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 董希源,福建省诏安县人。现为中国美术家协会会员,福建省美术家协会常务理事,文明 部中国美术院艺委会委员、中华文明 艺术协会专家委员,中国人民大学画院特聘教授、荣宝斋画院特聘教授,福建省画院特聘画师。福建省八届、九届、十届政协委员,福建省八届、九届、十届青年联合会常委,第六届福建省国际文明 经济交流中心思 事。

董希源画集》、《名家画范——董希源我学山水画》、《锦绣河山美如画——董希源为天安门城楼、人民大会堂、地方 领导新年贺卡作品集》、《中国近古代 名家精品从书——董希源山水作品精选》、《国画家专辑——董希源》、《走进名家工作室年记·董希源》等由中国青年出版社、人民美术出版社、天津美术出版社、天津杨柳青画社、福建美术出版社、四川美术出版社等出版发行。

其作品《农家山市》、《乡情》、《春风得意》、《山高云祥》、《清音出泉壑》、《鹤鸣天地宽》、《新篁映锦绣·寒梅化春光》、《江山永存》、《涛涛云海壮山河》、《锦绣河山美如画》、《梅竹知春更红绿》、《喜鹤三友共千秋》由中南海、人民大会堂、天安门城楼、全国人大机关、国际奥委会、中国美协收藏并陈列,23幅作品被选为制造 中国国家领导人2008年和2014年新年贺卡。1986年起应邀在上海、福建、广东、山东、台湾、香港、北京、江苏、联合国环境规划署举办个人画展。



 董希源山水画给人最深的印象便是气韵生动,山川宏伟 娟秀 ,豪迈刚健,很有气势,他擅长把握画面的全体 感,如《高壑览景图》、《秋山云散图》、《流云飞瀑图》、《云涌春山图》等,虽然峰峦叠出,婉蜒不绝,沟壑纵横,目不暇接,同时流云飞瀑,涌动其间,但却毫无零碎琐繁之感,全部 山体龙脉互相呼应;浑然1 体,给人以大气磅礴的;仕美质感。

中国山水画在5 代、北宋时期达到1 个高峰,如董源《夏山图》、范宽《溪山行旅图》、郭熙《早春图》,虽平远、高远、深远不尽相反 ,但无不以高山仰止的壮美,展现 了祖国大好河山那高耸 的质感,富有阳刚之气。同时,古人尝称,水、云为山之呼吸,若无水、云,山无生机。董希源正是把悟了传统三味,使其所绘山水具有撼人的气魄和云水流动的生机。那坚实的岩壑、飞动的流泉、变灭的烟云,与点景人物、树木、村舍,共同构筑了富有韵律的、生机勃勃的大自然,可游可居,可亲可爱,让人陶醉其中。

董希源山水画另1 个特点是构图饱满,虽密不透风,却疏能跑马。为了突出山水的雄奇峻伟,他以层层叠加的方式使所绘作品产生顶天立地的效果,强悍、雄厚、先入为主,使观者在绵延不绝的大山面前领悟气势逼人的感受,解读气壮山河的妙谛。

毛泽东在《十六字令》词中称赞祖国大山道:"天欲坠,赖以柱其间",欣赏董希源的《云涌春山图》、《高壑观景图》时,此种情感令人油然而生。董希源虽然舍弃了大块留白的方式,但他却没有舍弃"计白当黑"的良好 笔墨传统,他以如泻的流泉飞瀑、如幻的岚气云烟,让凝固的岩壑沉浸在流动的空气中,泉声、云气,可闻可观,大自然的呼吸动静,是如此地和谐、优雅、娟秀 、多变。热爱生活的董希源,还喜欢在画面上点缀草帽,着连衣裙的少女倩影,给奇山秀水增加 了古代 生活气息,与常用古装老僧、隐逸点景的方式比拟 ,别有1 番情趣。故而观其山水,既有崔巍雄奇之美,又有灵巧秀雅之情,真假 相济,互得益彰。

