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 2002年 湖南美术出版社出版《黄铁山水彩画》大型画册,并在长沙举办了画册首发式和个人作品展览

2001年 年参加中国美术家代表团访问匈牙利。

2000年 在深圳关山月美术馆举办个人作品展览,《圣彼得堡》等三幅作品为中国美术馆收藏


1999年 作品《开春》参展



1998年 作品《寺庙正午》参加第四届全国水彩、粉画展

《金色伴晚秋》、《摩洛哥小镇》入选《中国古代 美术全集 水彩卷》


1994年 作品《早春》参加亚洲第八届水彩画联盟展(印度尼西亚)

1993年 受聘担任中国美术家协会水彩艺术委员会委员,并担任第二届全国水彩、粉画展评委会副主任


《摩洛哥小镇》参加第5 届全国水彩画大展,赴香港展览被收藏


1992年 《山村》参加亚洲第七届水彩画联盟展(台湾)。

1991年 《边城细雨》等六幅作品参加在日本举办的中国水彩名家作品展。《屈子祠写意》、《潇湘月》入选《JCA世界美术年鉴》。

1990年 《非洲西海岸》获1990中国水彩画大赛二等奖

1989年 《山村晨炊》参展,为深圳美术馆收藏


1988年 参加中国美术家代表团访问非洲四国和法国巴黎。

1985年 《屈子祠写意》等参加全国六省1 市水彩画联展。湖南美术出版社出版《黄铁山水彩画集》。

1984年 《金色伴晚秋》参加第六届全国美展,获铜牌奖,为中国美术馆收藏,后参加该馆建馆三十年馆藏珍品展。

1980年 《翠谷》入选第5 届全国美展,后参加孟加拉第二届国际艺术展。

1939年 1939年生于湖南省洞口县。


 在水彩画界以描绘湖南乡土风情而著称。他是一名 固执 从事水彩艺术而独具风格的画家。他不沿袭 守旧,奋发进取,勇于探索,而又深深懂得水彩艺术在中国必须复兴 ,必须改变那种多年来不断 处于其他画种陪衬的地位,因此 决然 奋进,默默耕耘,他1 步1 个脚印,1 年1 个新的成果。他对本身 家乡的热爱近于痴情,对三江四水的迷恋更是情深,他走遍了湖南的峰峦峡谷,他画遍了八百里的洞庭,画遍了江华林区。


黄铁山坚信"水彩画的魅力,在于真实和真诚,只要 完善 地表现了作者对自然、对生活真情实意,才能引发 观众的共鸣"。他酷爱湖南乡土气息,热爱那平平凡凡环境中作息的淳朴的人民,因之他的水彩画都是描绘本身 对故土的感受,都是朴实无华的充满真情的诗。他的《夕晖》、《春江水暖》、《古城小店》、《藏村日当午》、《朝山》和 《潇湘四季》等都是成功的作品。他1988年参加中国美术家代表团访问了法国和非洲四国,《西非海岸》、《摩洛哥小镇》、《雨中的凡尔赛》等新作,更上1 层楼。 出版有《黄铁山水彩画集》、《黄铁山作品选》、《当代水彩画精品集·黄铁山》。08年暑假被约请 参加庐山手绘艺术特训营举办的中国庐山水彩节。

黄铁山走到哪里,画到哪里,他是速写本随身带的画家。常年坚持,受益匪浅,他认为“这是水彩画基本练习的好情势 ,这类 练习在参考照片成风,酿成绘画感觉迟钝的今天,显得更为必要”。他是一名 坚决反对赶新潮、追“前卫”玩弄情势 的画家,因之他从不以特技或偶然效果哗众取宠,而以水色交融的魅力感染观者。几十年过去了,他的作品的成就说明了他在水彩艺术上的寻求 是成功的,他坚持深入生活,勤奋地进行创作,他的作品不仅散发出浓郁的“湘情”和家乡的泥土的芳香,并在水彩画民族化的道路上,走出了坚实的1 步。

Introduction in English

 In 2002, Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House published a large-scale album of Huangtieshan Watercolor Paintings, and held the first-ever album and exhibition of personal works in Changsha.


In 2001, he participated in a delegation of Chinese artists to Hungary.


In 2000, an exhibition of personal works was held at Guanshan Moon Art Museum in Shenzhen, and three works, such as St. Petersburg, were collected by the Chinese Art Museum.


Works and personal brief are involved in compiling History of Chinese Watercolor Painting and History of Chinese Watercolor Painting.


1999 Works "Spring" Exhibition


The work "Twilight Return" was compiled into a large album of 50 Years of New Chinese Art


He attended the founding meeting of the Second Watercolor Art Committee of the Chinese Artistic Association and was elected as the chairman.


1998 Works "Temple noon" participated in the 4th National Watercolor and Painting Exhibition


"Golden with Late Autumn" and "Moroccan Town" were included in "Watercolor Volume of Complete Works of Modern Chinese Art"


Chaoshan and Xiangxi Diaojiaolou were selected into the large-scale album of Chinese Watercolor Painting.


In 1994, his work Early Spring participated in the 8th Asian Watercolor Union Exhibition (Indonesia)


In 1993, he was appointed as a member of the Watercolor Art Committee of the Chinese Artists Association and vice-chairman of the Second National Watercolor and Painting Exhibition Evaluation Committee.


"Xiangxi Suspended Tower" exhibition, to the United States exhibition collection


"Morocco Town" participated in the Fifth National Watercolor Exhibition and was collected in Hong Kong.


Two exhibitions of personal works were held in Taichung City, Taiwan Province.


In 1992, Shancun participated in the 7th Asian Watercolor Union Exhibition (Taiwan).


In 1991, six works, such as Border Town Rain, participated in the exhibition of famous Chinese watercolor artists held in Japan. Quzi Temple freehand brushwork and Xiaoxiang Moon were selected into JCA World Art Yearbook.


1990 West Coast of Africa won the second prize in 1990 China Watercolor Competition


1989 "Mountain Village Morning Cooking" