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朱富平(1957.5-)江苏溧阳人。擅长粉画。溧阳市文明 馆馆长、溧阳市美协主席,长时间 从事美术研讨 和美术创作。作品《小天地》(粉画)获“全国首届水彩、粉画展览”优秀作品奖,并赴国外展出,被文明 部中国对外展出公司收藏。粉画《1976年夏》获“全国地震美展”铜奖;粉画《半个太阳》入选“第七届全国美术作品展览”,粉画《凯旋》获“江苏省美术作品展览”金奖。次要 粉画作品还有《陕北老农》、《兰色女人体》、《著名女作家——菡子》等5件作品被国家级美术馆收藏,粉画《劲风》被日本爱知县博物馆收藏。1987年应邀成功地在南京艺术学院举办了个人粉画展览。1989年被常州市人民政府授予“有特殊贡献中青年专业技术拔尖人才”称号。2003年被评为享用 市政府津贴的中青年专业技术拔尖人才。

Introduction to the artist

Zhu Fuping (1957.5 - ) Jiangsu Li in relief person. Be good at powdery picture. In relief city of curator of house of culture of Li in relief city, Li is beautiful assist chairman, be engaged in art research and art creative work for a long time. Work " one's own little world " (pink is drawn) obtain " art exhibition of first watercolour of countrywide, pink is seen " outstanding work reward, go to abroad to exhibit, be exhibited external by culture ministry China the company is collected. Pink is drawn " 1976 summer " obtain " countrywide earthquake beauty is exhibited " cupreous award; Pink is drawn " half sun " selected " work of art of the 7th whole nation is exhibited " , pink is drawn " triumphal " obtain " work of Jiangsu province art is exhibited " gold prize. Work of main pink picture still has " North Shaanxi old farmer " , " body of orchid color woman " , " famous authoress -- Han child " wait for 5 work to be collected by national level art gallery, pink is drawn " strong wind " museum of county be knowinged by Japanese love is collected. Was in Nanjing artistic institute successfully to hold individual pink art exhibition to see on invitation 1987. Was awarded by government of Changzhou city people 1989 " technology of major of the youth in having special contribution is excellent talent " title. Was judged to be 2003 those who enjoy municipal government allowance is medium young major technology is excellent talent.



