董寿平出身于诗书世家,董寿平高祖董霁堂为清中叶著名书法家,祖父董之焕为清翰林,以诗书着称于世。董家收藏文物书画甚丰,海外出名 。董寿平自幼受家庭陶冶 酷爱书画,刻苦自学。初画花卉后研山水,尤以画梅竹及黄山风景而着称于世。1931年书画问世即蜚声京华,获得中外人士的好评。1938年后在西安、成都等地从事书画创作。新中国成立后,供职北京荣宝斋,从事编辑、创作、鉴定及培养专业人才的工作。无计其数的作品入选国内外大型美术展览或发表于专业报刊。曾多次应邀出国访问并举办个人画展。出版有《董寿平画辑》、《董寿平书画集》、《书画大师董寿平》、《董寿平谈艺录》、《荣宝斋画谱·董寿平画集》等。代表作品有《黄山云海》、《人字瀑》、《大渡河》、《雨后黄山》、《黄山风雨》、《二郎山之晨》、《娄山关》、《墨竹》、《墨梅》、《风竹》、《劲节顶风 》等。同年邓颖超访问朝鲜时,以他的画赠送朝鲜政府。他的书画作品流传到海外的很多,尤以日本、香港为甚。国内除 “董寿平纪念馆” 集中收藏他的作品外,各大美术馆皆藏有董寿平作品
当代著名画家、书法家。出身诗书世家。董家收藏文物书画甚多,海外出名 。董寿平受家庭影响,自幼就爱好 书画。董寿平善画梅竹,朱砂红梅堪称绝技;写竹时笔墨简练,坚挺轩昂,构图空灵,以书法为之,浑厚古朴。所写墨松富有生活气息,笔墨苍劲,繁简相宜。山水画卷则多以黄山奇峰老松为题材,不拘峰石之形似,而求整幅气韵的统1 ,在画界享有“董梅”、“寿平竹”、“黄山巨擘”的雅誉。国内除“董寿平纪念馆”集中收藏他的作品外,各大美术馆也都藏有董寿平作品。 他的书法艺术富有个性,苍劲刚健、古朴萧洒 、神形兼备、气度豪放,显示出了他那高尚的精神境界、渊博的学知和刚正不阿、襟怀 坦荡的品德。他的作品多次在国内外展览,并被国内外美术馆、博物馆收藏。荣获“富士美术奖章”。
以画竹出名 的画坛名家屡见不鲜,但董寿平的风格迥异,匠心别具。素有文同之挺劲, 顾安之谨严,夏仲昭之繁盛,李方膺之简约,郑板桥之清癯,石涛之质朴,虽然他们各自风格全体 面貌不同,但细心 揣度,其中尚有前人成法可寻,遗址 可踪。欣赏董寿平笔下的竹子,很难确切地说出它的渊源出处,但其风格鲜明,且不悖古法。艺术创作有 "成竹在胸 " 之说,董寿平对此有其独到的见解。他认为,创作之始。目视1 张白纸,胸中自有布局,这便是 "成竹在胸 "。但当第1 笔落下,画家则应 "胸无成竹",而后便顺手推舟 ,顺其自然,不被其成竹所束缚,而应尽情抒写胸中之意,1 气呵成。 所以,美术界称董寿平的竹子为 “寿平竹” 是恰如其分、确有道理的。
古人把画竹称为 “写竹”。1 个 “写” 字包含着两种意义:1 是画竹的用笔情势 与中国书法最为接近,没有扎实的书法功底不可能把竹子画好。欣赏董寿平笔下的竹子,1 个 “力” 字贯穿始终,充弥于全部 画面。不管 是顶天立地的长竽还是画中局部的末节枝梢,都充满着力量,那种斩钉截铁般的笔力,足见他在书法上的超然功力。这幅《墨竹图》虽然属于纨扇类小品,但每1 笔都是那样沉稳扎实,没有丝毫的犹疑 马虎。即使是淡墨勾勒的竹梢,也是挺拔劲健,英姿勃发。起笔行笔,俨然是在写字。董寿平画竹,是对赵孟頫说的 “写竹还须八法通” 最好的诠释。
董寿平在青年时代从艺开始,便养成了半日读书,半日作画的习气 ,他博览群书,有渊博的学问 ,曾就读于南开大学经济系后研讨 东方哲学,善于将中国古代博大精深的艺术体系与古代 表现技法相结合。所以,他的作品布局章法富有哲理,包含 着深邃的东方传统哲学理念。他能够将诸如干湿、疏密、长短、浓淡种种对立的矛盾无机 地统一同 来,和谐地表现 在1 幅作品中,终究 达到天人合1 的理想境地。画竹的过程就是如何将具象美与抽象美和谐统1 的过程,也就是画家本身与所画之竹融为1 体的过程。人即是竹,竹即是人,要做到入画竹、竹化人。这类 朴素的哲学思想和美学理念成为董寿平作品鲜明的特征。
董寿平先生技法全面,涵养 深厚,不仅是书画艺术家,而且是当之无愧的哲学家、美学家,不愧为我国书画史上1 座丰碑。
他几十年沧桑风雨中辛苦 耕耘于书画,留下了成千上万幅一向 雍容恬静、旗帜鲜明的历史名作。他的画风苍劲浑朴,布局精到,清新典雅,以造化为师而不背 古法,在风格上有突出的个人创新。他的画出于天籁,从写生入手,笔墨活泼,富以高度的艺术概括,既求形似,也重神似,更重表现对象的精神。所作朱砂红梅堪称绝技;所作墨竹俊逸挺秀,简练轩昂,构图空灵,别具1 格;所作山水更是脍炙人口,多以黄山奇峰老松为题材,画卷不拘峰石之形似,而求整幅气韵的统1 ;所写墨松富有生活气息,笔墨苍劲,繁简相宜。其作品在画界享有 "董梅"、"寿平竹"、"黄山巨擘" 的雅誉,体现了哲学与美学和谐统1 ,完善 地代表着文人画那种天人合1 的真髓,不仅具有诗画的天然意境,还富有1 种谦和醇厚的文人书卷气质和儒士风范。显示出了他高尚的精神境界、渊博的学知和刚正不阿、襟怀 坦荡的品德。
董寿平先生的魅力,在于他高尚的人格。他淡泊名利、洁身自好、助桀为虐 ,这是董寿平从小就养成的1 种习气 。 1923年,董老在北京世界语学校求学时,本预备 暑假回晋探亲,因遇到一名 燕京大学的同学的同学苦于没有路费不能回四川老家探亲,他便决然 决定放弃了本身 回家探亲的计划。生前六十多年间,他参加各种义务展览、笔会、慈善、赈灾活动,捐献字、画数不胜数。最伟大的莫过于他的赤子爱国心。1941年他将在四川画展所得之款捐献援助 抗战。暮年 期间,全国侨联副主席陈彬藩,为弘扬茶文明 常请他作画,多是墨迹未干就匆匆拿上走了,董寿平不但不烦,反而觉得开心,非常赞成 陈氏的这类 风风火火的风格 。1994年,华南发生百年不遇的水灾,香港《大公报》等六个单位发起名家书画赈灾义卖会,董寿平闻悉后,画了1 幅四尺墨竹《风雨劲竹》捐献义卖。那次活动,共有207名书画家、雕塑家捐献作品200件,义卖款总金额为240.9万港元,而董寿平的那幅《风雨劲竹》由升华服务无限 公司主席包玉刚之女苏包陪庆女士以29万港元认购,创当次义卖之最高纪录。
