黄继先,20世纪60年代生于赤壁市,曾毕业于湖北美术学院油画专业,现系中国农工民主党党员,咸宁市文联委员、湖北省美术协会会员、现为中国美术协会会员.咸宁市美协履行 副主席兼秘书长。其作品参加第六、七届中国水彩画大展,第三届全国水彩画和第九届全国美展。
Huang Jixian, 60 time give birth to 20 centuries at Chibi city, ever was graduated from major of canvas of Hubei academy of fine arts, fasten Democrat of Chinese farming labour now, academician of art of province of committee member of couplet of article of salty peaceful city, Hubei, it is Chinese art academician now. Salty peaceful city is beautiful assist executive vice-chairman holds secretary-general concurrently. Its work attends the 6th, 7 China aquarelle is exhibited greatly, aquarelle of the 3rd whole nation and beauty of the 9th whole nation are exhibited.