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1996年水彩作品《哀牢山妹》入选中国美术家协会主办的第三届全国水彩粉画展。2002年中国画作品《艺术为人民》纪念毛泽东“讲话”发表60年全国美展。被评为优秀作品。云南省美展获铜奖。2003年水彩画《赶路人》在中国中等艺术教育学会东北 片区举办的中青年教师美术比赛中荣获1 等奖。5 幅国画作品参加中国文联中国美协“送欢乐,下基层”慰劳 团赴云南写生展。《民族艺术研讨 》《彝族装潢 图案吉祥认识 与审美特征的分析》《艺术教育》《艺术创作中视觉物象与意象的形状 表现分析》《美术》独龙腾越逢盛世。现参加国家主题性美术创作项目作品:《独龙人有了新家园》

Introduction to the artist

1996 watercolour work " younger sister of sad prison hill " the art exhibition of pink of watercolour of the 3rd whole nation that association of selected China artist sponsors. Work of the traditional Chinese painting in 2002 " art is people " commemorate Mao Zedong " speech " publish beauty of 60 years of whole nations to exhibit. Be judged to be outstanding work. Yunnan saves the United States to exhibit the award that obtain copper. 2003 aquarelle " drive passerby " in China medium and artistic education learns southwest piece what the area holds is medium first prize is had the honor to win in match of young teacher art. Work of 5 traditional Chinese painting attends beauty of China of Chinese article couplet assist " send joy, next basic level " condolatory group goes to Yunnan paint from life to exhibit. " ethical art studies " " design of adornment of the Yi nationality is lucky the analysis of consciousness and aesthetic feature " " artistic education " " the configuration of elephant of content of the vision in artistic creation and image behaves an analysis " " art " alone Long Teng meets more flourishing age. Attend art of national theme sex to create project work now: " alone Long Ren had new home "