董老不断 热爱和关心家乡文明 事业的发展。早在50年代和60年代,他就前后 两次向山西省博物馆捐赠了祖传的古代珍贵字画数十件。其中有明清册页,明代万历年间朝鲜画家李滩隐画的墨绢本《赤金竹》,及清代画家为他的高祖董霁堂画的《抚膝肄书图》、《汉书下酒图》等。1983年,他再1 次向家乡捐献本身 创作的精品书画200幅。他的家乡为纪念董寿平的艺术成就,在山西省太原市有关部门与日本友人的大力合作下,在太原市郊名胜古迹--晋祠公园内,建成1 座长时间 收藏和展览董寿平作品的美术馆。这个美术馆座落 在具有悠久历史的晋祠博物馆内,晋溪书院东侧,建筑占地1400平方米。董寿平在《艺术和书法作品捐赠书》上这样写道:"我的子孙及亲属均不得以任何借口索取或借用、借看;我的子孙和亲属均不得参与 "董寿平美术馆" 管理工作"。这些话充分表现了董寿平的高风亮节,他是中国古代 为数不多的德艺双馨的书画大师,即使在市场经济大潮的冲击下,仍洁身自处,完善 地度过了本身 的终身 。
Dong Shouping was born in a family, the Dong Shouping emperor Dong Jitang to the middle of Qing Dynasty famous calligrapher Dong Zhihuan, grandfather of Qing Imperial poetry, in the known world. Dong Jia collection of calligraphy and painting is very abundant, famous overseas. Dong Shouping nurtured by his family very fond of painting and calligraphy, assiduous self-study. At the beginning of the study of landscape painting flowers, especially in the painting of the Mount Huangshan and the beautiful scenery of the world. In 1931 and the advent of that famous JINGWAH, won acclaim at home and abroad. After 1938 in Chengdu, Xi'an and other places engaged in painting and calligraphy creation. After the founding of new Chinese, working for Beijing rongbaozhai, engaged in editing, creation, identification and professional training work. No count of the number of the works were selected for large-scale art exhibition or published in professional newspapers and periodicals. Have been invited to visit abroad and held a personal exhibition. The publication of "Dong Shouping", "Dong Shouping painting series book" on the album, "Dong Shouping", "Dong Shouping painting and calligraphy master Tan Yi Lu", "Rong Bao Zhai, Huapu Dong Shouping album" etc.. Representative works include "Mount Huangshan sea", "you", "River", "Mount Huangshan, Mount Huangshan" after the rain "wind and rain", "morning", "mountain", "Loushanguan Mozhu", "Mei", "bamboo wind", "strong wind" festival etc.. In the same year, when Deng Yingchao visited North Korea, he gave his paintings to the North Korean government. Many of his paintings and calligraphy have spread abroad, especially in Japan and Hongkong. In addition to the "Dong Shouping Memorial" collection of his works, the major art museum is in possession of Dong Shouping works
Contemporary famous painter, calligrapher. Poem family origin. Dong Jia collection of calligraphy and painting a lot, famous overseas. Dong Shouping affected by family, loved painting since his childhood. Dong Shouping was good at painting plum bamboo, skills can be called cinnabar Hongmei; when bamboo pen and ink to write concise, imposing a strong, dense composition in calligraphy, ancient and vigorous. Mexican song written by the rich flavor of life, ink