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 杨建果,1954-1956年就读于东南 师院艺术系美术科,受各位老师教诲、陶冶 ,热爱生活,崇尚自然。毕业后研习中国书画,看重随境运笔,有意 固守成法。无数 十幅作品被省、市政府部门赠予国际友人,或为博物馆收藏,或参加国内外展出,亦有获"优秀"、"最好 作品"等奖项者。 在从事美术辅导工作中,有不少先生 已成为美术院校或文艺单位的骨干。


 80年代以来,杨老从事旅游景点规划设计和古建筑美术史研讨 工作。由他编缉 制定 的国家级重点文物保护单位、释迦牟尼佛指舍利出土地"陕西省法门寺文物旅游区整体 规划"和 大型度假设施"中国保健山庄"整体 规划等,受到国务院和有关方面的赞誉。已发表的《中国传统建筑彩画源流初探》论文,以丰富翔实的史料和周密 科学的论证,将建筑彩画有证可查的历史上溯了三千余年。地方 电视台、《世界经济导报》、香港《文汇报》和 省、市电台、报纸等均有报道。其生平简历及作品收入《中国文艺家传集》、《中国当代美术家人名辞典》、《世界名人录》(香港)、《中国古代 书画名家名作》、《中国艺术人才书画精品集》(中国艺术研讨 院)、《当代书家佳作荟萃》等多部辞书、作品集。

杨老自幼生长在终南山下,长安韦杜之间,这些被唐代诗人每每描述讴歌过的景观,也深深感染着他。在他笔下,不管 春之清新,夏之郁秀,秋之竦淡,冬之沉郁,都取之对秦岭、终南的感受;也不管 是风之浩荡,雨之飘落,泉之泠丁,路之隐现,都充满作者对生活深深的爱,因而 ,他的作品很感染人。尽管他在技法上并没有很多奇方怪招,有些甚至近乎是对景写生,笔底还流露出1 些生涩感,然而却真实地表现了他对生活的感悟和爱。杨老是一名 十分敬业于本身 工作的人。他教过书,搞过文物考察,也从事过旅游工作等,不管 做什么工作,他都以真诚、敬业的为人原则 去对待。他这类 为人品格也体如今 他的画风上。画不管 大小,精益求精。画风选择了求真的1 路,"真味可品".中国画求真并不是照相式的,它寻求的是1 种意象的真,是1 种比真物象更集中、更典型、更能打动人的真,杨老是在寻求这类 真的。

从经历上来看,杨老并没有零碎 学习过中国画,然而他却酷爱中国书画。所喜近几年有了集中的时间和精力,从事本身 酷爱的书画艺术。画了大量的画,却很少送人、展出、出版宣扬 过。用他本身 的话说,总觉得是个人兴味之作,不值得拿出去。好1 个"个人兴味之作"!这不正是倪云林"逸笔草草,聊以自慰耳"思想的延伸吗?倪云林的作为,不只是代表了1 个时代,同时也在于他为中国画开拓了1 个新的境界,那就是从个人兴味出发,恣情抒发本身 的心情 。或许 当他"聊以自慰"时,并不曾想过也会慰以别人,慰当前 人的,然而这却成了中国画理论思想的1 个闪光点。杨老的画里显现了这类 "个人兴味"的意趣,而且刻意在寻求某种表现方法。坎坷的经历曾耽误了不少时光,然而却也为建果添加 了别人不曾 有过的经历 内涵,它将会在杨老的兴味之作里,起到没法 言传的作用。按照本身 的兴味,沿着经历所给予的感悟,精益求精地画出本身 心中的山河世界,这就是杨老作画的路。

2008年中国文联中外名人文明 研讨 会,在《中国名人专辑》中,以文明 研讨 价值为标准,推出了《花坛巨匠杨建果》,卷首的"致敬词"是这样写的:"他是一名 画坛大家,研习中国画技数十载,作品多次在国内外大展中获奖,并被有关领导作为礼品赠予国际友人。他用他广阔的襟怀 和强烈的民族、社会责任感,将我国传统建筑彩画有稽可查的历史上溯了三千多年,为我国文明 艺术事业做出了出色 的贡献。"


 在东南 师范学院学习期间,杨建果受吕斯百黄胄等大师教诲、陶冶 ,热爱生活,崇尚自然。后又研习中国传统书法、绘画,创作中重视 随境运笔,有意 固守成法。有200多幅书画作品被省、市政府部门赠予国际友人,或为文明 部门及博物馆收藏。作品多次在国内外大展中获最好 作品奖、1 等奖等;2005年获纪念抗日和平 胜利60周年书画大展金奖(北京)。在从事美术辅导工作中,他所教的先生 中有不少人升入西安、上海、北京等地高等美术院校,毕业后成为高等美术院校和文艺单位的骨干,在国内外享有盛誉。

20世纪80年代以来,杨建果开始从事旅游景点规划设计和古建筑美术史研讨 工作。由他编缉 制定的国家级重点文物保护单位、释迦牟尼佛指舍利出土地"陕西省法门寺文物旅游区整体 规划",和 大型度假设施"中国保健山庄整体 规划"等,受到陕西省、国务院和有关方面的赞誉。



