作品,全部是大不盈尺,小可方寸的袖珍精品。在美术界推崇“古代 观念”故作玄奥之风日炽,甜俗贪大浅薄空泛之风日盛的当今,朱乃正两次展出的小幅写生作品,犹如1 颗颗耀眼的珍珠,熠熠生辉,光彩夺目,振聋发聩。美术界似乎蓦然“发现”了风景写生的魅力,蓦然“发现”了真实视觉形状 造化之美,似乎蓦然唤醒了人类共有的心智、情感与哲思之审美本能。久背 了的观众热情赞誉,与某些时尚画展构成 强烈对比。


朱乃正的油画写生,大多表现青藏高原、黄土高原上西部人寻常生息的雪野、草原、山丘、田陌与村落,绝少旅游图片式的奇特地貌名胜风光。画面景物普通 都相当单纯、平淡、自然,但表现十分丰富,概括而不单调。挥洒由之,放收有度,精妙传神的地方 1 丝不苟。画幅很小而气势、境界至大。可远观可细读,意趣盎然,包含 丰厚,观众能从审美享用 的兴奋中进而获得深层人生感悟。

朱乃正的水墨画,于中国画传统融入西画色光空间感觉和古代 抽象构成理念,是放逸客观 情感神游遐思于深邃静心之途,积大道于心源随意生发之“造境”艺术。非具体时空某域名山胜水写照。在具象与抽象之间,与祖国山河神遇而迹化。超乎象外,得乎寰中,纵横捭阖,神韵 天成。是其心路历程别样形状 的抒发。


朱乃正学兼中西,情通雅俗,博观广取,厚积薄发。国学书、画、诗、印四全,西画精湛而闳深。乃正所作篆刻,印坛视为珍品。乃正为同道艺术家所撰序跋、诗文、楹联与尺牍信札,文辞典雅,情恳意挚,他对艺术的一孔之见 常闪烁其中。乃正之才华、勤奋与参悟认识 ,乃正在艺术领域触类旁通跨度之宽,探究之深,备受当代艺术界推重。
朱乃正油画艺术之盛名掩盖了他在书法、水墨画及篆刻、诗文方面的成就。其实,他在诸多领域的艺术成就 皆足与当行顶级专家比美。乃正自幼勤习书法,少小从颜鲁公发轫。得益于青海陋室之永夜 孤灯,诵碑读帖,面壁临池,意会辞章文彩 之妙,体悟披离点画之理。精研唐宋诸名家,由此上溯秦汉,下及明清,入于帖,出于碑,融会通悟独树一帜 。无方 家称道朱乃正书法“有帖学之和穆而去其纤,有碑学之雄放而去其犷。”乃正楷、草、篆、隶诸体皆擅,尤精行草。笔意萧洒 酣畅,龙蛇飞动,苍润有致,韵随情出。蕴音乐之旋律,诗画之意境。

English Introduction

Zhu Naizheng, male, November 1935 -2013 year in July 25th 3 and died at the age of 77. Haiyan County, Zhejiang province. China Central Academy of Fine Arts professor. 1958 graduated from China Central Academy of Fine Arts, Wu Zuoren, Ai Zhongxin, Mr. Wang Shikuo guidance. 1959 spring assigned to work in Qinghai, Qinghai Tibet Plateau in 21 years. He has been vice chairman of Qinghai Artists Association and the Qinghai Provincial People's Congress Standing committee. From Wu Zuoren, Ai Zhongxin, Mr. Wang Shikuo, "works third-prize Chunhua" in 1979 by the fifth national art exhibition, "spirit of Qu Yuan song" in 1984 by the Sixth National Art Exhibition bronze award. Zhu Naizheng sketch set. 1980 transfer China Central Academy of Fine Arts teaching. Former vice chairman of the Provincial Artists Association, vice president of China Central Academy of Fine Arts.
Currently, director of Chinese Artists Association, member of China Artists Association Oil Painting Art Committee, vice president of Chinese oil painting society, director of Academic Committee of China Central Academy of Fine Arts, CPPCC National committee. Professor and doctoral tutor. His works have been exhibited at home and abroad for many times.
Zhu Naizheng's oil painting longer than characters, landscapes, works clever, poetic.
The main works are "new" and "Mamba golden season", "Chunhua", "Qinghai", "long cloud desert", "national spirit - Qu Song", "spring", "fine snow", "autumn", "cool summer", "the spring", "homing", "winter solstice spring, far? "," May snow "," the last sunset "," spring breeze blowing "," rain cloud "cedar etc.. Exhibited at home and abroad, winning and being collected. In addition, good at calligraphy and ink painting.
The publication of "Zhu Naizheng", "sketch of selected works of Zhu Naizheng", "Zhu Naizheng", "Zhu Naizheng small ink paintings of landscape painting", "Zhu Naizheng selected 60 small, painting and calligraphy" German publication "SIGNATUR" signature album, "zhunaizheng sketch anthology", "contemporary masters series 125 - Zhu Naizheng", "Zhu is genuine Yi Lu", "Zhu Naizheng" sketch etc..

