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王诚浩1965年12月生人。毕业于华中师范大学美术系,艺术硕士。现为武汉大学副教授、硕士生导师,湖北省教育厅艺术教育委员会委员,湖北省高等学校美术与设计教学指点 委员会秘书长,湖北省美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会委员。

次要 展览获奖
2011年应中国美术家协会约请 ,水彩画作品《喀什印象》入选“天山南北--中国美术作品展”(中国美术馆)
2011年受聘参加中中共武汉市委宣扬 部主办的纪念辛亥革命100周年“武汉印象”美术作品展。水彩画《巍巍武昌城》等二幅作品参展。(武汉美术馆)
(上海朱屺瞻美术馆)湖北省委宣扬 部、湖北省文明 厅主办
2010年水彩画《早春之1 》获湖北省教育厅、文明 厅主办的湖北省高校第四届美术大展学术奖。(评委特别奖)(湖北美术院展览馆)
2009年水彩画《喀什印象》获中国文明 部、中国文联、中国美协联合主办的“第十1 届全国美术作品展览”首届中国美术奖获奖提名。(中国美术馆)
2009年受聘参加中共武汉市委宣扬 部主办的庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年“武汉印象”美术作品展。水彩画《烟雨珞珈山》等5 幅作品参展。(武汉美术馆)
2009年获邀参加湖北省美协、湖北省艺术馆主办的“回顾与瞻望 ”湖北水彩画艺术展。水彩画《红苹果》等四幅作品参展。(湖北省美术馆)
2009年获湖北省委宣扬 部、首届“湖北美术节”组委会颁发的“湖北美术创作成果奖”。
2008年水彩画《喀什古巷》入选湖北省委宣扬 部主办的纪念改革开放三十周年湖北省人物画展,获学术奖。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
2008年水彩画《夕照》获湖北省教育厅、文明 厅主办的湖北省高校第三届美术大展学术奖。(评委特别奖)(湖北美术学院展览馆)
2008年水彩画《喀什古巷》入选文明 部、国务院学位办主办的全国首届艺术硕士研讨 生优秀作品展。(中国美术馆)
2007年水彩画《远眺》入选湖北省美术家协会成立5 十周年优秀美术作品展,获优秀奖。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
2006年水彩画《逝者如斯》入选湖北省文联、湖北省美术家协会举办的第5 届湖北省水彩画/粉画作品展获“湖北省水彩艺术奖”。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
2006年水彩画《瑞雪》等三幅作品入选获湖北省文联、湖北省美术家协会举办的“第5 届湖北省水彩/粉画作品展”。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
2003年水彩画《神农秋色》、《神农冬韵》分别获得湖北省文明 厅、湖北省教育厅主办的“湖北省高等学校美术大展”银奖和铜奖。(湖北美术学院展览馆)
2000年水彩画《画室里的静物》和《暖冬》分别获得湖北省教育厅、文明 厅主办的“2000年湖北省教师美术摄影作品展览”铜奖和优秀奖。(湖北美术院展览馆)
6次要 著作论文

2008年王诚浩绘画作品全集 《当代中国美术作品——王诚浩》出版(文明 艺术出版社)。
2005年论文《不同民族心思 对绘画风格的影响》在湖北省第二届大先生 艺术节中荣获美术类教师组1 等奖。(湖北省教育厅主办)
2003年主编《高等学校艺术教育研讨 》(湖北美术出版社)。
2002年论文《对视觉元素——点、线、面的再认识》,在湖北省高等学校艺术教育论文评选中荣获1 等奖。(湖北省教育厅主办)

Introduction to the artist

Wang Cheng grand in December 1965 stranger. Be graduated from China in Normal University art is, artistic Master. Lay a teacher for Wuhan college associate professor, Master now, hubei province teachs hall art to teach committee committee member, hubei saves secretary-general of art of colleges and universities and committee of design education guidance, hubei visits committee member of committee of art of artist association aquarelle.

