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1950年生于北京,1986年在德国明斯克工业大学艺术学院掌管 东方艺术讲座。1986年至今在日本京都外型 艺术大学艺术学部任艺术学教授。现任李可染画院履行 院长,李可染艺术基金会学术委员,中国国家画院研讨 员,日本京都外型 艺术大学教授、研讨 员,中国美协会员。日本总理大臣宫泽授予“绀绶章”特殊文明 贡献褒章 。


1950年 出生于北京。
1955年 开始学画,师从李可染黄永玉李苦禅
1956年 在国内外展览中多次获奖。
1964年 代表中国参加波兰世界青年艺术节获奖。
1983年 京都市立艺术大学研讨 生。
1984年 由日本文明 人领袖人物,井上靖、梅原猛、东山魁夷、高山辰雄等,向日本文明 界介绍李庚,从此十年间日本全国四十城市多次进行巡回展。
1985年 京都市立艺术大学大学院入学。朝日旧事 社策划,抽象画系列《西游记》巡展。
1986年——1988年 访问英国,意大利,西班牙,德国,法国。应西德明斯特大学设计院约请 ,掌管 东方艺术讲座。在静冈美术馆办画展。
1987年 任职京都外型 艺术大学日本画系,成为日本画系首位外籍教官。
1989年 东京三越百货,京都思文阁、大丸百货店特别举办李庚画展。为日本艺术大学编写水墨课程。
1990年 将《动物写生》等课程在日本画系教学里编入,大受青年先生 欢迎。《写意的表现》系列作品发表。
1991年 再次改写为日本画系的水墨教程,将古典技法与古代 表现同时编入日本画系教导中。
1992年 《唐朝诗人与宋人诗意》作品发表,开始马勒的研讨 。加古川市文明 中心美术馆举行《画坛旗手李庚展》。《两洋的眼》古代 绘画展。由日本国立美术馆馆长及评论家选出60名大学教授进行题为《将来 美术的方向》全国巡回展,特邀李庚参加。
1993年 《两洋的眼》古代 绘画展。 因“文明 事业作出的贡献”获日本总理大臣宫泽授予绀绶褒章,并获得日本加古川市文明 功劳者。与日本美术界领导人物河北伦明第1 次在艺术大学举行美术教程改革,特邀贾又福在李庚讲座上进行教学大获成功。
1994年 《两洋的眼》古代 绘画展。 本间美术馆举办李庚《诗境与画境展》。
1995年 日本德岛美术画廊举行陶画展。陶画作品《三国演义》、《西游记》、《水浒传》等中国传统人物在日本名艺陶器“猪口”上发表。中国艺术家第1 次创作此类型作品。在罗马与日本艺术大学教授共同研讨 意大利文艺复兴壁画。
1996年 山形致道博物馆举办李庚展。
1997年 编写水墨教程第三方案并施获好评。
1999年 由神户旧事 编缉 策划,与音乐家,电影导演等共同举办了《马勒的空间艺术展》。在京都外型 艺术大学组建新系,担任历史遗产系美术专业教授。
2000年 首次在中国美术馆举办《马勒音乐与绘画展》,大获成功。
2002年 为历史遗产系绘画部分编写教程。
2002年——2003年 为日本文学巨匠的小说绘制插图。《中国革命先行者孙文传》连载日本最大报纸《读卖旧事 》。
2004年 编写敦煌学教程。
2005年 为日本文学巨匠《曹操的1 族》绘制插图。 改写历史遗产学科绘画部分的教程。
2006年 日本古代 艺术画廊举行作品展《抽象绘画的墨与色》 古代 绘画展《时间与墨》。本间美术馆李庚个人作品展。
2007年 地方 美术学院美术馆举行李庚个人作品展。
2007年 《大象有形 》李庚水墨作品个展,可创铭佳艺苑,北京
2008年 本间美术馆,加古川市美术馆举办李庚个人作品展。
2008年 日本京都外型 艺术大学美术馆 《国际水墨观摩展》;
2009年11月 辽宁博物馆 《李家山水巡展》;
2009年05月 河南郑州 《金秋5 人书画展》;
2010年03月 鲁迅艺术学院美术馆《北国风光写生展》;
2010年05月 山东潍坊《李家山水巡展》;
2010年07月 北京798艺术区视·巅峰艺术空间《国际水墨约请 展》;
2010年10月 地方 美术学院零美术馆《国际水墨约请 展》;
2010年11月 徐州李可染艺术馆《李可染艺术节全国名家约请 展》;
2011年05月 江门美术馆《2011全国中国画学术约请 展》;
2012年02月 岭南画院美术馆《李家山水巡展》;
2013年04月 雍和艺术区《李可染画院画家作品展》;
2013年07月 美国华盛顿《李可染画院走进乔治城》;
2013年07月 中国美术馆《李可染画院首届院展》;
2013年09月 地方 美院零美术馆《首届北京·城南写生约请 展》;
2013年10月 马奈美术馆《李可染画院名家约请 展》;
2013年5月 美丽中国·中国国家画院美术作品展开幕
2014年 参加中国国家画院举办“写意中国”2014中国国家画院年展
2014年07月 国家画院美术馆《画北京园林写生展》;
2014年07月 北京民族大学美术馆 《北京园林写生展》;
2014年08月 北京印刷学院美术馆 《北京园林写生展》;
2014年09月 李可染画院美术馆 《李可染与当代-全国名家作品约请 展》;
2014年10月 苏州分院美术馆 《李可染画院名家约请 展》;
2014年10月 维也纳《李可染画院名家约请 展》;
2014年11月 三清山分院 《李可染画院名家约请 展》;
2014年12月 福建美术馆《全国名家山水约请 展》;
2015年01月 徐州艺术馆《笔相墨境名家约请 展》;
2015年05月 厦门张仃美术馆《当代中国山水画名家作品约请 展》。
2015年7月 在人民大会堂举办《山川乡国情——李庚水墨个展》。

