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文祯非 - 本位与追求—陈湘波、文祯非作品珠

2022-03-11 17:37:32




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1981年参加工作。1987年毕业于青海师范大学美术专业。2007年获得俄罗斯国立师范大学美术系油画专业硕士学位。现为深圳市关山月美术馆艺术总监。国家1 级美术师。油画作品多次参加国内外美术作品展览,并被多家专业美术机构及私人收藏。
2009年---2010年间分别在古元美术馆(珠海)、莞城美术馆(东莞)、广州美术学院美术馆(广州)、天津美术学院美术馆(天津)、徐悲鸿纪念馆(北京)、陕西省美术博物馆(西安)、摆布 美术馆(济南)、大芬美术馆(深圳)、深圳盖·画廊、深圳多道画廊和深圳艺廊等地举办《释---文祯非油画作品展》
2005年美术作品《逝·积雪》在《第5 届深圳画家画深圳》作品展中获优秀奖
2006年美术作品《逝·系列》参加《深圳、光阳敌对 城市交流展》韩国光阳美术馆
2007年美术作品《景境系列》参加《中国留先生 七人展》俄罗斯列宾美术学院美术馆
2008年美术作品《山谷》参加《第5 届广东中国画大展》
2009年美术作品《逝·系列》参加第5 届中国(深圳)文博会《对话》展
2009年美术作品《释·系列》参加《本位与寻求 》黑龙江美术馆展
2010年美术作品《释·系列》参加《对话---旅美、留俄油画家作品约请 展》
2010年美术作品《释·系列》参加《本位与寻求 》青岛美术馆展
2010年美术作品《释·系列》参加《全国美术馆画家作品约请 展》珠海古元美术馆和厦门美术馆展
美术作品多次发表在《美术》、《美术报》、《中国油画》、《艺术探索》、《中国当代艺术》、《美术界》、《国家美术》、《中国艺术》、《中国文明 报》、《文明 参考报》、《美术同盟》、《国际艺术》、《雅昌艺术网》和《东方美术网》等专业报刊及网站。
2007年深圳电视台制造 播放《文祯非油画作品赏析》;次年在地方 电视台书画频道播出;
美术评论《画我们本身 的画》发表在《中国油画》2010年第5期
美术评论《多元文明 背景下俄罗斯绘画对我们的启示》发表在《国家美术》2010年第10期
美术评论《民间美术中的古代 意义》发表在《广东艺术》2011年第2期

Introduction to the artist

Had a job 1981. Was graduated from major of art of Qinghai Normal University 1987. Obtained art of Russia state-maintaineding Normal University to fasten canvas major master's degree 2007. Close chief inspector of art of hill month art gallery for Shenzhen city now. Country division of one class art. Canvas work enters exhibition of work of domestic and international art for many times, be reached by orgnaization of many professional art private collect.
Hold exhibit
Was in the 2nd China 2006 (Shenzhen) Wen Bo can be held " Wen Zhen is not canvas work to exhibit "
2009---House of Gu Yuanmei art is in respectively between 2010 (Zhuhai) , Guan city art gallery (Dongguan) , art gallery of Guangzhou academy of fine arts (Guangzhou) , art gallery of Tianjin academy of fine arts (Tianjin) , Xu Beihong memorial hall (Beijing) , museum of Shaanxi province art (Xi'an) , or so art gallery---Wen Zhen is not canvas work to exhibit "
In American Washington gallery of Na Leci boat held post of city of 100 power Er 2011 " commentate---Wen Zhen is not canvas work to exhibit "
Held in Shenzhen university art gallery 2012 " walk -- Wen Zhen is not canvas to be made newly exhibit "
Attend group exhibit
2000 art work " message " attend " spring tide---Shenzhen art work is exhibited " exhibit in Chinese art gallery
2003 art work " die · rose " attend " art of the 2nd contemporary canvas of 2003 Guangdong is exhibited "
2004 art work " die · full moon " in " beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited- - work of Guangdong province art is exhibited " in win outstanding work award
2005 art work " die · firn " attend " art of the 3rd contemporary canvas of 2005 Guangdong is exhibited "
Wen Zhen is not
Wen Zhen is not
2005 art work " die · full moon " and " die. Empty hill " attend " the 18th times new personality makes Chinese artist society newly exhibit "
2005 art work " die · firn " in " painter of the 5th Shenzhen draws Shenzhen " work is exhibited in win outstanding award
2005 art work " lens condition " attend " the 2nd 2005 Han. Wash communication is exhibited in " Korea firm fast art gallery
2006 art work " die · series " attend " in Russian canvas is exhibited greatly "
2006 art work " die · series " attend " good city communication exhibits Shenzhen, Guang Yangyou " Korea Guangyang art gallery
2007 art work " commentate · series " attend " Shenzhen art work " Qinghai province museum is exhibited
2007 art work " half moon is mounted " attend " work of art of first Russia Chinese is exhibited " Russia emperor. Those gets fort
2007 art work " situation situation series " attend " 7 people exhibit Chinese student studying abroad " Russia lists guest art gallery of academy of fine arts
2008 art work " mirror " attend " Shenzhen international wash double year exhibit "
2008 art work " valley " attend " the traditional Chinese painting in the 5th Guangdong is exhibited greatly "
2008 art work " scenery " attend " in all blue sky of wash one's hair, achieve harmony in all- - Guangdong art charity creates a contest " the award that obtain copper
2009 art work " die · series " attend the 5th China (Shenzhen) Wen Bo is met " dialog " exhibit
2009 art work " commentate · series " attend " standard and pursuit " Heilongjiang art gallery is exhibited
2010 art work " put fly " attend " Shenzhen special economic zone builds work of 30 years of art to exhibit " Chinese art gallery is exhibited
2010 art work " die · white day " attend " the 6th China western earth affection, Chinese picture, canvas is exhibited "
2010 art work " commentate · series " attend " dialog---Work of home of brigade beauty, canvas leaving Russia invites exhibit "
2010 art work " commentate · series " attend " standard and pursuit " Qingdao art gallery is exhibited
2010 art work " commentate · series " attend " work of artist of countrywide art gallery invites exhibit " house of Gu Yuanmei art and Xiamen art gallery exhibit Zhuhai
Publish publish:
Art work is published in for many times " art " , " art signs up for " , " Chinese canvas " , " artistic exploration " , " China is artistic now " , " art group " , " national art " , " Chinese art " , " Chinese culture signs up for " , " culture.
Published on July 1, 2011 " commentate · Wen Zhen is not brushwork " , guangxi art publishing house;
Published Shenzhen artist to draw a library 2000 " Wen Zhen is not picture collect " ; [1]
Shenzhen TV station was made 2007 broadcast " Wen Zhen is not canvas work to admire analyse " ; Channel of painting and calligraphy of centrally TV station broadcasted second year;
Art is commented on " transparent demon " publish in " Shenzhen special zone signs up for " on June 15, 2000 6 edition
Art is commented on " understand Shi Hu " publish in " Shenzhen special zone signs up for " on July 19, 2000 7 edition
Art is commented on " steely life " publish in " art gallery of Guan Shan month 2001 ancient bronze mirror "
Art is commented on " the picture that paints ourselves " publish in " Chinese canvas " 2010 the 5th period
Art is commented on " multivariate brushwork of the Russia below culture setting is right our enlightenment " publish in " national art " 2010 the 10th period
Art is commented on " the present-day meaning in civilian art " publish in " Guangdong is artistic " 2011 the 2nd period



