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黄增炎 - 台山籍著名画家黄增炎:没有低档的画

2022-03-11 17:38:54 3354




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1959年生于广东省台山市。1991年广州美术学院硕士研讨 生毕业。现为广东美术创作院画家,广东水彩画研讨 会副会长,广东画院特聘画家,广州美术学院设计分院副教授。
作品曾获台湾“隔山大赛”1 等奖、广东省庆祝建国50周年美术作品展览金奖。《沥青台》入选第七届全国美展,《静静的小屋》和《秋天里的阳光》入选第八届全国美展,《汉陶出土》获首届中国水彩画艺术展铜奖,《同心协力》获第九届全国美展金奖。
作品被中国美术馆、广东美术馆及国外机构和私人收藏,地方 电视台、广东电视台、香港《大公报》、《中国文明 报》、《羊城晚报》、《广州日报》等作过专题介绍,入编《中国古代 美术全集·水彩卷》《中国当代美术:1977—1999》《中国水彩画史》《中国水彩画家名录》《中国当代美术名作欣赏(1977—1999)》《新中国美术50年》等。著有《基础水彩画技法》。

Introduction to the artist

Unripe 1959 Yu Andong visits stage hill town. Graduate student of Master of Guangzhou academy of fine arts graduated 1991. Create courtyard painter for Guangdong art now, vice-chairman of Guangdong aquarelle seminar, guangdong imperial art academy hires an artist especially, guangzhou academy of fine arts designs branch department associate professor.
Work ever obtained Taiwan " the contest that lie between hill " province of first prize, Guangdong is celebrated found a state 50 years art work exhibits a gold prize. " bitumen stage " selected beauty of the 7th whole nation is exhibited, " silent hut " and " the sunshine in the autumn " selected beauty of the 8th whole nation is exhibited, " Han Tao comes up out of land " obtain art of first China aquarelle to exhibit cupreous award, " make concerted efforts " obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit a gold prize.
Work is mixed by Chinese art gallery, Guangdong art gallery and foreign orgnaization private collect, TV station of CCTV, Guangdong, Hong Kong " big bulletin " , " Chinese culture signs up for " , " Yang Cheng evening paper " , " Guangzhou daily " had waited for special subject introduction, into make up " watercolour of · of complete works of Chinese modern art coils " " Chinese contemporary art: 1977, 1999 " " Chinese aquarelle history " " directory of Chinese watercolour painter " " master of Chinese contemporary art is admired (1977, 1999) " " new China art 50 years " etc. have " fundamental aquarelle ability law " .