董希源山水画第三个特点是表现手法灵活丰富,工意兼具,技法全面,他善用大小斧劈皴,去展现 山体的刚健;亦好用长短披麻皴,去表现山峦的浑厚;还能用豆瓣皴去写出岩壑的质感;董希源并不喜欢1 味地放任,而是强调在客观基础上的夸张、美化,将元朝 赵子昂为代表的"文人画"工意兼具的传统,予以发扬光大。他在近景 、中景、近景的处理上,更是体现了这1 思想,该写实处则写实,该写意处则写意,灵活应用 ,恰到好处。如《秋山云散图》,近景之枫树竹林,丘壑山舍,表现精到;远处之云峰气岚,水墨淋漓,而全图浑然1 体,并无生硬造作 之弊。在设色、光影的表现上,画家也十分留意 ,落笔不苛,既不偷工减料,又不滥用水墨,技艺纯熟,层次丰富,收到"天涯 十里"之效,而不让古人。

赵子昂曾云:"作画贵有古意,若无古意,虽工何益。"赵氏所说古意,实际是指学习传统优秀技法,并且在此基础上予以创新。赵氏的终身 艺术实践,就是很好的注解。而董希源的绘画实践,也向我们阐述了这1 真谛。他的画面上弥漫 着传统的典雅,又充满着新时代的审美情趣。我们可以看到以线外型 、以画为奇的创作主旨 ,和讲求画意中诗情的传统标准;又可以看到重视 光影效果,色彩明暗,和 对画面要求饱满的新观念:中国传统水墨画设色淡雅、清丽,外型 似与不似的趣味,也在其中得到体现。


 登上北京天安门城楼的游人会发现,在城楼正厅的东墙上,有1 幅气势磅礴的国画———《山高云祥》。画面上,黄山奇峰、云海松涛彼此 交错,气魄宏伟,境界开阔。这幅国画是今年9月24日刚换上的,作者名叫董希源,是福建省政协委员、省青年书画家协会会长。据了解,新中国成立至今,天安门城楼收藏绘画作品约400幅,从作者的年龄看,董希源是其中最年轻的。

董希源1 身黑色中式衣裤,脚下黑色圆口布鞋,及肩的头发在脑后束成马尾———“1 个传统与古代 的结合者”,这是我的第1 印象。董希源1964年生于八闽大地,9岁起跟随舅父习画,自幼便打下了扎实的国画基础。1986年,他大学美术专业毕业后,通过研摹古今名家,在继承前人优秀传统绘画的笔墨精华及内涵的基础上,不断创新,逐步 构成 了本身 独特的绘画言语 。

当今,1 些人抛弃中国文明 传统,用1 些前卫的情势 取悦观众。董希源说:“这类 时尚换来的只不过是1 阵短暂的掌声。绘画不能赶时尚,只要 全身心肠 学习研讨 传统,才能有所创新。”董希源做到了。董希源决不画应景之作。当许多人游走于各种笔会、展览谋名得利时,他更多时候是在工作室中潜心创作。他对每1 幅画都十分在乎 ,不管 是卖、是赠还是捐,只需 ?a href=https://www.meishu.com/baike/2/1/1972.html target=_blank class=infotextkey>约翰宦猓喜怀鍪帧6T吹幕易烂嫔鲜且环闪サ墓惺杳苡兄碌牟莸厣嫌袖飨蛟斗剑?只仙鹤怡然自得,或引颈长鸣,或振翅欲飞,或低头啜饮,或梳羽自怜。画虽尚未着色,已 气韵生动、意趣盎然。他说,这幅《鹤鸣天地宽》是应邀为人民大会堂而作的。他应广东东莞市长安镇约请 ,要到该镇举办画展。

English Introduction

 Dong Xiyuan, Zhaoan County, Fujian province. Now China Artists Association, executive director of Fujian Artists Association, the Ministry of culture China art academy art committee, Chinese culture and Art Association Expert Committee, Renmin University of China art academy Professor, rongbaozhai academy Professor, Fujian Province Academy painter. Fujian Province, eight, nine, ten CPPCC members, Fujian Province, the eight, the nine, the ten Youth Association, the sixth Fujian international cultural and economic exchange center. [1]