 在东南 师范学院学习期间,杨建果受吕斯百黄胄等大师教诲、陶冶 ,热爱生活,崇尚自然。后又研习中国传统书法、绘画,创作中重视 随境运笔,有意 固守成法。有200多幅书画作品被省、市政府部门赠予国际友人,或为文明 部门及博物馆收藏。作品多次在国内外大展中获最好 作品奖、1 等奖等;2005年获纪念抗日和平 胜利60周年书画大展金奖(北京)。在从事美术辅导工作中,他所教的先生 中有不少人升入西安、上海、北京等地高等美术院校,毕业后成为高等美术院校和文艺单位的骨干,在国内外享有盛誉。

20世纪80年代以来,杨建果开始从事旅游景点规划设计和古建筑美术史研讨 工作。由他编缉 制定的国家级重点文物保护单位、释迦牟尼佛指舍利出土地"陕西省法门寺文物旅游区整体 规划",和 大型度假设施"中国保健山庄整体 规划"等,受到陕西省、国务院和有关方面的赞誉。

Introduction in English

Yang Lao Jian Guo (Yang Jianguo), male, Han nationality, born in Chang'an, Shaanxi Province in 1935. Famous scholar, artist, member of Shaanxi Artists Association, executive director of Shaanxi Landscape Painting Research Association, honorary president of Xi'an Landscape Painting Institute, academician of Northwest Calligraphy Art Research Institute, member of Shaanxi poetry society, national senior artist, director of Shaanxi elite culture and art exchange center, honorary president of Shaanxi Jinshi calligraphy and painting Institute


Yang Jianguo, studied in the Art Department of Northwest Normal University from 1954 to 1956, was taught and nurtured by all teachers, loved life and advocated nature. After graduation, I studied Chinese painting and calligraphy and attached great importance to the use of pens in the environment. I didn't intend to stick to the law. Dozens of works have been donated to international friends by provincial and municipal government departments, collected by museums, exhibited at home and abroad, and awarded with "excellent" and "best works". In the art counseling work, many students have become the backbone of art colleges or art units.


Since the 1980s, Yang has been engaged in the planning and design of tourist attractions and the research on the history of ancient architecture and art. The "master plan of Famen temple cultural relic tourist area in Shaanxi Province" and the "China health care villa" master plan of large-scale holiday facilities, which were developed by him, are praised by the State Council and other relevant departments. The paper on the origin of Chinese traditional architectural color painting, which has been published, dates back to more than 3000 years with rich and accurate historical data and careful scientific demonstration. CCTV, the World Economic Herald, Hong Kong Wen Hui Pao, as well as provincial and municipal radio stations, newspapers, etc. His biography and works are included in many dictionaries and works, such as the collection of Chinese literature and art biographies, the dictionary of contemporary Chinese artists, the world's celebrities (Hong Kong), the famous works of modern Chinese calligraphy and painting, the collection of fine works of Chinese art talents (China Academy of Art), and the collection of excellent works of contemporary calligraphers.


Yang grew up at the foot of Zhongnan mountain and between Chang'an and Weidu. These landscapes, which were often described and eulogized by Tang poets, also deeply affected him. In his works, no matter the spring is fresh, the summer is beautiful, the autumn is light, and the winter is gloomy, they all take the feeling of Qinling Mountains and Zhongnan; no matter the wind is mighty, the rain is falling, the spring is cold, and the road is looming, they are full of the author's deep love for life, so his works are very infectious. Although he doesn't have many strange skills, some of them are even close to landscape painting, and the bottom of the pen also shows some astringency, but it really shows his feelings and love for life. Yang Lao is a very dedicated person. He has taught books, investigated cultural relics, and engaged in tourism. No matter what he does, he treats it with sincerity and dedication. His character is also reflected in his painting style. No matter the size of the painting, keep improving. The style of painting has chosen the way of seeking truth, "the real taste can be tasted". Seeking truth in Chinese painting is not photogenic. It seeks the truth of image, which is more concentrated, more typical and more moving than the real image. Yang Lao is seeking this truth.


From experience, Yang Lao did not learn Chinese painting systematically, but he loved Chinese painting and calligraphy very much. In recent years, I have concentrated my time and energy on my favorite painting and calligraphy art. A large number of paintings have been painted, but few have been sent to people, exhibited, published and publicized. In his own words, he always felt that it was a work of personal interest and was not worth taking out. What a "work of personal interest"? Isn't this just the extension of Ni Yunlin's thought of "using brush and grass to comfort his ears"? Ni Yunlin's actions not only represent an era, but also open up a new realm for Chinese painting, which is to express his mood from personal interest. Maybe when he "consoled himself", he did not think that he would also console others and future generations, but this has become a flash point of Chinese painting theory. Yang Lao's paintings show the interest of "personal interest" and deliberately seek some way of expression. The ups and downs of the experience have wasted a lot of time, but also for the construction of fruit added experience connotation that others have never had, it will play an indescribable role in Yang Lao's interesting works. According to his own interest, along with the experience given by the perception, keep improving to draw his mind of the mountain and river world, which is Yang Lao's way of painting.


In 2008, the China Federation of literary and art circles and the Chinese and foreign celebrity culture research association, in the album of China's celebrities, launched Yang Jianguo, a giant in the flower bed, based on the value of cultural research. The "salute" at the beginning of the volume reads as follows: "he is a great painter who has studied Chinese painting technology for decades. His works have won awards in many exhibitions at home and abroad and have been presented as gifts to international friends by relevant leaders. With his broad mind and strong sense of national and social responsibility, he traced the history of Chinese traditional architectural color painting to more than 3000 years, making outstanding contributions to the cause of Chinese culture and art. "



