陈树东,1964年生,陕西西安人。前后 就读北京电影学院美术系、地方 美术学院油画系第十1 届研讨 生班、地方 美术学院全国美术院校教师解剖外型 高级研修班、地方 美术学院油画系材料表现工作室访问学者、地方 美术学院外型 艺术研讨 所油画高级创作研讨 班,师承靳尚谊、詹建俊、全山石、钟涵、韦启美、谢东明、朱乃正等老师。系中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会理事,全国青年艺术委员会委员,国家1 级美术师。现为中国人民武装警察部队政治部文艺创作室美术创作员,武警美术研讨 院美术创作研讨 员。2015年10月被中国文联、中国美协、中国美术馆部联合推举为全国美术界“深入生活、扎根人民”代表。
多次参加全国、全军性严重 美术作品展览并获奖。
曾荣获第十1 届全国美术作品展览银奖、第十届全国美术作品展览银奖、第三届全国青年美术作品展览优秀奖(最高奖)、全国第十四届“群星奖”美术创作奖(最高奖)、“2008-中国百家金陵画展(油画)金奖”、“研讨 与超越—第二届小幅油画展”优秀奖、纪念建国5 十周年全国美术作品展览优秀作品奖(最高奖)、纪念建党八十周年全国美术作品展览优秀作品奖(最高奖)、第六届全国体育美术作品展览银奖、庆祝中国人民解放军建军八十周年美术作品展览三等奖、第十届全军文艺新作品奖1 等奖、第九届全军文艺新作品奖二等奖、第十1 届全军文艺优秀作品奖美术类三等奖、纪念建军七十5 周年第十届全军美术作品展览优秀奖、庆祝中国人民解放军建军八十5 周年暨第十二届全军美术作品展览优秀作品奖、全军抗震救灾题材文艺作品评奖优秀作品奖(最高奖)等严重 奖项。
入选“中国美术之今日韩国展”、“古代 中国美术日本展”、“国家严重 历史题材美术创作工程作品展览”全国巡展、“第九届中国艺术节—中国风骨时代丹青全国优秀美术作品展”、“精神与品格—中国当代写实油画研讨 展”、第三届中国油画展、纪念反法西斯和平 胜利60周年国际艺术作品展、“党的光辉历程”全国美展、庆祝建国5 十周年作品展览、“翰墨丹心—向党的十七大献礼”全国美术书法精品展、世纪伟业—中国绘画艺术特展、“心系汶川”全国美展、“万众一心 —2008抗震救灾全国摄影美术书法特展”、中俄油画艺术交流展、纪念中蒙建交60周年油画展、“纪念开国元勋—1 代巨人 全国美术作品展”、巨人 脚印 油画写生作品展、“此景此情--大陆油画名家写生展”、庆祝新中国成立六十周年中国人民解放军美术书法精品港澳展、“庆祝深圳特区建立三十周年美术作品展”、纪念建军七十周年全军第九届美术作品展览、“亚运当代艺术展”、庆祝中国共产党成立90周年全国美术作品展、中国百家金陵画展获奖作品法国展(卢浮宫)、纪念“毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话”发表70周年全国美术作品展等重要展览。
部分作品、学术论文、创作随笔和艺术评论、作品点评、专题访谈等发表和刊登在《美术》、《美术观察》、《中国油画》、《文艺研讨 》、《中国艺术》等国家级艺术期刊和《人民日报》、《光明日报》、《中国文明 报》、《解放军报》、新华通讯社、地方 电视台等国家级主流媒体和 香港《大公报》、凤凰网等海外知名传媒。
曾前后 应邀赴意大利、德国、奥地利、比利时、法国、荷兰、西班牙等国对梵蒂冈美术馆、圣彼得大教堂、慕尼黑美术馆、布拉格国家美术馆、柏林博物馆岛国家美术馆、古罗马博物馆、梵高美术馆、伦勃朗故居博物馆、比利时皇家美术馆、卢浮宫、奥赛美术馆、毕加索美术馆、罗丹美术馆、蓬皮杜艺术中心、莫罗美术馆、索罗里亚美术馆等60余家国际著名的世界顶级美术馆、博物馆、大教堂进行艺术考察。
作品被中国美术馆、国家博物馆、军事博物馆、中国美术家协会、地方 美术学院、中国古代 文明 研讨 中心、国子监油画艺术馆、江苏美术馆、深圳美术馆等国家级权威艺术机构和国务院、地方 军委、中组部、中宣部、文明 部、国家体委、人民大会堂等地方 国家机关和 蒙古国政府、台湾台北美术馆等国家和地区收藏或悬挂。
1999.9至2001.7地方 美术学院油画系第十1 届研讨 生班;
2005.9至2005.11地方 美术学院全国美术院校教师解剖外型 高级研修班;
2006.9至2007.7地方 美术学院油画系材料表现工作室访问学者班;
2010.9至2012.6地方 美术学院外型 艺术研讨 所油画高级创作研讨 班;
油画《入城式》获“沃土中原——吾土吾民油画约请 展”优秀作品奖;
2013年油画《孙黄结盟》获“湖南百年”严重 历史题材美术创作工程作品展览三等奖;
2010年油画《杨家沟·十二月会议会址》获“研讨 与超越——第二届中国小幅油画展”优秀奖;
油画《入城式》获第十1 届全国美展银奖;
2007年油画《入城式》获文明 部全国第十四届美术书法摄影群星奖(美术)创作奖;
2006年油画《进城》获第十届全军文艺新作品奖1 等奖;
油画《和平 系列之三》获中国美术家协会第十八次新人新作展银奖;
油画《和平 之九》获第七届武警文艺奖荣誉奖;
2003年油画《和平 系列之二》获第三届中国油画展优秀奖;
2002年油画《攻城》获庆祝建军七十5 周第十届全军美展优秀奖;
1999年油画《中国第1 骑》获庆祝建国5 十周全国美展优秀奖;
Chen Shudong, unripe 1964, cc of short for Shaanxi Province brings a person. Reading canvas of faculty of art of Beijing film institute, central academy of fine arts early or late is eleventh teacher of school of art of whole nation of graduate student class, central academy of fine arts anatomizes modelling advanced grind canvas of long class, central academy of fine arts fastens material to behave atelier to visit canvas of institute of plastic arts of scholar, central academy of fine arts class of high creation research, the teacher such as stone of Shang Yi of division Cheng Jin, Zhan Jianjun, entire mountain, Zhong Han, Wei Qimei, Xie Dongming, Zhu Naizheng. Fasten Chinese artist academician, chinese canvas learns director, committee member of committee of countrywide youth art, country division of one class art. It is the member that art of literary creation room creates department of politics of force of Chinese people armed police now, art of academy of armed police art writes a researcher. In October 2015 by beauty of Chinese article couplet, China assist, choose of combination of Chinese art gallery ministry is countrywide art group " people of thorough life, take root " delegate.