"Dong Xiyuan album", "famous painting fan - Dong Xiyuan I", "landscape painting picture - Dong Xiyuan for the beautiful rivers and mountains of Tiananmen square, the Great Hall of the people, the leadership of the Central Committee of New Year card works", "Chinese modern fine artists from the book - Dong Xiyuan selected works", "Chinese landscape painter Dong Xiyuan," album "into the famous studio years Dong Xiyuan" by the Chinese Youth Press, people's fine arts publishing house, Tianjin Fine Arts Publishing House, Tianjin Yangliuqing paintings, Fujian Art Publishing House, Sichuan Fine Arts Publishing House published.

The "mountain city", "works" nostalgia "," successful "," mountains "," Yunxiang voiceless "," a spring gully "," new world wide Heming Huang Ying Jinxiu - Samuume of spring "," landscape "," eternal "," Shan Zhuang Taotao clouds picture "," the beautiful rivers and mountains Mei red "," bamboo, more like the crane "by the Zhongnanhai, a total of Qiangiu friends of Tiananmen square, the Great Hall of the people, the NPC organs, International Olympic Committee, China Meixie collection and display, 23 works were chosen for making Chinese leaders in 2008 and 2014 New Year greeting card. In 1986, invited to Shanghai, Fujian, Guangdong, Shandong, Taiwan, Hongkong, Beijing, Jiangsu, the United Nations Environment Planning Department held a personal exhibition.

The Chinese porcelain painting lotus bottle (He Ping) "was selected as the" 2013 champions of the Earth Award "the United Nations trophy

Dong Xiyuan landscape painting the deepest impression is vivid, magnificent and beautiful mountains, bold and energetic, very powerful, he is good at grasping the overall sense of the screen, such as "high and map", "king on the map", "Akiyama waterfall map", "cloud cloud mountain spring map", although the peaks a stack, meandering incessant, ravines, dizzying, and cloud waterfalls, surging in the meantime, but no fragmented and complicated feeling, the whole mountain ranges to each other; to give people of all blend into one harmonious whole, grand and magnificent beauty of texture; shi.

China landscape paintings in the Five Dynasties and the Northern Song Dynasty reached a peak, such as Dong Yuan, Fan Kuan Shantu "" summer "travelers among mountains and streams" and Guo Xi "early spring", although Pingyuan, lofty and far-reaching is not the same, but all the splendor of the motherland extend great admiration, showing that the towering texture beautiful rivers and mountains of a country, full of masculinity. At the same time, the ancients taste, water, clouds for the mountains of the breath, if water, clouds, mountains without vitality. Dong Xiyuan is to realize the three traditional flavor, the painted landscape verve and cloud water flow with astonishing vitality. The solid rock gully, flying down, turn off the smoke, and the point of view characters, trees, cottages, work together to build a rich rhythm, full of vigour of nature, you can be living, loving, make people intoxicated.

Dong Xiyuan landscape painting is another feature of full composition, although the airtight, but sparse can happy. In order to highlight the landscape of the magnificent Jun Wei, he has to make the layers of indomitable spirit painted works, tough, strong, make the audience in front of First impressions are strongest, endless mountains really aggressive feelings, interpretation of magnificent wonderfulness.

Mao Zedong in the "sixteen words" words in praise to the motherland mountains: "day to fall, during which the column", the "Dong Xiyuan enjoy the spring mountain map", "cloud valley high viewing map", this kind of feeling is arise spontaneously. Although Dong Xiyuan abandoned the large blank, but he did not abandon the "white when the black" excellent traditional ink, such as his diarrhea liuquanfeibao, dreamy haze gas clouds, let the solidification of the rock gully immersed in a flowing air, sound, gas, smell is considerable, respiratory movement is nature. So harmonious, elegant, beautiful and changeable. Love life, love Dong Xiyuan, also in the picture with a straw hat, a dress young girl again, added the modern life to qishanxiushui, compared with the common point of view, the ancient monk way, do not have a taste. Therefore, the concept of landscape, both towering magnificent beauty and clever fair feeling, and Jinan, mutual benefit.

