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曹无-向往美好 筑梦蓝天

 曹无,号世外闲人,别名髯公,陇上人,雅号:髯仙。1951年出生在甘肃1 个知识分子家庭。种过田,当过矿工,学过医,演过戏,到过“5 ·七”干校,读过两年大学“政教系”,又在省政府办公厅干了多年的人事保卫、外交联络等工作。

1984年开始筹建甘肃画院,是甘肃画院创始人之1 。1989年入地方 美院国画系,1990年入地方 美院书法研讨 室研修,1991年入中国研讨 院研讨 生部研修美术史论。1993年被文明 部艺术局聘任为中国首届艺术博览会艺术掌管 ,艺委会秘书长。现为国家1 级美术师,硕士学位。


Introduction in English

 Cao Wu is a stranger. He is also known as the Duke of ran. He was born in Longshang. His nickname is the immortal of ran. Born in 1951 in an intellectual family in Gansu Province. He has cultivated fields, worked as a miner, studied medicine, played plays, worked in the "May 7th" cadre school, studied in the "Department of politics and education" of the University for two years, and worked in the general office of the provincial government for many years in personnel protection, diplomatic liaison and other work.


In 1984, Gansu Academy of painting began to be built. It is one of the founders of Gansu Academy of painting. He joined the Department of traditional Chinese painting of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1989, the Calligraphy Research Office of the Central Academy of Fine Arts in 1990, and the Graduate Department of the Chinese Academy of Fine Arts in 1991. In 1993, he was appointed by the art Bureau of the Ministry of culture as the art chair of the first China Art Fair and the Secretary General of the Art Committee. Now he is a national first-class artist with a master's degree.


Since 1983, he has published calligraphy, photography and painting works and participated in exhibitions at home and abroad. In 1992, he held a solo exhibition in China Art Museum. Many works are collected by art groups and collectors at home and abroad. He has published "Cao Wu's works collection" and "Cao Wu's photography works selection". His artistic biography has been compiled into such monographs as "Chinese photographer dictionary", "Chinese contemporary art celebrities list", "World Chinese artists achievement exhibition dictionary", "Chinese Characters Dictionary", etc.



