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王培堃广西柳州人。擅长漫画、连环画、水彩、粉画。1961年毕业于广西师范学院(现广西师范大学)中文系。历任中学语文教师、美术教师、教学研讨 室干部、文明 馆干部、报刊编辑等职务。广西柳州市群众艺术馆,柳州《新天地画刊》编辑部主任、。现为国家1 级美术师,中国美术家协会会员,中国美术家协会连环画艺术委员会委员,中国出版工作者协会连环画艺术委员会委员,中国东方文明 研讨 会连环、漫画分会理事,中国科普作家协会会员,中国科普作家协会科学美术专业委员会委员,广西美术家协会水彩画艺术委员会委员,柳州市美术家协会名誉主席,柳州市水彩画会名誉会长,柳州画院顾问兼连环画艺术委员会主任,柳州市科普作家协会理事长,柳州专业技术拔尖人才。

《书的故事》1980年获全国科普美展1 等奖;《小精灵画传》1990年获第4届全国连环画评奖二等奖(以上均由文明 部、中国美协主办);《书童山》1993年获日本国际书画大赛1 等奖(日本日中书画协会主办)。《灯花》等入选第六届全国美展,设计美术片《王七到此1 游》等。1980—1995年出版画册、专著共200余种。代表作《小精灵通传》可谓中国大陆连环画的创新之举,1 改传统作品的单格方式,采取分镜绘画的手法,以科幻题材讲述小精灵捍卫正义,与罪恶 势力斗争的系列故事。作品将传统的神话色彩与科技力量结合,其内容也影射了在特定历史背景下,对世界霸权主义的批驳与对和平生活的信心 。从作品中可以看出中国漫画家在新型连环漫画道路上探索的历程。

Introduction to the artist

Person of Liuzhou of Wang Peikun Guangxi. Be good at picture of caricature, comic, watercolour, pink. Was graduated from institute of Guangxi normal school 1961 (show Guangxi Normal University) Department of Chinese Language and Literature. Have successively held the posts of editor of cadre of house of cadre of lab of teacher of middle school Chinese, art teacher, education, culture, the press to wait for a post. House of art of masses of Guangxi Liuzhou city, liuzhou " pictorial section of a newspaper of new scope of operation " editorial office director, . It is a country now division of one class art, chinese artist academician, committee member of committee of art of comic of Chinese artist association, china publishs committee member of committee of art of worker association comic, director of chapter of interlink of seminar of Chinese Oriental culture, caricature, academician of writer of Chinese popular science, committee member of committee of major of art of science of association of writer of Chinese popular science, committee member of committee of art of aquarelle of Guangxi artist association, honorary president of association of Liuzhou city artist, liuzhou city aquarelle is met reputation chairman, adviser of Liuzhou imperial art academy holds chairman of comic art committee concurrently, director of association of writer of Liuzhou city popular science, liuzhou major technology is excellent talent.

" the story of the book " obtained beauty of countrywide popular science to exhibit first prize 1980; " elvish picture is passed " obtained decide on awards through discussion of comic of the 4th whole nation 1990 second-class award (above all by beauty of culture ministry, China assist sponsor) ; " book bare hills " won first prize of contest of Japan border painting and calligraphy 1993 (association of Japanese meridian painting and calligraphy is sponsorred) . " snuff " etc selected beauty of the 6th whole nation is exhibited, design cartoons " king 7 come here to swim " etc. 1980, published an album of paintings, monograph 1995 in all more than kinds 200. Masterpiece " the elf is connected pass " of the innovation of comic of chinese mainland of it may be said lift, change the simple case way of traditional work, adopt the technique of the brushwork that divide lens, tell about elvish defend justice with science fiction subject matter, with the series story that evil force struggles. The mythological colour with will traditional work and force of science and technology are united in wedlock, its content is suggestive also fall in specific history setting, the criticize to world hegemonism and the belief that live to peace. Can see the course that Chinese caricaturist explores on road of new-style interlink caricature from inside work.



