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画家,江西财经大学教授。硕士生导师.中国美术家协会会员.中国画百杰艺术家。大学本科攻读西洋画,前后 于地方 美术学院及中国艺术研讨 院深造绘画艺术,公派赴法国巴黎研修欧洲美术,20世纪80年代由上海人民美术出版社,人民美术出版社出版的大量印刷品和初期 的水彩画在国内收藏界和海外广泛流传。坚实的外型 能力和色彩基础为提升和改造中国画建立了学科体系,力求传统的中国画与国际接轨,他认为不管 中国画与西洋画的差异有多大,终究 均属视觉艺术,视觉艺术具有本身 的视觉规律,这就为中国画的国际化`古代 化`中国画的突破与创新提供了可能。画家阳小毛对中国画新视域的拓展做了许多无益 的探索,全国许多媒体《中国画家》《当代名家》《美术时空》《书画名流》《文明 文娱 》等专题介绍画家阳小毛与作品,专版介绍《画家阳小毛掠影》刊登于人民美术出版社《水彩艺术》丛书,曾多次荣获全国及省市各类奖项,两次荣获市政府奖。
1998年?中国画《女性之光》参加日本东京第51回国际文明 交流展
论文《堕入 温顺 泥沼的当代美术》发表于《美术报》
论文《精神的追随 与放逐》发表于《美术报》
论文《FOLK?PAPER-CUT?ART?OF?RUICHAN》发表于《中外文明 交流》杂志(2008?JAN)
历任九江日报《周末世界》副主编,《浔阳江》文学期刊履行 主编,香港国际画院院士`艺委会副主席,中国画院签约艺术家。


阳小毛?系九江日报《周末世界》原创者之1 ,并任副主编长达8年之久,主编和撰写了几百万字的文章,旧事 作品和报纸版面荣获全国各项大奖,产生广泛的社会影响。各类文艺作品、旧事 作品、专业论文散见于全国报刊,长篇通讯《东方日内瓦在崛起》、《历史性的跨越》、《告别龙开河》等荣获全国、华东和省级副刊好作品1 、二、三等奖。《灯映南湖别样红》荣获中国旧事 奖暨报纸副刊好作品铜奖。被誉为跨学科双专业古代 化复合型人才。

Introduction to the artist

Painter, university of Jiangxi finance and economics is taught. The Master lays a teacher. Chinese artist academician. China is drawn 100 outstanding artist. University undergraduate course assiduously studies western picture, take advanced courses at central academy of fine arts and Chinese artistic academy early or late painterly art, public school goes to French Paris to grind long Europe art, 20 centuries 80 time by publishing house of Shanghai people art, a large number of sheet that people art publishing house publishs and inchoate aquarelle collect bound and abroad from mouth to mouth in home. Solid modelling ability and colour foundation were the traditional Chinese painting in promote and be being transformed to build discipline system, the Chinese picture of tradition of do one's best and international conform, the difference that no matter Chinese picture and West are drawn,he thinks has how old, all belong to visual art finally, visual art has the visual law of oneself, the breakthrough that the China of ` of internationalization ` modernization that this draws for China draws and innovation offerred a possibility. Painter in relief short-haired pelt draws what inspect region newly to extend to China did a lot of beneficial exploration, the whole nation makes multimedia " Chinese painter " " contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction " " art is spatio-temporal " " distinguished personages of painting and calligraphy " " culture recreation " wait for in relief short-haired pelt of painter of special subject introduction and work, only edition introduction " painter in relief short-haired pelt sweeps past a shadow " publish at people art publishing house " watercolour is artistic " a series of books, ever had the honor to win of all kinds award of the whole nation and province city for many times, have the honor to win municipal government award twice.
1998? China is drawn " the female's light " attend Japanese Tokyo the 51st times international culture communication is exhibited
Art exhibition was held in Chinese Beijing 2000, and by " Beijing daily " " China Daily " give report
Art exhibition was held in American Washington 2001, and by " Washington Post " " art signs up for " give report
Art exhibition was held in French Paris 2002, and by " European daily " " European times " give report
1989 " the motherland is in my heart " publishing house of Shanghai people art reprints 3 times
2007 " collect of work of the traditional Chinese painting in in relief short-haired pelt " publishing house of Chinese folk art is published
Paper " be immersed in tender and sloughy contemporary art " publish at " art signs up for "
Paper " of spirit pursue with banish " publish at " art signs up for "
Paper " adrift home " publish at " Beijing daily "
Paper " the pluvial mist Europe with idiosyncratic watercolour " publish at " art signs up for "
Paper " FOLK? PAPER-CUT? ART? OF? RUICHAN " publish at " does culture of China and foreign countries communicate " magazine (2008? JAN)
Have successively held the posts of 9 rivers daily " bound of week last phase of an age " subeditor, " waterside Yang Jiang " literary periodical carries out chief editor, ` of academician of imperial art academy of Hong Kong international art appoint meeting vice-chairman,
? ? ? ? Currently hold the post ofassistant dean of college of art Tibet art.



