滕铁军(1962.5—)辽宁大连人,擅长油画。1987年结业于首教师范大学美术系;现为国防科工委设备 指挥技术学院电教中心美术干部。作品《秋野》入选第十届全国版画展;《我们同行》入选第八届全国美展;《航天人》入选第十三届全国版画展;《工人纠察队》入选建军七十周年美展。
Teng Tiejun (1962.5, ) Liaoning Dalian person, be good at canvas. 1987 complete a course at head teaching a Normal University art is; Be versed in for national defence division now appoint report of academy of equipment direct technology teachs central art the cadre. Work " Qiu Ye " selected art exhibition of edition of the 10th whole nation; " our person of the same trade " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited; " spaceflight person " selected thirteenth countrywide edition art exhibition; " worker picket line " selected found an army 70 years the United States is exhibited.