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柒万里,男,苗族,生于广东北 宁,毕业于广西艺术学院美术系,1979年,师从岭南画派及海派大师黄独峰教授并作为其首届研讨 生教学助手调回广西艺术学院。现任广西艺术学院设计学院院长、教授、硕士研讨 生导师,兼任新岭南书画研讨 院院长,广西美术家协会副主席,广西民族书画院副院长、秘书长,广西广告研讨 会会长。美国俄克拉荷马州荣誉州民,杜兰特市荣誉市民、城市金钥匙被授予者。
其画道涉猎甚广,油画、粉画、水彩画、连环画、广告招贴画、染织图案及服装设计均曾有尝试,现专攻中国人物画,兼擅山水、花鸟。画风于清逸高雅中见朴拙,作品多在国内外严重 画展展出并获奖,近些年在中国台湾、越南、美国等地和 深圳美术馆举办有个人画展。数十幅作品被广西壮族自治区人民政府、国家文明 部作为政府对外出访交流的礼品和赠品,分别为我国驻外领事馆及各国的政府与个人收藏。出版和编著有《最新人体线描引导》、《仕女白描画谱》、《山水白描画谱》、《黑白画》等多部个人专集。
次要 学术成果如下:
1999年,《八桂欢歌迎归雁》装潢 画赠澳门特别行政区礼品,获自治区人民政府先进个人表彰。
2000年,为广西政协大厦进行室内装潢 设计。
2000年,《梅、兰、竹、菊》室内装潢 品设计获国家“鲁班奖”,个人获广西政协荣誉表彰。
2001年,论文《根植于民族生活的土壤》发表于中国文明 报并获中国西部开发经济战略与实践研讨论会(四川)会议交流论文二等奖。
2001年12月,《高逸图》获由文明 部等机构举办的“国粹艺术展大奖赛”入选奖,并刊于其大型艺术画集。
2001年9月,《山风……山路》国画,入选中国美术家协会举办的“情系西部”中国画约请 展。
2002年,《通灵峡谷行舟图》,获全国美展优秀奖广西展1 等奖。

Introduction to the artist

Seven 10 thousand lis, male, miao Zu, be born at Guangxi Nanning, be graduated from art of Guangxi art institute is, 1979, style of the drawing austral Shi Congling and Huang Dufeng of Great Master of sea manner and air are taught and as its institute of art of Guangxi of recall of aide of education of first graduate student. Currently hold the post ofGuangxi art institute to design adviser of graduate student of prexy, professor, Master, hold dean of academy of the painting and calligraphy austral new mountain range part-time, vice-chairman of Guangxi artist association, assistant dean of courtyard of Guangxi nation painting and calligraphy, secretary-general, chairman of Guangxi advertisement seminar. American Oklahoma is honorary city civilian, spoon of Jin Yao of honorary citizen of city of Du Lan spy, city by grantor.
Dabble of its picture path is very wide, poster of picture of canvas, pink, aquarelle, comic, advertisement, catch knit design and dress design to ever all had an attempt, specialize in Chinese content to draw now, hold landscape of arrogate to oneself, painting of flowers and birds in traditional Chinese style concurrently. The Yu Qingyi that draw wind is decorous in see Piao Zhuo, work exhibits in domestic and international major art exhibition more and bear the palm, some closer year hold in and other places of Chinese Taiwan, Vietnam, United States and Shenzhen art gallery have individual art exhibition. Tens of the gift that work is regarded as a government to visit communication external by ministry of culture of government of people of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region, country and gift, the government of the consulate outside be stationed in for our country respectively and each country and individual are collected. Publish and compile have " line drawing of newest human body guides " , " a book on the art of drawing or painting of line drawing of traditional Chinese painting of beautiful women " , " a book on the art of drawing or painting of landscape line drawing " , " black and white picture " wait for much ministry individual only collect.
Main science gain is as follows:
1999, " 8 laurel joyous song greets Gui Yan " adornment picture gives Macao Special Administrative Region gift, capture municipal people government advanced individual commends.
2000, undertake for edifice of Guangxi the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference interior decoration is designed.
2000, " plum, orchid, bamboo, chrysanthemum " interior decoration tastes a design to win a state " Lu Ban award " , the individual obtains honor of Guangxi the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference to commend.
October 2000, " the flower opens season " , " pursue fall " , " autumn " exhibit in Chinese art gallery,
2001, paper " the soil that root establish lives at the nation " publish at Chinese culture signs up for and obtaining China western development economy strategy and practice grind colloquium (Sichuan) conference communication paper is second-class award.
2001, paper " demand of social qualified personnel thinks to designing the fixed position of education courses " publish at " conference of seminar of education of design of artistic school of Jinan whole nation communicates a paper " .
2001, paper " from · of bridle animal farm the broad way is broad " (Guangxi art publishing house) .
2001, monograph " a book on the art of drawing or painting of landscape line drawing " (Guangxi art publishing house) .
December 2001, " Gao Yi pursues " obtain what hold by the orgnaization such as culture ministry " art of the quintessence of a country exhibits large award to surpass " selected award, and print at its large craft draws volume.
September 2001, " hill wind... hill road " traditional Chinese painting, association of selected China artist holds " affection is western " Chinese picture invites exhibit.
2002, monograph " line drawing of wintersweet of traditional Chinese painting " , guangxi art publishing house is published.
2002, monograph " line drawing of chrysanthemum of traditional Chinese painting " , guangxi art publishing house is published.
2002, " connect boat of clever gorge travel to pursue " , obtain countrywide beauty to exhibit outstanding award Guangxi to exhibit first prize.
In August 2003, the editor published design foundation collection (Guangxi art publishing house) .
December 2003, the editor published volume of work of design college teacher (Guangxi art publishing house) .



