项诚学(1954.2—)满族,辽宁康平人。擅长油画。1987年毕业于东北师范大学美术系油画专业。曾任内蒙古乌兰浩特市文明 馆副馆长、内蒙古兴安盟群众艺术馆美术工作部主任、内蒙古兴安盟美协副主席。现为大连火成艺术装潢 工程公司艺术总监。作品《桑都尔的十月》、《猛士》、《桑都尔的小院》、《静静的桑都尔河》、《悠远 的桑都尔》系列组画等作品入选全国美展。有作品被国内外收藏。
Xiang Cheng learns (1954.2, ) Manchu, liaoning Kang Ping's person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from art of northeast Normal University to fasten canvas major 1987. Ever held the post of Inner Mongolia black deputy curator of house of culture of city of Lan Hao spy, Inner Mongolia promotes An Mengqun head of department of work of art of numerous artistic house, Inner Mongolia promotes An Mengmei assist vice-chairman. Decorate engineering company artistic inspector general into art for Dalian fire now. Work " Sangdouer's October " , " brave warrior " , " small courtyard of Sangdouer " , " silent mulberry Dou Erhe " , " distant Sangdouer " beauty of selected whole nation exhibits the work such as series series picture. Work is collected domestic and internationally.