Cangjin, affordable character. Landscape painting is in Mount Huangshan Qifeng old song as the theme, not like peak stone, for the spirit of unity, in the painting entitled "Dong Mei", "Shou Pingzhu", "Mount Huangshan giant" Ya yu. In addition to the "Dong Shouping Memorial" collection of his works, the major art museum also has a Dong Shouping works. His calligraphic art is full of personality, vigorous and energetic, elegant chic, both God shaped, bearing the bold, showed his noble spirit, profound knowledge, upright and outspoken and broad-minded character. His works have been exhibited at home and abroad many times, and have been collected by art museums and museums at home and abroad. Fuji Medal of fine arts".
Unique ingenuity
The famous painting masters of painting bamboo It is often seen. but Dong Shouping's style, unique ingenuity. Known as the Gu Anzhi and Wen Tong Ting Jin, Xia Zhongzhao, Li Fangying bloom, Zheng Banqiao slim, simple, Shi Tao plain, although the overall appearance of their different styles, but carefully conjecture, some previous method can be found, remains to be found. Appreciate Dong Shouping's bamboo, it is difficult to say exactly what the source of its origin, but its distinctive style, and not contrary to the ancient law. Art "answers", Dong Shouping has his own unique insights. He believes that the creation of the beginning. Visually a piece of white paper, in its own layout, which is "confident". But when the first drop, the painter should be "unprejudiced", then it is not, in the light of its general trend, the bound of bamboo, and to describe the mind, go. So, art circles called Dong Shouping bamboo as "Shou Pingzhu" is to a proper extent, there is truth.
Two meanings
The ancients called the painting bamboo, bamboo". A "write" contains two meanings: one is the bamboo pen form and China calligraphy is most close, there is no solid foundation of calligraphy is not possible to draw bamboo. Appreciate Dong Shouping's bamboo, a "force" the word throughout, and filled with the entire picture. Either the local or long Yu of indomitable spirit in the distal branches, are full of power, that categorically like strokes, which shows his supernatural skill on calligraphy. This piece of "bamboo" although belonging to each class silk pieces, but the pen is so calm down, without the slightest hesitation. Even using the outline of the bamboo shoot, is tall and strong, with a mettlesome and handsome bearing. The pen pen, seems to be in the office. Dong Shouping painted bamboo, is to Zhao Mengtiao said, "write bamboo still need eight law through" the best interpretation.
