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作品有《早秋》、《乌斯曼》、《初春》、《狂热的沙漠》、《母亲》、《交谈的老人》、《塔吉克妇女》、《老巷》、《铁匠》、《帕米尔》等。《初春》、《六月》被中国美术馆收藏。出版有《买买提·艾依提油画作品选》。《母与子》1999年在第四届全国“民族百花”美展中获金奖;《故土·亲人》1999年在第九届全国美展中获铜奖,2000年入选中国油画学会举办的“二十世纪”中国油画展;《热土》2003年入选“推手新世纪”第三届中国油画展精选作品展;2003年《剃头的人》等四幅作品参加“《开放的时代》纪念中国美术馆40周年”美术作品约请 展;《胡杨人家》2004年入选第十届全国美展并获优秀作品奖。
作品《早春》次要 反映了南疆农村晚婚 的落后风俗 。画面中的少女过早地做了母亲,失去了学习和工作的自在 ,就像被关在笼子里的小鸟,紧闭的大门迫使她脱离了社会,放弃了本身 的寻求 。少女也更像她手中发黄的葡萄叶,过早地步入了她人生的秋天。

Introduction to the artist

Maimaidi Aiyidi (1945.5, ) the Uygur nationality. Person of assorted of Xinjiang noise made in coughing or vomiting. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from faculty of art of Xinjiang art institute 1965. Attend in a advanced studies was fastened at canvas of Zhejiang academy of fine arts 1981. Have successively held the posts of " daily of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting " company art edits. Curator of house of art of masses of area of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting. Xinjiang imperial art academy division of 2 class art. Vice-chairman of Xinjiang artist association.
Work has " early autumn " , " Wu Siman " , " early spring " , " enthusiastic desert " , " mother " , " the old person that chat " , " Dajike woman " , " old alley " , " . " early spring " , " in June " be collected by Chinese art gallery. Publish have " canvas work chooses Maimaidi Aiyidi " . " mother and child " was in 1999 the 4th whole nation " nation 100 flowers " beautiful the gold prize is won in exhibiting; " family member of native land · " exhibited in beauty of the 9th whole nation 1999 in the award that obtain copper, canvas of selected 2000 China learns to hold " 20 centuries " Chinese canvas is exhibited; " hot earth " selected 2003 " push hand new century " canvas of the 3rd China exhibits handpick work; 2003 " the person of have one's head shaved " wait for 4 work to attend " " open times " commemorate Chinese art gallery 40 years " art work invites exhibit; " diversiform-leaved poplar other people " selected 2004 beauty of the 10th whole nation is exhibited and win outstanding work award.
Work " early spring " what basically mirrorred marring too early of Na Jiang country is backward and consuetudinary. The girl in the picture did a mother prematurely, lost the freedom that learn and works, resemble the birdie that is closed in basket, the gate of lock forced her to break away from a society, forgoed oneself pursuit. Girl also more yellow like the hair in her hand grape leaf, entered the autumn of her life prematurely.



