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1981~~1984年 鞍山师范学院中文系就读
1984~~1988年 鞍山师范学院中文系任教
1988~~1989年 大连师范学院从于植元教授读助教研修班
1994~~1997年 吉林大学古籍所并获历史学硕士学位
1998~~2000年 鞍山师范学院艺术系任教
2000~~2001年 日本京都教育大学东洋史学部高级访问学者,从汉学家、书法理论家杉村邦彦先生从事近代中日书法交流史的研讨
2002~~2003年 鲁迅美术学院中国画系,筹建首届书法专业
2003年 创办里仁美术馆,至今策划大型展览四十余次
2004~~至今 考入吉林大学古籍所攻读博士学位,从事古代书法史与书论的研讨 。


1984年 全国“文汇报”群众书法展 优秀奖
1989年 全国首届高等院校师生书法展 优秀奖
1995年 全国第六届中青年书法篆刻展 三等奖
1999年 全国第八届中青年书法篆刻展 二等奖
1999年 辽宁省建国5 十周年书法展 1 等奖
2003年 辽宁省首届正书大展 1 等奖
1999年 全国庆祝澳门回归书画展 优秀奖
2008年被辽宁省评为“5 个1 批人才”。前后 在全国、省书法展中获奖。
有学术论文、批评文字多篇,曾获“全国第5 届书论研讨会三等奖”、“全国第二届书谱奖”。
2008年应法国克莱蒙市约请 赴法举办个人书画展。
2010年3月,应长崎大学约请 ,赴日本举办书画展。


那汉人重孝道、在当下就无时代感了吗!好的东西、真谛 总是放之四海皆准、遑论时代!
隶书本身已备美术性、所以临写时不要再突显它的装潢 特征了!相反要敛住毫芒、留意 所谓"八分"向背中的节奏感与笔与笔间的呼应!私以为这1 点临隶书时尤其 重要!
制造庸俗艺术和欣赏庸俗艺术的人、应比照坊间的生产假药和贩卖假药者、予以严打。由于 它断灭的是人们对真善美的正确知见,世道人心中的乱象皆与此相干 联!
如果能在书写时现场发挥、随行就势、随顺纸笔和内心,就会出现平实的美。平实中更会呈现出1 种不经意的东西,此为大美!
当写字被我们“创作”之时,书法便从家里人转身变成一名 远方的客人、而重新登堂入室。只见他咬文嚼字、油头粉面、和他爸爸妈妈用半文半白的话来寒喧问候、俨然一名 饱学之士。他语出有腔调、坐卧有规模、谈笑有风度……但,那个任性、使气的亲儿子却变成了一名 彬彬有礼的“客人”、不、精确 的说、是装成了彬彬有礼……书法离开了生活时、便有了些“客气”,而对这客气而言呢、是主人也不欢喜、客人更累得慌……所以、写字呢、还是最好不要“客气”!
繁文缛节是“文明 ”,但它不是人生的智慧所在!更多的时候1 些入依仗这“文明 ”来唬人,其实真实的 人生智慧就是终身 二二生三般的单纯……那么那些真正能够表达人生智慧的言语 、书画艺术亦然……
我在几十年的书法学习中,晓得 了对称、均匀、平衡、精确 、妥贴、变化,还有朴实、厚重、优雅、含蓄、自然、轻松、活泼……当然更有勇气、想象和希望。书法里什么都有,写着写着就长大了……

English Introduction

1981~~1984 Chinese Department of Anshan Normal University
1984~~1988 Anshan Normal University Chinese Department Teaching
1988~~1989 Dalian Teachers College from the yuan professor to read teaching assistants Seminar
1994~~1997 Jilin University and master's degree in history
1998~~2000 Department of art, Anshan Normal University
2000~~2001 Japan Kyoto University of Education oriental history department senior visiting scholars, from the research in calligraphy exchange history of modern Sino Japanese sinologist, calligraphy theorist Mr. Mura Kunihiko Shan
2002~~2003 Chinese Painting Department of Luxun Academy of Fine Arts, to build the first calligraphy professional
2002 held in Liaoning, Anshan, Wang Dengke brigade calligraphy exhibition".
Founded in 2003, Li Ren Art Museum, has been planning a large-scale exhibition of more than 40 times
2004~~ has admitted to the ancient Jilin University PhD, engaged in the study of ancient history of calligraphy and calligraphy.
Founded Anshan Normal University calligraphy education discipline, and from 2004 for the country to recruit undergraduates.
In 1984 the National People "Wen Wei Po" calligraphy exhibition Excellence Award
1989 national first university teachers and students calligraphy exhibition outstanding award
Third-prize 1995 Sixth National Youth Calligraphy and seal cutting Exhibition
Two prize in 1999 Eighth National Youth Calligraphy and seal cutting Exhibition
1999 Liaoning fifty anniversary calligraphy exhibition first prize
The first prize of Liaoning Province in 2003 the first book exhibition
1999 national celebration of Macao painting and calligraphy exhibition outstanding award
Liaoning province in 2000 was named the "Federation of outstanding young calligrapher".
In 2008 by Liaoning Province as "five batch of talents". Successively in the national, provincial calligraphy exhibition award.
There are many academic papers, criticism, won the "Fifth National Calligraphy Seminar third-prize", "Second National Book award".
The publication of monographs, four.
In 2008 the French city of Clermont invited France held personal exhibition.
March 2010, should be invited to Nagasaki University, Japan held calligraphy exhibition.
June 2012 was hired as the first Taiwan Tzu Chi University, "liberal" resident artist.
January 2013, should be invited to the United States, Indiana, held calligraphy exhibition.

Notes on Literature and Art
The origin is the beginning of the heart, because it is the beginning of the heart's precious! Is the same style! We have always stressed that in the sense of the times"!
The Chinese filial piety, in the moment there is no heavy sense of the times! All good things, always put all the truth, not to mention the times!
The official script itself has prepared art, so don't write on the decorative features highlights! In contrast to no attention grabbing live Mans, the so-called "eight" back in rhythm and echo between the pen and the pen! I think this point is particularly important when Lin li!
Manufacture of vulgar art and enjoy vulgar art, should be according to anecdotal production of counterfeit and fake drugs, be crackdown. Because it is extinguished people correct knowledge of beauty, the world of chaos are associated with this!
The Yang Xian of the ancients, or people feel weird! The truth is indeed! Ancient not today, not now is not good! The ancient is elegant words, called quaint! Today is the identity of the secular, making this custom! The world is moving forward toward secular process! The Huidi Pen Set quaint, have good heart!
If in writing, the scene play potential, with accompanying pen and paper and the heart, there will be natural beauty. A casual things will be more modest, this is great beauty!
When we write "creation", calligraphy from the family turned into one of the guests from afar, and re added. I saw him over, his mother and father, dressy or foppish words with half literary and half vernacular like a greeting greeting, a widely-read. He is sitting there, language tone scale, and grace...... However, the wayward, angry son has become a polite "guests", not accurately, is installed as polite...... Calligraphy left life, there are some "polite", and for this, it is polite for the owner is not happy, guests are so tired...... So, write it, or the best not polite"!
It is unnecessary and overelaborate formalities "culture", but it is not the wisdom of life! Some more time with this "culture" to frighten, real life wisdom is like a simple life of 22 to three...... So those who really can express the wisdom of life language, painting and calligraphy......
I'm in a few years of learning calligraphy, know the symmetrical, uniform, accurate, timely, balance, change, and simple, thick, elegant, subtle, natural, relaxed, lively...... Of course more courage, imagination and hope. Calligraphy has everything, written and grew up......



