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2022-03-11 17:39:09




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兼工诗、书、画、印。 书法四体皆工,尤擅汉隶。独创以汉隶为基,取帛书之意,借篆刻之变,用行草之法,构成 似篆非篆,似隶非隶,方圆并举,大小变化,妙趣横生的“变体”隶书。 篆刻取法吴昌硕齐白石、旁及赵之谦、吴让之诸家。运刀单双并举,既可治苍茫浑厚之巨玺,又能刻行云流水之白文 ,手法多变,印路宽广,印风淳正,格调高雅。 绘画山水、花卉、人物皆善。近年多作花鸟虫鱼,梅之傲骨、幽兰清雅、绿竹劲节、秋菊斗霜;荷出污泥而不染,松傲岸而奇伟;虾蟹虫鱼,生意盎然。诗宗李杜,极爱东坡,每有好画,必题丽句。


 入选西泠印社首届国际书法篆刻大展、第八届国际书法篆刻展(香港)、纪念淮海战役胜利三十5 周年全国书法篆刻展览等严重 展览;并被齐白石纪念馆、广宁万竹园入等地收藏、刻石。书画印及诗文专论于《书法》、《书法报》、《中国书画报》、《华夏》、《古代 与传统》、《海内与海外》、美国版《粤港信息报》、马宋西亚《首都报》等中外几十家报刊发表与专题介绍。广东电视台、榆林电视台、日本福冈郡山电视台等国内外多家旧事 媒体,予以专题报道。编著出版《中华炎帝故乡印谱》、《国宝富春山居图传奇》、《袁寅章书法篆刻集》、《学书琐议》等专著。1997年被授予《世界书画艺术名人》。

English Introduction

 Yuan yinzhang, Wenhu, Yunlong Sanren, born in 1938 in Suide, Shaanxi Province, has lived in Baoji for a long time and now moves to Guangzhou.


Part time poems, books, paintings and seals. All four styles of calligraphy are working, especially good at Han Li. Its original creation is based on Hanli, taking the meaning of silk script, taking advantage of the change of seal cutting and the method of running grass to form a kind of "variant" official script, which is similar to Zhuan but not Zhuan, similar to official script but not official script, with both sides and circles, varying in size and interesting. The seal cutting methods are Wu Changshuo, Qi Baishi, Zhao Zhiqian and Wu rang. The combination of single and double blades can not only cure the vast and thick seal, but also carve the flowing Zhu Wen. The technique is changeable, the printing road is broad, the printing wind is pure and the style is elegant. Painting landscape, flowers, people are good. In recent years, he has become a fish of flowers, birds, insects and fishes. He is proud of the plum, the orchid, the green bamboo, the autumn chrysanthemum, and the frost. He is not stained when he is out of the mud. He is proud and magnificent when he is loose. He is a fish of shrimps, crabs and insects, which is full of business. Li Du, a poet, loves Dongpo very much. Every time he has a good painting, he must write beautiful sentences.


It was selected into the first international calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition, the Eighth International Calligraphy and seal cutting Exhibition (Hong Kong), and the national calligraphy and seal cutting exhibition to commemorate the 35th anniversary of the victory of the Huaihai Campaign, and was collected and engraved by Qi Baishi Memorial Hall and Guangning wanzhuyuan. Calligraphy, painting, printing and poetry monographs have been published and introduced in dozens of Chinese and foreign newspapers, such as calligraphy, calligraphy newspaper, Chinese calligraphy and painting newspaper, China, modern and traditional, domestic and overseas, Guangdong and Hong Kong Information newspaper of American edition, capital newspaper of Malaysia, etc. Guangdong TV station, Yulin TV station, Fukuoka Shirayama TV station and other domestic and foreign news media gave special reports. He has compiled and published such monographs as the seal book of the hometown of Emperor Yan of China, the legend of the national treasure Fuchun Mountain Residence, the collection of yuan yinzhang's calligraphy and seal cutting, and the discussion on learning books. In 1997, he was awarded the title of world famous calligrapher and painter.



