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马汉跃,1959年生于山东微山,现居北京。别署澄园,斋号奇翼阁、养翼堂。师从沈鹏龙瑞等先生。中国作家协会会员,中国书法家协会会员,中国美术家协会会员,中国艺术研讨 工作委员会常务理事,中国书画博览主编,北京大学文明 与品牌战略研讨 所所长。曾组织策划《世纪风骨——中国当代艺术名家双年展》《艺术丰碑——当代中国画名家巨幅作品展》《全国中青年花鸟画二十家展》《全国中青年书法二十家展》《经藏——全国书法名家写经展》等多项国家级大型艺术展览。

次要 策展项目
2006年:参加地方 美术学院美术史与批评方法研修班。
2007年:组织策划《融合·消解——2007中国当代油画约请 展》。
2011年组织策划阿塞拜疆文明 艺术展
2012年:赴韩国参加第5 回中日韩国际书法展。
2012年——人民日报出版社艺术中心主任 。

次要 著作
长篇报告文学《永久 的河流》
《赠你1 朵春》
散文诗集《永久 的红果树》《不沉的舟》《蔷薇集》
诗集《论画诗1 百首》
电影《你是我的宝贝》担任出品人与制片人,由地方 电视台电影频道播出[5]

Introduction to the artist

Ma Hanyue, was born at Shandong small hill 1959, reside Beijing now. Fasten arrange settleclear garden, the cabinet of fast date strange ala, hall that raise a limb.
The gentleman such as division Cong Shenpeng, Long Rui. Chinese writer academician, chinese calligrapher academician, chinese artist academician, chinese art studies working committee is standing director, chinese painting and calligraphy reads extensively chief editor, beijing University culture and director of brand strategy institute. Ever organized a plan " century strength of character -- famous expert of Chinese contemporary art double year exhibit " " artistic monument -- a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now is tremendous work is exhibited " " picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of the youth in the whole nation is exhibited 20 times " " calligraphy of the youth in the whole nation is exhibited 20 times " " via hiding -- .

Main strategy exhibits a project
Participate in and attend activity of important international art
2005- - 2013: Picture of the credential in allowing reads extensively chief editor.
2006: Attend central academy of fine arts art history and critical method grind long class.
2007: The organization is engineered " shirt-sleeve · clear up -- 2007 China contemporary canvas invites exhibit " .
2007: Along with Chinese art high-level visit group visits Europe, the Dedangdaimei in attending art forum.
2008: The organization is engineered " affection of flourishing age harmony is an Olympic Games -- nomination of picture of character of traditional Chinese realistic painting characterized by fine brushwork and close attention to detail of Chinese nation amorous feelings is exhibited " .
2009, 2010; Member of class of task of calligraphy of atelier of Shen Peng of Chinese country imperial art academy.
2010: Go to Japan to attend calligraphy of Sino-Japanese Korea border to exhibit. [2]
2006---2012: The organization is engineered " century strength of character -- famous expert of Chinese contemporary art double year exhibit "
" artistic monument -- a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now is tremendous work is exhibited "
" picture of painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style of the youth in the whole nation is exhibited 20 times "
The organization engineered Azerbaijan culture art to exhibit 2011
" calligraphy of the youth in the whole nation is exhibited 20 times "
" classics Tibet -- countrywide calligraphy a person of academic or artistic distinction is written via exhibiting " wait for multinomial state level large and artistic exhibition.
2012: Go to Korea to attend calligraphy of Sino-Japanese Korea border the 5th times to exhibit.
2012---2013: Chinese country imperial art academy visits a scholar.
2012 -- director of center of art of People's Daily press. [3]
3 art are accomplished

Work of painting and calligraphy is published at " art signs up for " " calligraphy gazette " " teenage calligraphy signs up for " " Chinese art signs up for " wait for the press, for many times selected country step is important exhibit and be collected by the orgnaization of much home art such as domestic and international art gallery, museum. [4]
Main composing
Full length reportage " forever river "
Prosaic collect " so I am heard -- interview of artistic now a person of academic or artistic distinction records China " " listen attentively to "
" give you one spring "
Prose poem collect " forever the fruit of large Chinese hawthorn is cultivated " " not heavy boat " " rose collect "
Novel " much Er ceremonial dress for royalty " " the baby that you are me "
Calligraphy work collect " 3 taste a series of books -- Ma Hanyue coils "
Peotry anthology " the poem that mention a picture 100 "
The film " the baby that you are me " hold the position of manufacture person and producer, broadcast by CCTV movie channel [5]
Chief editor " Chinese painting and calligraphy reads extensively " " contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction " " a book on the art of drawing or painting of admire Wen Zhai " wait for collect of work of painting and calligraphy more than kinds 100.



