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南海岩 - 当代中国画家投资指数----南海岩作

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山东省平原县人。自幼酷爱绘画,27岁时参加大陆、香港和台湾三地[当代中国水墨新人展],并获新人优秀奖;同年在[牡丹杯]国际书画大奖展中获二等奖;1993年获北京市首届国际绘画书法艺术大展国画三等奖并参加华夏百家赴台精品展,在中国画坛初露锋芒。1994年入北京画院,深造于王明明画室,并受益于卢沉周思聪姚有多先生等,令画艺大增。1995年至今,曾前后 在北京和台湾等地举办个人画展,并有作品应邀参加香港和 广东省多个大型中国画展,获良好评价。南氏擅长人物画,尤喜以中国西部地区人物之生活为创作题材。为了深入表达西部人物的精髓,他曾数次赴西藏等地区写生和考察。并凭旺盛的创作热情和刻苦精神,写出了1 系列描写西藏风情的作品,建立了个人的艺术风格,引发 中外艺术界和收藏家的留意 。1999年艺术界杂志7、8月号"画坛焦点"专刊介绍其艺术成就。同他的名字“南海岩”1 样,他笔下人物的重彩之下,折射的也是1 中近乎残酷的真实的厚重感;但这类 厚重并非沉重。背着大筐的男孩、披着头巾的女孩,1 样被日头灼炙得枣红的脸,让你看到的不仅是他们沉甸甸的勤劳;而他们眼里透出的笑意,或者不经意的1 个手势,又分明让你看到背后沉甸甸的希望,而不是沉重的失望,这是1962年生于山东平原、幼嗜绘画的南海岩试图通过他的画笔叙事告诉我们的,关于1 种生命范事、1 种生活模式的艺术解读、审美观照和道德审视。
现为北京画院专业画家、国家1 级美术师、中国美术家协会会员,27岁时获大陆、香港和台湾三地“当代中国水墨新人展”新人优秀奖。同年在“牡丹杯”国际书画打奖展获二等奖;1993年获北京市首届国际绘画书法艺术大展国画三等奖并参加华夏百家赴台精品展。1994年入北京书画院深造于王明明工作室,受益于卢沉、周恩聪和姚有多先生。1995年参加《北京95年春季名家书画精品拍卖会》,作品《祈福图》以昂值被台湾藏家收藏,10月高雅 堂举办《南海岩画展》,香港荣宝斋出版《南海岩画集》。1995年参加《北京95年春季名家书画精品拍卖会》,作品《祈福图》以昂值被台湾藏家收藏,10月高雅 堂举办《南海岩画展》,香港荣宝斋出版《南海岩画集》。1996年参加中国艺术家西部考察团赴敦煌、嘉峪关、河西走廊、麦积地等地考察写生,台湾胜嘉堂画廊举办《南海岩画展》。1997年个人传记及作品《沃土》选入《中国古代 美术全集》人物画卷。1998年参加《古代 名家水墨画作品展》赴越南写生。1999年参加《中国画坛精英作品欣赏展》,作品《阳光璀璨》获第九届全国美展铜奖。2000年作品及传略编入《二十世纪中国绘画精华录》大型画册(香港云锋画苑出版)。2002年参加由文明 部、中国美协、中国画院研讨 院主办的“中国画百年大展”。擅长人物画,尤喜以中国西部地区人物之生活为创作题材,创立和构成 了本身 的艺术风格,引发 中外艺术界和收藏家的注视 ,并被誉为当代最具前景和实力的青年画家之1 。其传记及作品被编入《中国古代 美术全集》《二十世纪中国绘画精华录》等大型艺术专著。作品《虔诚》入选百年中国画大展,并被中国美术馆收藏。出版有《南海岩画集》、《当代美术家精品集-南海岩》、《南海岩重彩人物画集》、《百年中国画展名家精品-南海岩专集》等多部作品专集。??

