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余长明,男,汉族,1958年生于四川绵阳。中国美术家协会会员,中国版画家协会会员,四川省美术家协会理事,四川警察书画院创作员,四川公安文联秘书长,巴蜀画派实力代表人物之1 。
1976年3月入伍,毕业于解放军艺术学院美术系。四川警察书画院工作,专职创作员,自在 职业画家。
在部队和公安工作中,长时间 从事文明 管理组织、创作等具体工作。其作品前后 参加全国第八届美展、全国全军迎接香港回归美术作品展、全国全军抗洪救灾美术作品展、纪念毛主席延安文艺座谈会上讲话发表60周年、全国美术作品展、全军第九届美术作品展览等全国全军大型展览。
2012年1月6日,中共四川省委宣扬 部、省公安厅、省文明 厅、省文联在四川博物院联合举办“余长明个人大型画展”;
1.《最美丽的“妈妈”》获“海峡两岸警界文明 交流博览会 ”二等奖。
2008年9月,在公安部、中国美协合办的“海峡两岸警界文明 交流博览会 ”上,《最美丽的“妈妈”》获得二等奖。2008年11月,这幅画在文明 部、中青联、中共四川省委宣扬 部、四川省文明 厅、四川省文联联合主办的“不屈的脊梁”——全国抗震救灾大型美术作品展中,受到很大关注,教育影响了很多观众。为此,四川省公安厅为余长明记三等功1 次。《最美丽的“妈妈”》还曾前后 参加香港、澳门、深圳、北京的大型巡回展览和被收入大型画册,每展览1 次,都受到很高的评价,被艺术评论界称为表现四川抗震救灾主题的绘画经典。多次获奖,其中包括了全军和全国“卫士之光”美术展览1 等奖。
2.《军营人生》《心曲》《警营岁月》《王二小》等前后 获全军优秀作品奖,全国第5 届全省文明 工程1 等奖,全国“卫士之光”美术作品展览1 等奖,全国“爱我中华”美术作品展览铜奖,四川省美术作品展览二等奖。《四川文学》《星星诗刊》《美术》等文艺刊物多次刊登。
3.巨幅油画作品《紧急抢险》获四川省巴蜀文艺奖、全军和全国“卫士之光”美术展览优秀作品奖和1 等奖。
2008年,四川省公安厅为余长明记三等功1 次。

Introduction to the artist

Yu Changming, male, the Han nationality, was born at Sichuan continous this world 1958. Chinese artist academician, academician of Chinese edition painter, sichuan saves artist association director, the member that courtyard of Sichuan police painting and calligraphy is created, secretary-general of couplet of article of Sichuan public security, ba Shu draws group actual strength to represent one of people.
March 1976 enrollment, be graduated from art of institute of liberation army art is. Courtyard of Sichuan police painting and calligraphy works, the member that full-time is created, free profession painter.
In army and public security job, pursue the particular job such as culture government organization, creation for a long time. Its work attends the 8th beauty of countrywide to exhibit early or late, countrywide horse and foot receives Hong Kong to return to art work to exhibit, work of art of fight a flood of countrywide horse and foot providing disaster relief is exhibited, the speech on literary informal discussion publishs Yan'an of commemorative wool chairman work of art of 60 anniversary, whole nations is exhibited, work of the 9th art shows horse and foot etc.
On January 6, 2012,
On May 26, 2012, hold in Chengdu " keep watch passion -- , work of art of human body of · of canvas of Yu Changming scenery is exhibited " . [2]
Circumstance of bear the palm
1. " the most beautiful " mom " " obtain " the two sides of the Taiwan Straits alarm bound culture communicates exhibition " second-class award.
In September 2008, in beauty of the Ministry of Public Security, China assist joint " the two sides of the Taiwan Straits alarm bound culture communicates exhibition " on, " the most beautiful " mom " " win second-class award. In November 2008, this picture is in culture ministry, medium hall of culture of province of department of propaganda of provincial Party committee of Sichuan of green couplet, the Communist Party of China, Sichuan, Sichuan saves Wenlian to be sponsorred jointly " castiron back " -- the whole nation is aseismatic provide disaster relief large painting work is exhibited in, be paid close attention to greatly very much, education affected a lot of audiences. For this, sichuan saves a Public Security Department to note third class result for Yu Changming. " the most beautiful " mom " " the large circuit that Hong Kong, Macao, Shenzhen, Beijing joins after returning Ceng Xian is exhibited and by income large an album of paintings, every are exhibited, get very high opinion, be called to behave Sichuan by artistic review group the brushwork of aseismatic theme providing disaster relief is classical. For many times bear the palm, included horse and foot and throughout the country among them " the light of bodyguard " art exhibits first prize.
2. " barback life " " mind " " alarm battalion years " " Wang Er is small " wait to obtain horse and foot early or late outstanding work reward, the whole nation saves culture project first prize the 5th times completely, the whole nation " the light of bodyguard " art work exhibits first prize, the whole nation " love my China " award of copper of art work exhibition, sichuan saves art work to show second-class reward. " Sichuan literature " " star poem print " " art " wait for literary publication to be published for many times.
3. is gigantic a canvas work " urgent rush to deal with an emergency " obtain Sichuan to save Ba Shuwen art award, horse and foot and whole nation " the light of bodyguard " art exhibits outstanding work reward and first prize.
The individual is honorary
2008, sichuan saves a Public Security Department to note third class result for Yu Changming.
2011 first half of the year, be chosen to head batch " Ba Shu picture sends artistic actual strength to represent a person " .