Philosophy idea
Dong Shouping started at a young age for art, they develop a half day school, half day painting habit, he has a profound knowledge, be learned in books, studied at Nankai University Department of economics of the Eastern philosophy, broad and profound ancient art will be good at China system and the combination of modern performance techniques. Therefore, his works layout rules rich philosophy, contains a profound traditional Oriental philosophy. He can be such contradictions organic dry, density, length, various shades of the unity of opposites, harmony in a piece of work, and ultimately achieve the harmony between man and nature of the ideal situation. The process of painting bamboo is the process of how to unify the concrete and the abstract beauty, that is, the process of the artist and the bamboo. One is bamboo, bamboo is a person to do painting bamboo, bamboo man. This simple philosophy of philosophy and aesthetics has become a distinctive feature of Dong Shouping's works.
Mr. Dong Shouping technique is not only comprehensive, profound culture, calligraphy and painting artists, but also fully deserve philosopher, esthetician, is worthy of Chinese painting and calligraphy history on a monument.
His decades of vicissitudes of life and hard work in painting, leaving tens of thousands of pieces of consistent and clear-cut historical quiet grace. His style is simple and vigorous, the layout of subtlety, fresh and elegant, with nature as the teacher rather than againstgu, personal innovation outstanding in style. His paintings from nature, from the sketch of ink, lively, rich in artistic generalization, both for the shape, also emphasis on the spirit, the spirit of heavier objects. The skills can be called cinnabar Hongmei; maizhokunggarting Xiu by Yi, concise Xuanang, dense composition have a unique style; the landscape is more popular, many in Mount Huangshan Qifeng old song as the theme, picture or shape of stone, for the spirit of unity; Mexican song written by the rich life breath, ink Cangjin, affordable character. It works in the art community to enjoy the "Dong Mei", "Shou Pingzhu", "Mount Huangshan giant" Ya Yu, reflects the harmony and unity of philosophy and aesthetics, the perfect representative of literati paintings that the essence of harmony between man and nature, not only has the natural conception of poem, also have a modest mellow temperament and style of Confucian literati scroll. Show his noble spirit, profound knowledge, upright and outspoken and broad-minded character.
Mr Dong Shouping's charm lies in his noble personality. His fame, abstinence, helping others, this is a habit of Dong Shouping was formed. In 1923, Dong in Beijing old world language school, the summer vacation back to Jin ready to visit relatives, because met a Yanjing University classmates do not have money can not return home to visit relatives in Sichuan, he decided to give up his plan to go home to visit relatives. More than and 60 years before his death, he participated in various exhibitions, pen, compulsory charity, disaster relief donation activities, calligraphy and painting beyond count. The greatest thing is his pure patriotism. In 1941, he will be in Sichuan exhibition proceeds donated to support the war. In later period, the National Federation of vice president Chen Binfan, to promote the tea culture often asked him to paint, is take away before the ink is dry in a hurry, Dong Shouping not only tired, but feel very happy, praise this style of Chen's rash and too much in haste. In 1994, Southern China has not occur even in a hundred years flood, "Ta Kung Pao" Hongkong and other six units launched the famous painting charity sale, Dong Shouping read about, drew a four foot Mozhu "rain fresh bamboo" charity donation. The event, a total of 207 artists, sculptors donated 200 works of charity, the total amount of HK $2 million 409 thousand, while Dong Shouping's "rain" by Jin bamboo sublimation service limited company president Bao Yugang's daughter Sue Ms. Sohmen to subscribe for HK $290 thousand, a time when the sale record.
Dong Lao has been loving and caring about the development of home culture. As early as in 50s and 60s, he has two times to the Shanxi Provincial Museum donated dozens of pieces of precious paintings of ancient ancestral. The Ming and Qing Dynasties album, Korean painter Li Tan hidden ink painting on silk "Wanli period of Ming Dynasty and Qing Dynasty painter" Jin Chi, Emperor Dong Jitang for his painting "map" to the book on the knee, "Han wine map" etc.. In 1983, he once again to his hometown to donate his own creative works of fine art 200. His hometown to commemorate Dong Shouping's artistic achievements, cooperation in Shanxi Province, Taiyuan city departments and Japanese friends, on the outskirts of Taiyuan - in places of historic interest and scenic beauty Jinci Park, built a long-term collection and exhibition of the works of Dong Shouping art museum. The museum is located in the historic Jinci Museum, Jin Xi academy east building covers an area of 1400 square meters. Dong Shouping wrote in "art and calligraphy works donated books" on this: "my sons and relatives are not allowed in any excuse to obtain or borrow, borrow to see; my children and relatives are not allowed to participate in the management of" Dong Shouping Museum "". These words were full of Dong Shouping he is China modern exemplary conduct and nobility of character, is one of the few smashing painting master, even under the impact of the market economy, still bathing place, perfect go through life.