Qinghai exercise
Zhu Naizheng was born in the south, come to JINGWAH, and after more than and 20 years of temper mill in Qinghai. Sau and uninhibited pro-trust unity of opposites and create wonderful, the one and only Zhu Naizheng. Is the sky and earth, the mountains of Qinghai to the south of the Yangtze River flood, it is talent show realm Gaokuang, powerful, boundless expanse of Qinghai is relatively stiff; sincere folk, to the Academy of fine arts is high enough to rough, simple, sincere and uninhibited feelings; Qinghai long profound Kunlun culture, provides Fermontation mastery of the knowledge foundation for brewing is the science and Western wisdom. Is Qinghai, with her broad mind to accept and to embrace an injured child, give a mature art. Yu Naizheng of Qinghai, as Xinjiang to Wang Meng. It can be said, not in Xinjiang for twenty years, not today's writer Wang Meng; no twenty years in Qinghai, there is no ghost in today's painting art generalist Zhu Naizheng.
The author of Zhu Naizheng and mainland art and media frequently used to hype Zhu Naizheng in Qinghai during the period of suffering, moved to 'talk a lot. Zhu Naizheng himself never hard to ruminate past, he often remember Qinghai really simple sincerity and wide and honest friendship, has repeatedly sincerely glad: "thanks to the year to Qinghai, not a lifetime!" Qinghai is his second home. Qinghai people did not forget him, we have found people in Qinghai plateau like Zhu Naizheng the great artist and proud.
Period of fame
He since 1962 more than and 40 years, dozens of works have been published. "May" starlight "golden season" and "the first time" visits "let the revolution riding a horse forward" "Chunhua" "Qinghai cloud" long "desert" the long river "" cool autumn "" fine snow "" National Spirit -- "Qu Song" winter solstice and the spring far? "" "" no "" homing Longyuan wind snow mountain "etc. calendar is a national art exhibition exhibitors, the winners have had a greater impact in different periods, the audience's attention, as Yue fu. The majority have been enshrined in the China art museum or other high Getang Museum, a national art treasures. Zhu Naizheng laid the academic position as one of the leading figures in China's oil painting circles.
The exhibition
In 1995 sixty, is the first book, "Zhu Naizheng held sixty exhibitions in Beijing China Art Museum". Seven years later, in 2002, held "back to Kunlun: Zhu Naizheng west oil painting handwriting" thematic exhibition. All the works on display, is not Ying Chi, small small pocket boutique. In the art world, praised the "modern idea" pretending to be mysterious the flaming, sweet and vulgar greedy big shallow pan empty increasing wind today, Zhu Naizheng two exhibition small painting works, is like a dazzling pearl, shiny, The brightness dazzles the eyes. great teaching. The art world suddenly seems to be "discovered" the charm of landscape painting, suddenly "discovered" the true nature of visual form beauty, seems to have suddenly awakened human common mental, emotional and philosophical aesthetic instinct. The audience warmly praised the long, sharp contrast with some fashion exhibition.

Zhu Naizheng's oil painting, mostly of the Tibetan Plateau, the Loess Plateau on the west, unusual snow, grassland, hills, fields and villages, rarely tourist pictures of the special landscape scenery scenic spot. Picture scenes are generally quite simple, flat, natural, but very rich performance, generalization and not monotonous. From the collection of sway, put, subtle and vivid strict in demands. The picture is very small, while the momentum to the realm. Distance can be read, interesting, rich, the audience can enjoy the excitement from the aesthetic and gain deep insights on life.
Zhu Naizheng's painting, Western painting from the traditional painting color space into China feeling and modern abstract composition concept, is open in the deep meditation reveries of subjective emotion Fugue path, plot the avenue to the germinal "cardiac free creation of art. Non specific space-time domain portrayal of a famous scenic mountains and rivers. Between figurative and abstract, and the motherland and the gods encounter and trace. Beyond the elephant, almost perpendicular and horizontal Huanzhong, charm Tiancheng. Is the mentality of different forms of expression.
But Zhu Zhengxue and western, feeling through refined, boguan wide, accumulate steadily. Ancient Chinese Literature Search books, painting, poetry, painting and print four, exquisite deep hong. It is made by carving, India altar as treasures. It was written by fellow artists, poems, couplets and letters and letters, Wenci elegant, feeling sincere heartfelt meaning of art, he often flashing the high perspicacity. It is the talent, diligence and Enlightenment consciousness, but is the art field would span wide, deep into the world of contemporary art, highly esteem.
The famous Zhu Naizheng painting art masks his calligraphy, painting and carving, poetry achievements. In fact, his artistic attainments in many fields both foot and top experts than do. But he is often learning calligraphy, little from the subject of beginning. Thanks to the Qinghai night of solitary cottage, chanting the monument read, wall art skill, tacit literary talent of the wonderful experience of Pili stippling. Research of various famous Tang and Song Dynasties, which began with the Qin and Han Dynasties, and the Ming and Qing Dynasties, into the post, for accommodating a monument, enlightenment. Present "Zhu Naizheng praised calligraphy calligraphy and Mourinho to the fiber, a male and the inscription to the Hong kong." Nai Zhengkai, grass, fragrance, various bodies are good at cursive, especially fine. With the swift movement of calligraphy, pale clear heartily, has caused a rhyme with love. In the music melody, poetry and artistic conception.