English Introduction

Born in Beijing in 1950, hosted art seminar at the Art Institute of Minsk Industrial University in 1986. Since 1986 in Kyoto style art department as art professor at the University of the Arts. The Li Keran academy executive dean, Li Keran art foundation, academic committee, National Academy of Chinese researcher, Professor of University of the Arts and other Japanese researchers, China artists association. Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa awarded the "Gan cordon" special contribution to cultural chapter.

Born in Beijing in 1950.
1955 start painting, under the tutelage of Li Keran, Huang Yongyu, Li Kuchan.
1956 at home and abroad in the award-winning exhibition.
On behalf of China in 1964 to participate in the Poland World Youth Art Festival award.
1983 graduate, Kyoto City University of Arts.
1984 by the Japanese cultural leaders, Inoue Yasushi, Mei Yuanmeng, and so on, to introduce the Japanese cultural circles, from years in Japan, the country's forty cities on several occasions to carry out the exhibition tour of the, the world's top cities in Japan, Japan, Japan and other countries in the past ten years.
1985 Graduate School of Kyoto City University of Arts. Asahi news agency planning, abstract painting series "journey to the west" tour.
1988 - visits to Britain, Italy, Spain, Germany, France, 1986. Invited by the Design Institute of West Muenster University, chair of Oriental art. The office of the exhibition in the Museum of fine arts, shizuoka.
In 1987, he was appointed the first foreign instructor of Japanese painting department in Kyoto Department of University of the Arts.
1989 Tokyo Mitsukoshi Department store, Si Ge, Kyoto Daimaru department store held a special exhibition of Li Geng. Writing ink courses for University of the Arts.
1990 will be "animal painting" and other courses in the Japanese painting department teaching incorporated, welcomed by young students. "Freehand performance" series of works published.
1991 rewrite the Japanese Painting Department of ink tutorial, classical techniques and modern performance simultaneously incorporated into the Japanese Painting Department teaching.
1992: "the poet of the Tang Dynasty and song poetic works", Mahler began to study. Kakogawa City Cultural Center Art Museum "painting flag Li Gengzhan". "Two foreign eye" modern painting exhibition. The National Museum of art curator and critic of Japan selected 60 university professors, entitled "the future direction of the" national art exhibition tour, invited Li Geng to participate in.
1993 "two ocean eye" modern painting exhibition. Because of the "cultural undertakings contribution" by the Japanese Prime Minister Miyazawa awarded the purple ribbon medal, and the Japanese kakogawa city cultural contributor. With the Japanese fine arts leaders Hebei lunming first held at the University of the Arts fine arts course teaching reform, Jia Youfu invited to great success in Li Geng lecture.
1994 "two ocean eye" modern painting exhibition. The Art Museum of Li Geng "poetry and painting exhibition".
1995 Tokushima Art Gallery held pottery exhibition. Pottery painting "Romance of the Three Kingdoms", "journey to the west", "outlaws of the marsh" and other Chinese traditional characters in Japan famous pottery pottery pig mouth published. Chinese artists create this type of works for the first time. A study of Italy Renaissance murals in Rome and University of the Arts.
1996 Road Museum exhibition Li Geng gable.
1997 preparation of ink program third programs and received praise.