Introduction to the artist

Shandong saves Campagna county person. From a child loves brushwork, the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan attend when 27 years old 3 ground [contemporary China Shui Moxin's person exhibits] , catch newlywed person outstanding award; Of the same age is in [peony cup] large award of international painting and calligraphy is exhibited in win second-class award; Obtained Beijing to art of calligraphy of first international brushwork exhibits award of third class of traditional Chinese painting greatly and attend a hunderd schools of an ancient name for China to go to stage high-quality goods to exhibit 1993, altar is drawn in China display one's talent for the first time. Entered Beijing imperial art academy 1994, take advanced courses at Wang Mingming atelier, and Lu Chen of benefit from benefit from, Zhou Saicong and Mr Yao Youduo waits, make picture art soars. 1995 up to now, ever held individual art exhibition in Beijing and Taiwan and other places early or late, work attends Hong Kong and Guangdong to save art exhibition of many large China on invitation, obtain favorable opinion. The family name is good at character picture south, you Xi with China western the life of area character is creation subject matter. Convey for development western the character's marrow, he ever went to area of Tibetan and other places several times paint from life and make an on-the-spot investigation. Mix enthusiasticly by exuberant creation assiduous spirit, drew up the work of a series of depict Tibet amorous feelings, established artistic style of the individual, cause the attention of group of art of China and foreign countries and collector. Records of artistic 1999 group 7, monograph of " of focus of altar of date " picture introduced its art to accomplish in August. The name with him " Nanhai cliff " same, under the heavy colour of character of his the wording and purpose of what one writes, of reflection also is one in approximately brutal real massiness sense; But this kind of massiness is not heavy. The boy that is carrying big basket on the back, wrapping around the girl of babushka, be roasted meat get the face of purplish red by sun bright euqally, letting what you see is their heavy not only is laborious; And the smile that gives fully in their eye, a casual perhaps gesticulation, let you see the hope of backside heavy clearly again, is not heavy disappointment, this is unripe 1962 the paintbrush that the Nanhai cliff that draws at Shandong Campagna, young be addicted to tries to pass him is narrative those who tell us, unscramble about the art of mode of a kind of thing of a kind of life model, life, aesthetic view is illuminated and morality is examined.
It is painter of major of Beijing imperial art academy, country now academician of artist of division of one class art, China, the mainland, Hong Kong and Taiwan are obtained when 27 years old 3 ground " contemporary China Shui Moxin's person is exhibited " new talent is outstanding award. Of the same age is in " peony cup " international painting and calligraphy hits award to exhibit win second-class award; Obtained Beijing to art of calligraphy of first international brushwork exhibits award of third class of traditional Chinese painting greatly and attend a hunderd schools of an ancient name for China to go to stage high-quality goods to exhibit 1993. Took advanced courses into courtyard of Beijing painting and calligraphy 1994 at Wang Mingming atelier, lu Chen of benefit from benefit from, Zhou Encong and Mr Yao Youduo. Attended 1995 " auction of high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 95 years of spring of Beijing is met " , work " pray blessing pursues " be collected in order to hold a value high by Taiwan Tibet home, cultured in October hall is held " Nanhai rock exhibition of paintings " , fast of treasure of Hong Kong flourish is published " Nanhai cliff draws volume " . Attended 1995 " auction of high-quality goods of painting and calligraphy of a person of academic or artistic distinction of 95 years of spring of Beijing is met " , work " pray blessing pursues " be collected in order to hold a value high by Taiwan Tibet home, cultured in October hall is held " Nanhai rock exhibition of paintings " , fast of treasure of Hong Kong flourish is published " Nanhai cliff draws volume " . Attended Chinese artist 1996 western the investigation group goes to Dunhuang, fine valley to close, and other places of ground of river westing corridor, wheat accumulating inspects paint from life, sheng Jiatang gallery holds Taiwan " Nanhai rock exhibition of paintings " . Individual biography reached work 1997 " fertile soil " choose " complete works of Chinese modern art " character picture scroll. Attended 1998 " work of wash of contemporary a person of academic or artistic distinction is exhibited " go to Vietnam paint from life. Attended 1999 " appreciation of work of elite of Chinese picture altar is exhibited " , work " sunshine brights " obtain beauty of the 9th whole nation to exhibit cupreous award. Work and biography brief enrolled 2000 " painterly excerption of 20 centuries China " large an album of paintings (Hong Kong Yun Feng draws center to publish) . Attended 2002 by beauty of culture ministry, China assist, academy of Chinese imperial art academy sponsors " China is drawn hundred years exhibit greatly " . Be good at character picture, you Xi with China western the life of area character is creation subject matter, found and formed oneself artistic style, cause group of art of China and foreign countries and collector fix eyes upon, be known as one of young painters that have foreground and actual strength most now. Its biography and work are enrolled " complete works of Chinese modern art " " painterly excerption of 20 centuries China " wait for large and artistic monograph. Work " devotional " selected picture of hundred years China is exhibited greatly, be collected by Chinese art gallery. Publish have " Nanhai cliff draws volume " , " collect of contemporary artist high-quality goods - Nanhai cliff " , " character of Nanhai cliff heavy color draws volume " , " high-quality goods of a person of academic or artistic distinction of art exhibition of hundred years China - Nanhai cliff only collect " wait for much department work only collect. ? ?



