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王驰,1972年出生,安徽合肥人,毕业于安徽师范大学美术系,硕士,现为副教授,中国美术家协会会员,中国油画学会会员。次要 从事油画、水粉画的创作与研讨 。油画肖像以写实风格为主,多为理想 主义题材;风景、静物更重视 画面色彩效果,较为写意。
2012年安徽省严重 历史题材创作工程”毛主席视察安徽省博物馆”纪念毛泽东同志在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表70周年全国美展
2011年第四届全国青年美展人文江南——吾土吾民油画约请 展
2009年水粉《十月》入选第十1 届全国美术作品展
油画《隐形的翅膀》参加第十1 届全国美术作品展
油画《窗外有风》参加华东六省1 市油画约请 展;
水粉《村头》等参加华东六省1 市水彩画约请 展;
油画《放焰火的少女》“融合与创造”—2007·中国油画名家学术约请 展
油画《动感地带》”精神与品格”—中国当代写实油画作品研讨 展
油画《爷爷是红军》纪念抗日和平 胜利60周年全国美术作品展
2003年油画《秋日》第三届中国油画展安徽作品提拔 展
2009年水粉《十月》获第十1 届全国美术作品展铜奖

Introduction to the artist

Wang Chi, was born 1972, anhui Hefei person, be graduated from art of Anhui Normal University is, master, it is an associate professor now, chinese artist academician, chinese canvas academician. Basically pursue the creation of canvas, gouache and research. Canvas effigies with realistically the style is given priority to, it is realistic theme more; Scenery, still life pays attention to picture colour effect more, relatively enjoyable. [2]
Artistic personal details
Great history subject matter created the Anhui province 2012 project " Chairman Mao inspects museum of the Anhui province " souvenir " Comrade Mao Zedong is in Yan'an is literary on the informal discussion tell
Word " publish beauty of 70 years of whole nations to exhibit
Beauty of youth of the 4th whole nation exhibited humanitarian Changjiang Delta 2011 -- my earth I civilian canvas invites exhibit
2010 canvas " of pink clouds blue " attend " canvas art and contemporary society -- Chinese oily art exhibition "
Canvas " invisible wing " attend " times of · of style of China of artistic moral integrity of the 9th China paintings -- work of countrywide fine art is exhibited "
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " emperor sections of a city close to the city wall " selected art exhibition of watercolour of the 9th whole nation, pink
2009 soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " October " selected eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited
Canvas " invisible wing " attend eleventh countrywide art work is exhibited
Canvas " there is wind outside the window " attend Hua Dongliu to save one city canvas to invite exhibit;
2008 canvas " we pray " attend " several talented people " -- art exhibition of Jin Ling of a hunderd schools of 2008 · China
Canvas " no title " attend the 2nd " times spirit " countrywide canvas work is exhibited,
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " village head " etc attend Hua Dongliu to save one city aquarelle to invite exhibit;
2007 canvas " girl elegant effigies " selected " times spirit " , work of canvas of effigies of countrywide character · is exhibited
Canvas " the girl that puts fireworks " " confluence and creation " , learning of a person of academic or artistic distinction of canvas of 2007 · China invites exhibit
Soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " deep autumn scenery " selected art exhibition of watercolour of the 8th whole nation, pink
2006 canvas " alley " " scenery amorous feelings " , the throughout the country is small oily art exhibition
Canvas " use feeling belt " " spirit and character and morals " , China is contemporary realistically canvas work considers to exhibit
2005 soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " in Feburary " selected art exhibition of watercolour of the 7th whole nation, pink
Canvas " the grandfather is a Red Army " commemorative War of Resistance Against Japan wins 60 years countrywide art work is exhibited
2003 canvas " autumn day " choose of work of Anhui of oily art exhibition of the 3rd China is exhibited
2002 canvas " years leisurely " commemorative speech publishs beauty of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit
Canvas " hill landscape water " work of green wind art is exhibited
2001 canvas " the haystack below sunshine " the Anhui province first small oil exhibition of paintings
Canvas " half moon pool " the Anhui province first small oil exhibition of paintings
1998 canvas " scenery " work of art of 98 Anhui youth is exhibited
Canvas " Chen Cun diary " times elegant demeanour- - countrywide scenery paint from life is exhibited
1997 canvas " the image that has a view " canvas of the Anhui province is exhibited [2]
Record of bear the palm
2010 soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " emperor sections of a city close to the city wall " obtain art exhibition of watercolour of the 9th whole nation, pink outstanding award
2009 soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " October " obtain eleventh countrywide art work exhibits cupreous award
2007 canvas " girl elegant effigies " obtain " times spirit " , work of canvas of effigies of countrywide character · exhibits outstanding work
2007 soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " deep autumn scenery " obtain art exhibition of watercolour of the 8th whole nation, pink outstanding award
2005 soaked noodles made from beans or sweet potatoes " in Feburary " obtain art exhibition of watercolour of the 7th whole nation, pink outstanding award



