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潘公凯 - 在全球化语境中探询笔墨——访第八

2022-03-11 17:39:09 3425




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 潘公凯生于1947年,其时父亲潘天寿年届5 十,正担任国立艺术专科学校校长。以后 时局变迁,学校几经改名,潘天寿还是不断 在美术学院内从事教学,1959年担任浙江美术学院(前身即为国立艺专)院长,直至“文革”开始。


潘公凯对南方周末记者这样描述 小时候的本身 :“比较内向,特别安静,对科技的兴味 特别大。院子里很多小孩在打打闹闹地玩,我几乎不出去跟他们玩,天天在家做东西。”让他至今引以为骄傲 的是,小学三年级就会本身 制造 电子管收音机。那台电子管收音机是杭州市小先生 做的第1 台收音机,以后 还被拿去参加了少年儿童科技博览会。

潘公凯的大哥同样也是对科技更为感兴味 ,他不断 都没画过画。潘公凯读小学的时候,大哥已 是学工科的大先生 ,以后 毕业又成为杭丝联(杭州丝绸印染联合厂)的工程师。那时已 流行“学好数理化,走遍天下都不怕”,潘公凯“觉得哥哥很了不起”。

哥弟俩“背离”家学渊源,父亲潘天寿并不在乎 。“当老师时间长了就会明白,看1 个人成功与否不能看1 时。他对我和我大哥读书很信任,几乎从来不问你们在学什么,考了几分。”潘公凯说。

“我父亲并没有教过我画画,但是在传统文明 方面对我是有引导的,比如希望我读唐诗宋词、练书法,他会帮我找1 些字帖之类的,向我建议,我本身 下功夫。”

考高中时,潘公凯本来想学理科,但初中的美术老师觉得他画画有天分,就自作主张替他报名参加浙美附中的入学考试,结果潘公凯考了第一位 。“附中的校长就到我家来,跟我父亲说,让我不要去别的学校了。我家当时也抹不开面子,加上这个校长确实人很好,我就去附中了。”


English Introduction

 Pan Gongkai, born in Ninghai, Zhejiang Province on January 24, 1947, is the second son of Pan Tianshou, a master of traditional Chinese painting. He was president of China Academy of Fine Arts in 1996 and President of the Central Academy of fine arts since June 2001. Now he is vice chairman of China Artists Association, columnist and expert of China net in the Information Office of the State Council.


Professor in office: Dean of China Academy of fine arts and Central Academy of fine arts, as well as doctoral supervisor.


Since 1979, he has been teaching Chinese painting creation and art history theory. From May 1992 to January 1994, he visited Berkeley University in the United States. Honorary doctor of San Francisco Academy of fine arts. In the past 20 years, he has published a large number of academic papers in important domestic journals. He has published the collection of papers "limitation and expansion", monographs "Pan Tianshou's commentary", "Pan Tianshou's painting technique analysis", edited "Pan Tianshou's painting collection" (won the National Book Award), "modern design series", and compiled "the history of Chinese painting".


Professor Pan Gongkai's achievements in art are also admirable. He has held many large-scale individual art exhibitions in New York, San Francisco, Hong Kong, Paris, UNESCO headquarters and other places, enjoying a high reputation at home and abroad. It is precisely because of his remarkable achievements in the above aspects that Professor Pan Gongkai took the post of member of the CPPCC National Committee and vice chairman of China Artists Association. In October 1991, he was rated as an intellectual with special contribution.


Born in Ninghai, Zhejiang Province on January 24, 1947,


In 1964, he was admitted to the Affiliated High School of Zhejiang Academy of fine arts. Wu Guoting, a master of traditional Chinese painting in the Department of head teacher, was a famous painter;


He graduated from the Affiliated High School of Zhejiang Academy of Fine Arts in 1968, and was persecuted by the "Cultural Revolution", so he was transferred to the countryside;


From 1968 to 1979, he was engaged in rural cultural work and art creation in the poor mountainous areas of southern Zhejiang;


In 1978, he studied in the Department of traditional Chinese painting, Zhejiang Academy of fine arts,


1979-1986, assistant professor, Department of Chinese painting, Zhejiang Academy of fine arts;


1986-1987: Director and lecturer of Editorial Department of Journal of Zhejiang Academy of fine arts;


1987-1992, chairman and associate professor of the Department of Chinese painting, Zhejiang Academy of fine arts;


1992-1994, visiting scholar to East Asia Institute of Berkeley University;


1994-1996: Director, professor and master's supervisor of the research department of the Central Academy of fine arts; vice chairman of Zhejiang Art Association;


1996-2001: Dean, professor and doctoral supervisor of China Academy of fine arts;


He also served as vice chairman of Zhejiang Federation of literary and art circles and vice chairman of Zhejiang Art Association;


In 2001, he served as a member of the CPPCC National Committee, vice chairman of China Artists Association, President of the Central Academy of fine arts


Professor of Central Academy of fine arts, doctoral supervisor of Central Academy of Fine Arts


The first large-scale individual painting exhibition in China in 2006


2011 "still water and deep current -- pan Gongkai's Works Exhibition" opened in Macau's return ceremony Museum on the 13th


On June 18, 2010, I watched pan Gongkai's solo exhibition "transformation of misconstruction: crossing Duchamp"


On March 9, 2013, the large-scale exhibition "pan Gongkai - diffusion and generation" opened in Beijing Today Art Museum.


In September 2014, he resigned as president of the Central Academy of fine arts.