Attend sex of the whole nation, horse and foot for many times great art work is exhibited and bear the palm.
Ever had the honor to win eleventh work of art of youth of the 3rd silver-colored award of exhibition of work of art of the 10th silver-colored award of exhibition of countrywide art work, whole nation, whole nation shows outstanding reward (top prize) , the whole nation the 14th " galaxy award " art creates award (top prize) .
Selected " of Chinese art is Korea exhibited now " , " is Japan of contemporary China art exhibited " , " does work of engineering of creative work of art of great history subject matter show the country " is countrywide make one's rounds exhibited, " artistic moral integrity of the 9th China, Chinese strength of character Does the times painting Work of countrywide fine art is exhibited " , " spirit and character and morals, China is contemporary realistically canvas research is exhibited " , oily art exhibition of the 3rd China, souvenir turns over fascist war to win 60 years international work of art is exhibited, " of the party- - paint from life of mainland canvas a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited " , celebrate new China to establish HongKong and Macow of high-quality goods of calligraphy of art of the Chinese People's Liberation Army 60 years to exhibit, " congratulatory Shenzhen special zone builds 30 years of art work to exhibit " , souvenir founds an army 70 years work of the 9th art shows horse and foot, " inferior carry is artistic now exhibit " .
Hold " keep watch the art exhibition that provide an elephant " (art gallery of China of · of 2001 · Beijing) , " keep watch provide an elephant -- canvas of 2006 4 people is exhibited " (art gallery of China of · of 2006 · Beijing) , " provide an elephant newly 10 people are exhibited " (· of 2007 · Beijing is special.
Essay of partial work, paper, creation and artistic comment, work is commented on, special subject interview publish and publish be in " art " , " art observes " , " Chinese canvas " , " literary research " , " Chinese art " wait for national level artistic periodical and " People's Daily " .
The country such as Italy, Germany, Austria, Belgium, France, Holand, Spain is gone to to get island country of museum of art gallery of country of art gallery of the cathedral, Munich, Prague, Berlin to those of Vatican art gallery, emperor on invitation after Ceng Xian museum of domestic art gallery, ancient Rome.
Work by association of artist of Chinese art gallery, country museum, military affairs museum, China, central academy of fine arts, China the national level such as art gallery of house of art of canvas of modern culture research center, the Imperial College, Jiangsu, Shenzhen art gallery is authoritative and artistic orgnaization and the State Council, central the Central Military Commission, medium ministry of group ministry, China Communist News Ministry, culture.