In 1999 by the Kobe news editorial planning, and musician, film director and co organized the "Mahler space art exhibition". Formed a new department in Kyoto, University of the Arts, as a professor of Fine Arts Department of history heritage.
In 2000 for the first time in China Art Museum held "Mahler music and painting exhibition", a great success.
2002 for the history of the Department of Painting Department of writing tutorial.
2002 -- drawing illustrations for novels of Japanese literary masters in the 2003. "China revolutionary forerunner Sun" series of Japan's largest newspaper news "Yomiuri Shimbun".
2004 preparation of Dunhuang tutorial.
2005 for the Japanese literary masters "Cao Cao's family" drawing illustrations. Rewriting the history of heritage painting part of the tutorial.
2006 Japan art gallery held Works Exhibition "abstract painting ink and color" modern painting exhibition "time and ink". The art gallery of Li Geng personal exhibition.
2007 China Central Academy of Fine Arts Art Museum held Li Geng solo exhibition.
In 2007, "Li Geng" The great form has no shape. ink painting exhibition, Ming Yuan Beijing Jiayi creation.
2008 Museum of art, plus ancient Sichuan city Art Museum held Li Geng solo exhibition.
2008 Kyoto Kyoto Art Museum of University of the Arts "international Ink Exhibition";
November 2009 Liaoning Museum "Lee landscape tour";
In 2009 05 Henan Zhengzhou "golden five exhibition";
In 2010 03 Lu Xun College of Art Gallery "northland scenery painting exhibition";
In 2010 05 Shandong Weifang "Lee landscape tour";
2010 07 Beijing Art District, the peak art space "international ink Invitation Exhibition";
China Central Academy of Fine Arts October 2010 zero Art Museum "international ink Invitation Exhibition";
November 2010 Xuzhou Li Keran Art Museum "national invitational exhibition of the art festival of Li Keran";
2011 05 Jiangmen Art Museum "national invitational exhibition of Chinese painting of the 2011 academic";
In 2012 02 south of the Five Ridges Art Museum "Lee landscape tour";
In 2013 04 months, "Li Keran art painters exhibition";
In 2013 07 months in Washington, "Li Keran" into the Georgetown academy;
In 2013 07 China Art Museum "Li Keran painting exhibition" the first hospital;
In 2013 09 months CAFA Art Museum in Beijing, the first "zero South painting exhibition";
October 2013 MANET Art Museum "Li Keran painting masters Invitational Exhibition";
May 2013 - Chinese Chinese beautiful national art exhibition opening
2014 to participate in the National Academy of China held 2014 National Academy of China China freehand "Exhibition
In 2014 07 National Art Museum "Beijing painting landscape painting exhibition";
2014 07 Beijing National University Art Museum "Beijing garden sketch exhibition";
2014 08 Beijing Institute of Graphic Communication Art Museum "Beijing garden sketch exhibition";
In 2014 09 Li Keran Li Keran and the Contemporary Art Museum "- the famous exhibition";
October 2014 branch of the Suzhou Art Museum "Li Keran painting masters Invitational Exhibition";

October 2014 Vienna "Li Keran painting masters Invitational Exhibition";
In November 2014 the Mount Sanqingshan branch of the "Li Keran painting masters Invitational Exhibition";
December 2014 Fujian Art Museum "national famous landscape Invitational Exhibition";
2015 01 months Xuzhou Museum of art "pen ink environment invited exhibition";
In 2015 05 Xiamen Zhang Ding "Contemporary Art Museum China landscape painting masters Invitational Exhibition".
July 2015 held in the Great Hall of the people, "mountains and rivers national conditions - Li Geng ink solo exhibition".



