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 高冠华1915年生于江苏南通,1940年毕业于国立杭州艺专,为国画大师潘天寿的入室弟子。新中国成立后,前后 任教于天津大学、北京艺术学院、南京艺术学院、地方 美术学院,1999年病逝。他继承中国写意画传统精髓,以中为体,融合中西,独辟蹊径,开拓出写意花鸟广阔的艺术空间。他的画构图奇崛险绝,疏密聚散,穿插交错;用笔纵横恣意,极富节奏感。

高冠华潘天寿先生的入室弟子,高冠华擅长写意花鸟画,是一名 成就 深厚、功底扎实、涵养 全面、诗书画兼长、风格独特、颇具创意的花鸟画大师。二十世纪八十年代作有《竹石图》寄怀台湾故旧好友,并有《仙客来》、《春上柳梢图》等赠台湾道友 。


高冠华曾三度应邀赴日本进行文明 交流,受到日本政府和艺术界的热情欢迎及高度评价。他前后 被聘为中国画研讨 院毕生 导师、中华名人协会中国书画研讨 院名誉院长、中国书画社社长、中国手指画研讨 会常务副会长。于1995年入选英国剑桥《世界名人辞典》。


 尽管跟随 潘老30春秋,但力主:“师迹不如师意,师意莫若窥其神韵,探其精英,方可登峰造极。


”兼习西法,加强造形,认定:“画须始于形似,终究 神似,似而不似,不似而似,方为上品。

”因而 ,他的画,不论1 花1 鸟,1 草1 木,都赋予绚丽色彩、新异的构图。

对疏密聚散、穿插交错要求严厉 ,而且节奏感特别强烈,书寓诗情,神态栩栩,既有传统,又有新意,既有潘老的风骨,


可谓别具1 格,独树1 帜,提高表现力,还朴反拙,深化意境,给人们以美的享用 。深得国内外人士称赏。

相干 评价

 中国美术学院1 件出版物《画坛集粹艺花增辉》上曾对高冠华有过如下概括评介:“高冠华潘天寿先生的入室弟子,功力深厚,能诗、书、画融为1 体,花鸟草木皆赋予绚丽的色彩、新异的构图,严谨、别致 ,有很强的感染力,并具有强烈的时代感。他的作品大幅气势外拓,有纵横开阖之概;小幅运思巧妙,娟秀 俗气 ,尤其 识者爱好 。他技法纯熟 ,对聚散、疏密、黑白、浓淡均构想精致,能小中见大。”

高冠华为弘扬民族文明 ,以坚强的毅力创作很多作品,也写了很多诗篇。复兴 民族文明 是和复兴 民族精神分歧 的。为了中华民族能够屹立在东方,要摒弃民族虚无主义,去掉民族优越感 ,去迎接21世纪的中华民族艺术高潮的到来。 

English Introduction

 Gao Guanhua was born in Jiangsu in 1915 1940 in Nantong, graduated from Hangzhou National Art College, for Chinese painting master Pan Tianshou disciple. After the founding of new Chinese, has taught at Tianjin University, the Art Institute of Beijing, Nanjing Arts Institute, China Central Academy of Fine Arts, died in 1999. He China freehand painting to the essence of traditional inheritance, for the body, the fusion of Chinese and western, inventive, open up broad freehand art space. His paintings. Tucci rise no risk, and density, with staggered; with arbitrary aspect, very sense of rhythm.

Pan Tianshou is a disciple of Mr. Gao Guanhua, Gao is good at freehand flower and bird painting, is a profound knowledge, solid foundation, comprehensive training, poetry, painting and a long, unique style, quite creative flower and bird painting master. In 1980s as "old friends" in memory of Taiwan bamboo and stone, and "," spring willow "Cyclamen" etc. to Taiwan friends.

Gao Guanhua has been invited to the three degree of cultural exchanges in Japan, the Japanese government and the arts community's warm welcome and highly valued. He has been hired as a lifelong mentor of Chinese Painting Research Institute, honorary president of the Chinese Academy of Chinese painting and Calligraphy Association, President of the Chinese painting and calligraphy society, China's finger painting Research Association executive vice president. Selected in 1995 in Cambridge, the world famous Dictionary of the world.

Although following the pan old 30 spring and autumn, but insisted: "the teacher track better teachers, teachers will see the morrow charm, the elite can reach the peak of perfection.

"It made:" and he's long, under the Ivy, eight, fou old austria.

"Xi and ziphah, strengthen the form, and finds that: draw in shape, and finally spirit, like do not like, do not like like, for the best.

"Therefore, his paintings, regardless of flowers and birds, with brilliant color, every tree and bush, novel composition.

The density distribution, with staggered strict requirements, and the rhythm is very strong, the book put poetry, vivid expression, both traditional and innovative, both the pan old style,

Have their own face.

Can have a unique style, become an independent school, improve performance, but also deepen the artistic conception, the station park, to the people to enjoy the beauty. Won the praise of people at home and abroad.



