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号老泉,出生于山东沂源县,现为中国美术家协会会员、北京当代水墨画研讨 院院长、国家1 级美术师。
房新泉在中国美术界,特别在花鸟画界是一名 有影响的画家,他独创的古代 水墨画特殊技法,蜚声中外画坛,情势 典雅、独具匠心。他前后 获得了国际水墨画大展1 等奖、全国七届美展铜牌奖、全国首届中国画大展佳作奖、“中华杯”中国画大展银奖、97、99中园画坛百杰等严重 奖励。自88年始连续出版了四本个人画集,1 本技法专著。他的作品也多次在国内外重要杂志发表,并多次在香港、台湾、新加坡、马来西亚、日本、德国、美国及国内美术馆、画廊展出。是目前中国画坛实力派画家之1 。


·1986年7月,在地方 美术学院举办个人画展,并在《美术》杂志发表作品。
·1992年---1997年,前后 在广州、香港、新加坡、德国、日本、美国等地举办个人画展。

Introduction to the artist

Date old spring, be born in county of source of Shandong short for the Yihe River, it is dean of academy of contemporary wash of Chinese artist academician, Beijing, country now division of one class art.
Fang Xinquan is in China art group, special the circle is being drawn in painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style is an influential painter, the contemporary wash of his original creation is special ability law, become famous China and foreign countries draws altar, formal elegance, show originality. He obtained international wash to exhibit 7 beauty of first prize, whole nation to exhibit picture of first China of bronze medal award, whole nation to exhibit award of an excellent work greatly greatly early or late, " China cup " Chinese picture exhibits silver-colored award greatly, 97, 99 in garden draws altar 100 outstanding. From 88 years only then published volume of 4 individual pictures continuously, monograph of an ability law. His work also is published in domestic and international important magazine for many times, be in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Singapore, Malaysia, Japan, Germany, United States to reach domestic art gallery, gallery to exhibit for many times. It is at present China draws altar actual strength to send one of painters.



