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李升权,原名李生权,1942年生,辽宁锦州人。1962年毕业于鲁迅美术学院附中,同年入伍,曾任沈阳军区美术创作员,后转业到辽宁美术出版社,曾任《美术大观》履行 主编、编审,辽宁水彩画会副会长,辽宁画院特聘画师,沈阳师范大学美术系特聘教授。1986-1989年投师鲁迅美术学院全显光教授,攻读水彩画研讨 生。现为中国美术家协会会员,是极受国内外关注的当代水彩画家。
1991年-2009年前后 在沈阳、鲁迅美术学院、深圳等地举办5次个人画展。2000年多幅作品参加美中艺术交流中心在洛杉矶举办的《中国当代大师绘画展》。2001年与另一名 艺术家在美国洛杉矶美中艺术交流中心举办了《跨世纪精品展》
1991年-2009年,前后 出版个人画集5册,明信片2集。作品收录在《中国美术全集·近古代 篇·水彩画卷》。
1992年-2007年,无数 十件作品入选国家大展并获奖。参加中国水彩、水粉画第二届、三届、四届、5 届、六界、八届展览。入选中国首届水彩画艺术展获银奖;入选中国香港水彩画大展获提名奖;入选文明 部主办的全国第八界《群星奖》作品展获铜奖;入选第九届全国美术作品展获优秀奖;入选全国水彩、水粉人物画展获优秀奖;入选中国水彩画名家精品展(2幅)获优秀奖、铜奖;入选中国水彩画写生精品大展;参加中国东北艺术品博览会获银奖;参加中国美术家协会主办大连国际艺术博览会获优秀奖;入选全国小幅水彩画展;入选第二届中国美术《金彩奖》全国美术作品展;水彩画作品《古城行》,被选入由文明 部外联局举办的《中国当代水彩画展》,在国外巡回展出。多幅作品入选韩国综合美术大展;入选中国水彩画大展在马来西亚展出;入选中国百年水彩画展。

Introduction to the artist

Li Sheng counterpoises, original name Li Shengquan, unripe 1942, person of city of Liaoning bright and beautiful. Was graduated from attached middle school of Lu Xun academy of fine arts 1962, enrollment of of the same age, ever held the post of the member that art of Shenyang military region is created, be transferred to civilian work reachs Liaoning art publishing house after, ceng Ren " art grand sight " executive chief editor, read and edit, liaoning aquarelle is met vice-chairman, liaoning imperial art academy hires painter especially, faculty of art of Shenyang Normal University hires a professor especially. 1986-1989 year Quan Xianguang teachs academy of fine arts of Lu Xun of seek instruction from a master, assiduously study aquarelle graduate student. It is Chinese artist academician now, be extremely the contemporary watercolour painter that gets domestic and international attention.
1991 - held individual art exhibition 5 times in and other places of academy of fine arts of Shenyang, Lu Xun, Shenzhen early or late 2009. Many work attended the art in the United States to communicate a center to be held in los angeles 2000 " brushwork of Chinese contemporary Great Master is exhibited " . Center of as artistic in American los angeles beauty as another artist communication was held 2001 " cross century high-quality goods to exhibit " . [2]
1991 - 2009, publish an individual to draw volume early or late 5, postcard 2 collect. Work is collected in " · of Chinese art complete works is modern a · watercolour picture scroll " .
Award praise:
1992 - 2007, have 10 several work selected country is exhibited greatly and bear the palm. Attend Chinese watercolour, gouache the 2nd, 3, 4, 5, 8 6 bounds, exhibitions. Into pitch on country first aquarelle art exhibits the award that obtain silver; Aquarelle of selected China Hong Kong is exhibited greatly win nomination award; The 8th group of countrywide that selected culture ministry sponsors " galaxy award " work exhibits the award that obtain copper; Selected work of art of the 9th whole nation is exhibited win outstanding award; Art exhibition of character of watercolour of selected whole nation, soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes wins outstanding award; High-quality goods of a person of academic or artistic distinction of selected China aquarelle is exhibited (2) win outstanding award, copper award; High-quality goods of paint from life of selected China aquarelle is exhibited greatly; Attend exposition of Chinese northeast artwork to win silver-colored award; Attend Chinese artist association to sponsor exposition of Dalian international art to win outstanding award; Selected throughout the country is small aquarelle is exhibited; Selected art of the 2nd China " Jin Cai award " countrywide art work is exhibited; Aquarelle work " Gu Cheng goes " , be chosen what hold by bureau of the couplet outside culture ministry " art exhibition of Chinese contemporary watercolour " , exhibit in foreign itinerate. Many work is selected integrated art exhibits Korea greatly; Into pitch on aquarelle exhibits the country to exhibit in Malaysia greatly; Hundred years aquarelle of selected China is exhibited.
The country such as art gallery of Chinese art gallery, He Xiangning art gallery, Lu Xun academy of fine arts, Liaoning, United States, Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Korea; Area of Taiwan, Hong Kong and celebrity of China and foreign countries, collector is collected.



