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艺术家周向1 简介

周向1 (1960.8—)福建人。擅长油画。1982年毕业于福建艺术学校舞台美术专业,后留校任教;1984年毕业于南京艺术学院美术史进修班。现为福建艺术学校高级教授。作品《龙腾》入选中国体育美展;《海潮》入选中国油画展;《永久 的歌》入选第九届全国美展。
油画《舟》获“福建省第三届青年美展”1 等奖,油画《海潮》入选首届“中国油画展”,水彩《永久 的歌》入选“第九届全国美展”,被中美术馆收藏。水彩《盼》获“纪念中国共产党建党八十周年全国美术作品展览”优秀奖、“福建省美术展览”1 等奖和“福建省第四届‘百花文艺奖’”三等奖,水彩《渔歌》获“纪念毛泽东同志《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年全国美术作品(福建展区)”优秀奖。油画《舟》被编入《1978——1998中国当代美术》大型画册。福建美术出版社出版发行了《当代美术画家周向1 》作品专集。

Introduction to the artist

Zhou Xiangyi (1960.8, ) Fujian person. Be good at canvas. Was graduated from major of art of arena of Fujian art school 1982, stay after school teach; Was graduated from Nanjing artistic institute 1984 class of art history attend in a advanced studies. It is Fujian art school now advanced professor. Work " Long Teng " beauty of selected China sports is exhibited; " tide " selected China canvas is exhibited; " forever song " selected beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited.
Was graduated from Fujian art school 1982 and stay school teach. Complete a course was fastened at art of Nanjing artistic institute 1984. It is Fujian art now director of permanant of association of artist of director of association of artist of academician of artist of school vice-president, senior lecturer, China, Fujian, the Fuzhou City. Its work is exhibited in the whole nation and provincial beauty for many times in bear the palm.
Canvas " boat " obtain " beauty of the 3rd youth exhibits the Fujian Province " first prize, canvas " tide " selected first " Chinese canvas is exhibited " , watercolour " forever song " selected " beauty of the 9th whole nation is exhibited " , be collected by Sino-US art house. Watercolour " long for " obtain " work of art of 80 years of whole nations shows found a party of commemorative Chinese Communist " outstanding award, " Fujian Province art is exhibited " first prize and " the Fujian Province the 4th ' 100 beautiful literary award ' " third class award, watercolour " fisherman's song " obtain " commemorate Comrade Mao Zedong " in Yan'an the speech on literary informal discussion " publish work of art of 60 years of whole nations (Fujian exhibits an area) " outstanding award. Canvas " boat " be enrolled " 1978 -- 1998 China contemporary art " large an album of paintings. Fujian art publishing house was published " Zhou Xiangyi of contemporary art artist " work only collect.