Basically exhibit bear the palm
2011 aquarelle " noonday " association of selected China artist sponsors " the 2nd throughout the country is small watercolour / powdery picture work is exhibited " . (museum of the Anhui province)
Answered 2011 Chinese artist association invites, aquarelle work " impression of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting " selected " day hill north and south- - Chinese art work is exhibited " (Chinese art gallery)
Got the revolution of commemorative laborious the last of the twelve Earthly Branches that hires municipal Party committee of Wuhan of the Communist Party of China in attending to publicize a ministry to sponsor 100 years 2011 " Wuhan impression " art work is exhibited. Aquarelle " lofty Wu Changcheng " wait for 2 work ginseng to exhibit. (Wuhan art gallery)
2010 aquarelle " below lily magnolia hill " association of selected China artist sponsors " watercolour of the 9th whole nation / powdery picture work is exhibited " . (peaceful wave art gallery)
2010 aquarelle " of ancient alley of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting " government of association of selected China artist, Shanghai sponsors " aquarelle of first Shanghai Zhu Jiajiao international double year exhibit " . (Shanghai is complete China watercolour art house)
Obtained 2010 invite attend " exposition of 2010 Shanghai world " the Yangtse River draws a clique " Hubei art work is exhibited " , aquarelle " early spring " ginseng exhibit.
(art gallery of Shanghai Zhu Qi look up) hall of culture of province of department of propaganda of Hubei provincial Party committee, Hubei is sponsorred
2010 aquarelle " one of early spring " the 4th art postpones the Hubei province college that obtains Hubei to save educational office, culture hall to sponsor greatly academic award. (the commissioner is special award) (exhibition of Hubei art courtyard)
2009 aquarelle " impression of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting " obtain beauty of couplet of article of Chinese culture ministry, China, China assist sponsor jointly " eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited " bear the palm of award of first China art nominates. (Chinese art gallery)
2009 aquarelle " layer forest all is caught " ministry of forestry of association of selected China artist, country sponsors " advocate green the life, build zoology civilization in all -- countrywide art work is exhibited " . (museum of Chinese military affairs)
Sufferred 2009 hire those who attend municipal Party committee of Wuhan of the Communist Party of China to publicize a ministry to sponsor to celebrate People's Republic of China to hold water 60 years " Wuhan impression " art work is exhibited. Aquarelle " hill of Jia of misty rain Luo " wait for 5 work ginseng to exhibit. (Wuhan art gallery)
Obtained 2009 invite attend Hubei to save the United States assist, Hubei saves artistic house to sponsor " review with look into " Hubei aquarelle art is exhibited. Aquarelle " red apple " wait for 4 work ginseng to exhibit. (Hubei saves art gallery)
Obtained Hubei provincial Party committee to publicize a ministry 2009, first " Hubei art section " the organizing committee issues " award of achievement of Hubei art creative work " .
2008 aquarelle " ancient alley of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting " 30 years of Hubei save the commemorative reforming and opening that department of propaganda of selected Hubei provincial Party committee sponsors character art exhibition, win academic award. (exhibition of Hubei academy of fine arts)
2008 aquarelle " afterglow " the 3rd art postpones the Hubei province college that obtains Hubei to save educational office, culture hall to sponsor greatly academic award. (the commissioner is special award) (exhibition of Hubei academy of fine arts)
2008 aquarelle " ancient alley of assorted of noise made in coughing or vomiting " degree of selected culture ministry, the State Council does graduate student of sponsorred first artistic Master of countrywide outstanding work is exhibited. (Chinese art gallery)
2007 aquarelle " first sun rays in the morning " association of selected China artist sponsors " work of picture of pink of watercolour of the 8th whole nation is exhibited " . (Dalian art gallery)
2007 aquarelle " overlook " association of artist of selected Hubei province establishs fine art work 50 years to exhibit, win outstanding award. (exhibition of Hubei academy of fine arts)
2006 aquarelle " the person that die if this " the 5th Hubei that association of artist of province of couplet of article of selected Hubei province, Hubei holds omits watercolour painting / powdery picture work is exhibited obtain " award of art of Hubei province watercolour " . (exhibition of Hubei academy of fine arts)
2006 aquarelle " auspicious snow " etc 3 work are selected obtain Hubei to save article couplet, Hubei to save artist association to hold " the 5th Hubei saves watercolour / powdery picture work is exhibited " . (exhibition of Hubei academy of fine arts)
2003 aquarelle " divine farming autumn scenery " , " divine Nong Dongyun " obtain Hubei to save culture hall, Hubei to save educational office to sponsor respectively " Hubei saves art of colleges and universities to be exhibited greatly " silver-colored award and cupreous award. (exhibition of Hubei academy of fine arts)
2002 aquarelle " before the window " association of selected China artist holds " high-quality goods of Chinese aquarelle paint from life is exhibited greatly " . (peaceful wave art gallery)
2000 aquarelle " the still life in atelier " and " warm winter " obtain Hubei to save educational office, culture hall to sponsor respectively " Hubei saved work of pedagogic art photography to exhibit 2000 " cupreous award and outstanding award. (exhibition of Hubei art courtyard)
Paper of 6 main book

2010 paper " on be apt to is like water breathed benefit other people------Aquarelle art life of Liu Shouxiang " publish at art authority periodical " art " (2010 the 5th period)
2008 Wang Cheng grand paint anthology " work of contemporary China art -- Wang Cheng grand " publish (culture art publishing house) .
Wrote 21 centuries colleges and universities to connect the teaching material that know a subject 2008 " Chinese art appreciate " (Wuhan university press) .
2005 paper " the influence of different people psychology to painterly style " art of the 2nd undergraduate is saved in Hubei art is had the honor to win in the section kind pedagogic group first prize. (office of Hubei province education is sponsorred)
2003 chief editor " art of colleges and universities teachs research " (Hubei art publishing house) .
2003 chief editor " Hubei saves art of colleges and universities to exhibit fine art work to choose greatly " (Hubei art publishing house)
2002 paper " to visual element -- of dot, line, face know again " , in Hubei province art of colleges and universities teachs a paper to judge pitch on to have the honor to win first prize. (office of Hubei province education is sponsorred)
2001 chief editor " fine art work chooses Hubei province teacher " (Hubei art publishing house is published) .
2000 chief editor " Hubei saves art of colleges and universities to teach a paper to choose " (press of Hubei science and technology is published) .
Chief editor Hubei saved teaching material of common colleges and universities 1999 " university art appreciate " (organization of office of Hubei province education is written, press of Hubei science and technology is published)