Third Dong Xiyuan landscape painting characteristic is the expression meaning both flexible and rich, industry, comprehensive techniques, use his size to show the ax cracked, energetic; also good for length and pimacun, to show the vigorous; can also be used to write the bean cracked rock gully texture; Dong Xiyuan does not love a laissez faire, but stressed that in the objective on the basis of exaggeration, landscaping, the Yuan Dynasty Zhao Ziang as the representative of the "literati painting" has the meaning of traditional industry, to carry forward. He was in prospect, medium, close range, is the embodiment of this idea, this is the realistic realism, freehand is freehand, flexible use, just perfect. Such as the "Akiyama map", close the maple forest, mountain mountain homes, performance of gas ink subtlety; distant Yunfeng LAN, dripping, and full stiff and artificial disadvantages all blend into one harmonious whole, No. In the design, the performance of light and shadow, the painter is very careful to not harsh, neither Jerry, don't abuse the ink, skilled, rich layers, receive a "ten" distance effect, and not let the ancients.

Zhao Ziang has said: "you have to paint old, if not old, although the industry what benefits. Zhao said, "old", refers to the actual learning traditional techniques, and on the basis of innovation. The life of art practice, is a good comment. And Dong Xiyuan's painting practice, also explained to us this true meaning. His picture is permeated with the traditional elegance, and is full of the new era of aesthetic taste. We can see the line to form, to draw a singular purpose of creation, the traditional poetry and painting in a standard; and can be seen on the lighting, shading, and the new concept of screen for full China: traditional ink painting colors and elegant, elegant, like other fun and not like, also reflected in the among them.

Boarded the Beijing Tiananmen square, visitors will find in the tower hall on the east wall, there is a painting of great momentum -- "mountains" yunxiang. On the screen, Mount Huangshan Qifeng, Songtao clouds are mutually staggered, the great spirit, wide realm. This painting is just in September 24th this year, the author named Dong Xiyuan, Fujian provincial CPPCC members, the Provincial Association of young artists association. It is understood that since the founding of new Chinese, the Tiananmen gate collects paintings about 400 pictures, from the author's age, Xiyuan Dong is one of the most young.

Dong Xiyuan a black Chinese underwear, black feet round mouth shoes, and shoulder hair behind beam horsetail -- "a combination of traditional and modern", this is my first impression. Dong Xiyuan was born in 1964 in Fujian earth, 9 years old with Uncle painting, a child will lay a solid foundation of Chinese painting. In 1986, he graduated from the College of professional art, through research. The masters in continuous innovation, the essence and connotation of ink based inherit traditional painting of the predecessors, and gradually formed its own unique painting language.

Today, some people abandon the Chinese cultural tradition, in the form of some avant-garde to please the audience. Dong Xiyuan said: "this kind of fashion trade is only a short burst of applause. Painting can not be driven fashion, only the study of the whole body, to be innovative." Dong Xiyuan did it. Dong Xiyuan never painted the occasion. When many people walk on all sorts of pen, exhibition of fame enrichment, he more often in the studio he created. He is very concerned about every painting, whether it is to sell, give or donate, as long as they are not satisfied, not shot. Dong Xiyuan's studio on the desktop is a Zhang six horse painting, painting a density gurgling stream flows away to the grass, only 9 cranes or keep looking, happy and pleased with oneself, or wings to fly, or bow sipping, or preening self pity. Painting is the unfinished has vivid, interesting. He said that this piece of "Heming world wide" is invited to for the Great Hall of the people. He should be invited to the town of Dongguan, Changan, Guangdong, to the town held a painting exhibition.



