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 顾振乐,字心某,号乐斋,1915年6月生,上海嘉定人。少年时师从童心录、翟树宜等前辈学习书画篆刻。1942年拜张石园为师,入室专攻“虞山画派”。作品多次参加国内外书画展及在专业报刊发表,并被多家博物馆、纪念馆收藏。曾两渡扶桑举行书画展。出版有《顾振乐书画集》、《顾振乐画集》等。现为中国书法家协会会员、西泠印社社员、上海市文史研讨 馆馆员、上海市高校书法教育研讨 会理事、华东师范大学《中华书法篆刻大典》编委。


 民国初年,每到江南晒霉时节,嘉定小城1 塾师府第“安顺堂”内,但见一名 垂髫稚童揽抱着1 札札其曾祖门生、同治元年状元徐蝃(官至协办大学士、礼部尚书)及其胞弟的书画轴卷,蹒跚着走向厅堂前的廊檐下和宅园树阴处,在青石上不寒而栗 地1 幅幅展开。让熏风吹走存积的晦涩时,稚童亦乘机撅腚伏首,跪护在字画旁,如饥似渴地吮吸着前人的涵露,1 边还不停地用手指在地上比划临摹着。

当年那位勤奋好学,秉赋聪颖,对书、画、印着了魔似的,名叫顾振乐(字心某,号乐斋)的孩童,因初时不辨何为刻刀,曾闹出在金石上初试锋芒用的竟是1 把扦脚刀的笑料。1 轮干支循环,其已经是 一名 深谙书、画、治印用笔驰刀之道,海上德高望重的老艺术家了。胡厥文先生高大墓碑上那雄壮 苍厚、遒劲飘逸、令人叹为观止的碑文,亦出自其手。

顾振乐先生早在青年时经翟树宜与赵梦苏(民国嘉定画家)举荐 ,获商务印书馆童式规指导 ,得《星录小楷》之精髓;又拜海上名画家张石园为师,并与师弟兄方去疾、单晓天等联袂研习切磋。此后其书画篆技艺日精,终自成1 格,卓然成家。

顾老为人诚信谦虚,淡泊名利,秉承祖训,以教书育人为本分,处处为人师表。虽桃李满天下,且有中国书法家协会会员、西泠印社社员、上海文史馆员及科大客座教授等诸多光环,却从不事张扬。退休后还奔波于复旦、财大、医大、上师大等高等学府间10余年,为弘扬、复兴 祖国传统文明 艺术,默默奉献着余热。

古稀以后 ,其更是静心倾力于拓展篆印艺技,至今捉刀不辍。如今91岁高龄,仍目明耳聪,精神矍铄,于方寸上奏刀施意,如游龙走蛟,酣畅淋漓,这于当今沪上篆刻界恐属绝无仅有者矣。

有人问其诀,他笑说:治印心手并用,舒筋通脉,凝气聚神,养怡致静,怎不益身健体,满足 常乐。其实对顾老的德艺,陈从周先生早有评说:“顾君性情 深沉内向,富文学涵养 ,为人步步成规,作书1 笔不苟,重情义,薄利禄……”

作为1 个淡泊名利、乐于育人、终身 为复兴 国粹奔波劳碌的仁者,其暮年 身心怎能不健朗长乐!

English Introduction

 Gu Zhenle, the heart of a word, number Le Zhai, born in June 1915, Jiading Shanghai people. A teenager with child records, Zhai Shuyi and other predecessors learning calligraphy carving. 1942: Zhang stone garden for burglary, specialize in "Yushan school". Works many times to participate in domestic and international book exhibition and published in professional newspapers, and was a number of museums, memorial collections. Two Du Fusang art exhibition held. The publication of "Gu Zhenle book" on the album, "Gu Zhenle album" etc.. Now Chinese Calligraphers Association, Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society members, Shanghai Research Institute of culture and history, Shanghai University Calligraphy Education Research Association, East China Normal University "Chinese calligraphy dictionary" editorial board.

In the early Republic of China, to the south by sun every season, Jiading city hall the "Anshun hall", but see a child holding a chuitiao embrace zhazha cengzu, students in the first year of champion Xu Di (the official grand bachelor, libushangshu) and shaft and the younger brother of the volume, stumbling to the front of the hall the sun and garden in the shade of the trees, the stone carefully a piece of expansion. Let the wind blowing away accumulated obscure, children also took the opportunity to head down your buttocks, kneeling beside the support in calligraphy and painting, from the previous like hunger and thirst to contain the dew, while still kept on the ground with his finger pointing a copy.

When the studious, and intelligent, of calligraphy and painting are possessed, named Gu Zhenle (a word heart, Le Zhai) children, because at the beginning does not distinguish what is graver, had trouble in the stone was used on the first try ability of a pedicure knife joke. A cycle is the heavenly stems and earthly branches, well versed in calligraphy and painting, carving pen knife Chi Road, the sea of noble character and high prestige of the old artists. Mr. Hu Juewen tall tombstone that thick, elegant, vigorous and forceful cubeba is as the acme of perfection of the inscriptions, also from their hands.

Mr. Gu Zhenle early in youth by Zhai Shuyi and Zhao Mengsu (the Jiading painter) was introduced, the Commercial Press's regulations pointing, "Star" will have the essence recorded; and worship the sea painter Zhang Shiyuan teacher, and to disease, single day Xiao compare notes with young brother party together. Since the painting skills NISSEI end seal, sui generis, Zoran chengjia.

Gu old human integrity, modesty, fame, adhering to Zuxun, imparting knowledge and educating people is the duty teacher everywhere. Although students everywhere, and there is a member of Chinese Calligrapher Association members, Shanghai Xiling Seal-Engravers'Society wenshiguan member, and guest professor of many other aura, but never make things. After retirement went from Fudan, finance, medical, University and other institutions of higher education among more than 10 years, to promote the revitalization of the motherland, traditional culture and art, silently heat.

Seventy, which is dedicated to expanding the graphic arts technology from meditation, since the ghost buchuo. Now 91 years old, still bright eyes ear, hale and hearty, in the heart on Zoudao Shi, such as dragon go Jiao, which in today's Shanghai fully and delightfully, fear is such a unique carving circles.

Some people asked the tactic, he says with a laugh: India and hand Shujin, Tongmai, poly gas God, Yang Yi to quiet, do not benefit the body, contentment. In fact, the old Gu Deyi, Mr Chen Congzhou said: "Gu Jun has deep character introverted, rich literary accomplishment, as people step by step rules for the book, heavy friendship, conscientious and meticulous, thin cyril......"

A happy life, fame, education for the revitalization of the quintessence of work as a benevolent, old age can not fit the body and mind of Changle!



