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2022-03-11 17:38:46




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孟鸣,山东泰安市人。前后 毕业于山东济宁师专美术系、山东师范大学美术系。现任山东科技大学艺术学院教授、硕士研讨 生导师、艺术研讨 院院长。中国美术家协会会员、山东美术家协会理事,副秘书长、人民美术出版社艺术教育委员会委员、青岛大学美术学院学术委员会委员,中国水彩画家协会会员、山东水彩画会副会长、世界水彩画联盟成员、中国泰山山水画研讨 院院长、山东画院高级画师。

其作品入选第九、十届全国美展和纪念毛泽东“讲话60周年”全国美展并获奖,在国家级艺术类核心期刊发表多篇论文、美术作品,2007、2008年应邀赴德国柏林、科特布斯举办个人画展,欧洲时报进行了采访介绍;2010年应邀赴新加坡举办六人水彩画展。有多件作品多次参加国际交流展、个人展览、联展等。作品被中国驻德国、奥地利大使馆和国内多家博物馆收藏。出版有《孟鸣画集》、《孟鸣水彩水粉画》、《孟鸣水墨山水》、《当代中国画名家——孟鸣》、《建筑风景速写》、《孟鸣画辑》、《中国画家精品孟鸣》、《今日水墨——孟鸣专辑》等。其成就和名字载入《中国古代 美术家人名大辞典》、《当代书画篆刻家辞典》、《中国美术家》、《世界华人美术年鉴》、《世界水彩画大全集》、《中国水彩画精选百人画集》等。

Introduction to the artist

Meng Ming, person of Shandong Tai'an city. Be graduated from faculty of art of Normal University of faculty of art of Shandong aid peaceful teachers training school, Shandong early or late. Currently hold the post ofdean of adviser of graduate student of professor of college of art of university of Shandong science and technology, Master, artistic academy. Director of association of artist of Chinese artist academician, Shandong, committee member of committee of learning of academy of fine arts of university of committee member of committee of education of skill of publishing house of art of deputy secretary-general, people, Qingdao, aquarelle of academician of Chinese watercolour painter, Shandong is met imperial art academy of dean of academy of landscape painting of Mount Taishan of member of alliance of aquarelle of vice-chairman, world, China, Shandong is advanced painter.

Its work is selected the 9th, beauty of 10 whole nations is exhibited and commemorate Mao Zedong " speak 60 years " countrywide beauty is exhibited and bear the palm, in national level art kind core periodical publishs work of many paper, art, 2007, went to German Berlin, Ketebusi to hold individual art exhibition on invitation 2008, european times undertook interviewing introductory; Went to Singapore to hold art exhibition of 6 people watercolour on invitation 2010. Many work attends international communication to exhibit for many times, individual exhibition, couplet is exhibited etc. Work is stationed in by China museum of much home of embassy of Germany, Austria and home is collected. Publish have " Meng Ming draws volume " , " gouache of Meng Ming watercolour " , " landscape of Chinese ink of Meng Ming water " , " a person of academic or artistic distinction of the traditional Chinese painting in now -- Meng Ming " , " build scenery literary sketch " , " the first month. Its are accomplished and the name loads " big dictionary of name of family of Chinese modern art " , " dictionary of home of seal cutting of contemporary painting and calligraphy " , " Chinese artist " , " almanac of world Chinese art " , " collect of world aquarelle encyclopedia " , " .



