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98年至今被中国美术家协会聘为全国美展评委,2003年被中国美术家协会聘为中国美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会副主任,2004年当选中国美术家协会理事。2001年被山东省文联、山东省美协授予山东省文联零碎 “德艺双馨中青年艺术家”荣誉称号。2003年被青岛市委、市政府授予“青岛市专业技术拔尖人才”;同年,又被文明 部、中国文联授予“以科学克服 非典,用艺术振奋精神”— 全国著名艺术家捐赠义演活动荣誉证书。2004年度,以他为次要 学术带头人的水彩学科,被山东省文明 厅评为“山东省文明 艺术科学首批重点学科”,本人被授予“山东省文明 艺术科学首批重点学科学术带头人”,并被评为青岛大学优秀教师。2004年,作为第1 成果完成人,“当代中国水彩画教学与创作实践研讨 ”教学成果被山东省教育厅评为山东省优秀教学成果1 等奖。2005年,该成果又被教育部评为国家级教学成果二等奖,实现了青岛大学国家级教学成果奖零的突破。2005年被评为“青岛大学科研先进工作者”。2006年,被青岛大学推荐为“山东省教学名师”,并被山东省推荐为“国家级教学名师”候选人。


 陶世虎的绘画起步于国画,成熟于油画,其油画作品多次参加全国美展并获奖,曾赴加拿大、奥地利、美国展出,并被中国美术馆、中国军事博物馆及国内外美术机构等收藏。不惑之年以来,陶世虎专攻水彩,在创作过程中,极力保持水彩画本体言语 亮丽透畅的纯真性,最大限制 地融进油画结实丰厚的外型 优势,充分感悟应用 中国画的神韵、笔法之灵趣,三要素无机 和谐交融,构成 了本身 雄壮 凝重、质朴亮丽的风格,在中国画坛上独具建树,为国内外同行所注视 。除创作实践外,陶世虎还潜心于水彩艺术理论与材料研讨 ,做了大量切实可行的探索,取得了可资同行借鉴的成功经验。

Introduction in English

 People from Shanghai, China. Good at watercolor painting. Graduated from the Department of Art, Inner Mongolia Normal University. He is currently the dean and professor of the Academy of Fine Arts of Qingdao University, the director of the Chinese Artists Association, the executive vice-director of the Watercolor Arts Committee of the Chinese Artists Association, and the vice-chairman of the Shandong Artists Association.


Former Dean and Professor of Fine Arts College of Qingdao University, Director of China Artists Association, Executive Vice-Director of Watercolor Art Committee of China Artists Association, Vice-Chairman of Shandong Artists Association. Vice President of Shandong Watercolor Institute, the first batch of young and middle-aged academic backbone leaders in Shandong universities, and the expert of post-graduate evaluation of the degree Office of the State Council.


Since 1998, he has been appointed as the judge of the National Art Exhibition by the Chinese Artists Association. In 2003, he was appointed as the vice director of the Watercolor Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association. In 2004, he was elected as the director of the Chinese Artists Association. In 2001, he was awarded the honorary title of "young and middle-aged artist with both virtue and art" by Shandong Literary Union and Shandong Art Association. In 2003, it was awarded "Qingdao City Top Professional and Technical Talents" by Qingdao Municipal Committee and Municipal Government. In the same year, it was awarded the honorary certificate of the national famous artists donation charity performance "to defeat SARS with science and inspire spirit with art" by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Federation. In 2004, he was the main academic leader in watercolor disciplines. He was awarded "the first batch of key disciplines of Shandong cultural and artistic science" by Shandong Cultural Department. I was awarded "the first batch of key disciplines of Shandong cultural and artistic science academic leaders" and was awarded excellent teachers of Qingdao University. In 2004, as the first accomplished person, the teaching achievement of "Practical Research on Teaching and Creation of Contemporary Chinese Watercolor Painting" was awarded the first prize for excellent teaching achievement of Shandong Province by the Education Department of Shandong Province. In 2005, this achievement was awarded the second prize of national teaching achievement by the Ministry of Education, which made a breakthrough in the zero prize of national teaching achievement of Qingdao University. In 2005, he was named "Advanced Research Worker of Qingdao University". In 2006, it was recommended by Qingdao University as a "famous teacher of teaching in Shandong Province" and by Shandong Province as a candidate of "national famous teacher of teaching".


Tao Shihu's paintings started from traditional Chinese paintings and matured from oil paintings. His paintings have participated in many national art exhibitions and won prizes. He has been exhibited in Canada, Austria and the United States, and has been collected by the Chinese Art Museum, the Chinese Military Museum and domestic and foreign art institutions. Since then, Tao Shihu specializes in watercolor. In the process of creation, he has tried his best to maintain the pure and bright language of watercolor painting, to maximize the advantages of oil painting in solid shape, to fully understand the spirit of using Chinese painting and the spirit of brushwork, and the organic harmony of the three elements, forming his own grand and solemn style. Simple and beautiful style, unique achievements in the Chinese painting world, for domestic and foreign peers attention. In addition to creative practice, Tao Shihu also devoted himself to the research of watercolor art theory and materials, made a lot of practical exploration, and obtained successful experience that can be used for reference by colleagues.


Tao Shihu, as a well-known watercolor painter in China, has participated in 11 national art exhibitions and won awards and gold medals. Among them, the watercolor "Remembrance of the Native Land" won the 8th National Exhibition of Excellent Fine Arts Award sponsored by the Ministry of Culture and the Chinese Association of Fine Arts; "Dawn" was collected by the Chinese Art Museum; "Gaolouzhai Dajie" was collected by the Chinese Military Museum; "Pillar" participated in the 7th National Fine Arts Exhibition; "Yimengshan Series-Autumn Rhyme" He was awarded the silver prize in 1992 China Watercolor Exhibition, the award for outstanding works in the 8th National Art Exhibition, the nomination prize for Xieyang in 1995 Hangzhou China Watercolor Exhibition, the gold prize for Life in 1996, and the special invitation for Twilight in 2003 to participate in the First China Beijing International Beauty Exhibition. Biennial Exhibition of Skills".



