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侯玉华-艺术源于生活 高于生活

 侯玉华,现名侯宇,字天艺,号适风道人。男,1956年生,山东临沂人。1971年文革遗风被迫辍学,自学绘画。1987年前后 毕业于临沂教育学院,中国书画函授大学。1989年 多幅作品选入《沂蒙画集》。1990年“玉兰八哥”入选中国翰园碑林勒石。4幅作品参加山 东美术馆举办的“沂蒙山画家精品展”。1991年创作“音乐”系列“春的呼唤”,“华夏 魂”入选“全国第1 届山水画约请 展”并编入作品集。9月参加广州博览会、“全国书画艺 术暨装裱艺术大展”并举办个人展,其4幅作品被博览会收藏。前后 入编《当代书画篆刻家 辞典》、《中国当代艺术界名人录》等10多部大型画册辞书。1992年考入北京画院,师从贾浩义先生,前后 入编92、93《中国美术家》《中国诗书画印大观》多幅作品数次参加《日本东京书画展》集入,4册《东京翠清会画作集》。1993年“金秋图”入选《国际古代 美术精品荟萃》大型画册,传略编入《国际古代 书画篆刻家大辞典》荣获“国际铜奖艺 术家”称号。作品“人物”获“枫叶杯”国际水墨画大赛“佳作奖”,并编入精品集。1994年中国美术馆举办“天艺画展”。《天艺画集》由长春出版社出版发行,《中国对外旧事 周报》用德、日、英、法、西5种文字专题介绍《美术》、《江苏画刊》及多家报刊、电 台、电视台作了专题报道。“天地之灵”人物,编入香港《情系中华》分类大画册套书“ 人物篇”。1995年在临沂艺术馆举办“天艺古代 艺术展”电视台录制《侯玉华的绘画艺 术》专题。作品发表于《江苏画刊》第5-6期。11月举办“侯宁(天艺)综合表现艺术展 ”。作品《古代 综合表现的独特画风》博得 了国内外艺术界的关注与好评。作品被西欧、东南亚和国内外友人、纪念馆等收藏家收藏 。现为中国美术家协会山东分会会员,中国书法艺术研讨 院山东分院理事,中国当代王羲之书法研讨 会副秘书长,山东画院画师,临沂画院高级画师。

Introduction in English

 Hou Yuhua, now known as Hou Yu, has the character of Tianyi and the name of Shifeng Taoist. Male, born in 1956 in Linyi, Shandong Province. In 1971, the legacy of the Cultural Revolution was forced to drop out of school and study painting on their own. In 1987, he graduated from Linyi Education College and correspondence university of Chinese painting and calligraphy. In 1989, many works were selected into Yimeng painting collection. In 1990, "Magnolia eight brothers" was selected as a stone tablet forest in Hanyuan, China. 4 works participated in the "Yimeng Mountain painter Exhibition" held by Shandong Art Museum. In 1991, he created "music" series "call of spring", and "Chinese soul" was selected into "the first National Landscape Painting Invitation Exhibition" and incorporated into the works collection. In September, he participated in Guangzhou Expo, "national calligraphy and painting art and mounting art exhibition" and held a personal exhibition. Four of his works were collected by the Expo. He has successively compiled more than 10 large-scale dictionaries, such as the dictionary of contemporary calligraphers, painters and seal carvers, and the list of celebrities in the field of contemporary Chinese art. In 1992, he was admitted to Beijing Academy of painting and studied with Mr. Jia Haoyi. He has successively compiled 92 and 93 works of Chinese artists and grand view of Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting printing. He has participated in the Tokyo painting and calligraphy exhibition of Japan several times and collected 4 volumes of paintings of Tokyo Cuiqing society. In 1993, "golden autumn painting" was selected into the large-scale album of international modern fine arts collection, which was compiled into the dictionary of international modern calligraphers, painters and seal carvers and won the title of "international bronze artist". The work "character" won the "excellent work Award" in the "Maple Leaf Cup" international ink painting competition, and was included in the collection of excellent works. In 1994, China Art Museum held "Tianyi painting exhibition". "Tianyi painting collection" was published and distributed by Changchun publishing house, and "China foreign news weekly" introduced "art" and "Jiangsu painting journal" in German, Japanese, English, French and Western languages, as well as a number of newspapers, radio and television stations. "The spirit of heaven and earth" figures are included in the Hong Kong "love China" classification album set book "character chapter". In 1995, the TV station "Tianyi modern art exhibition" was held in Linyi art museum to record the special topic "Hou Yuhua's painting art". His works were published in Jiangsu painting journal, issue 5-6. "Houning (Tianyi) comprehensive performance art exhibition" was held in November. The work "the unique style of modern comprehensive performance" has won the attention and praise of the domestic and foreign art circles. The works are collected by collectors in Western Europe, Southeast Asia, foreign and domestic friends, memorials, etc. Now, he is a member of Shandong Branch of China Artists Association, director of Shandong Branch of China Calligraphy Art Research Institute, Deputy Secretary General of Chinese contemporary Wang Xizhi Calligraphy Research Association, painter of Shandong Academy of painting and senior painter of Linyi Academy of painting.



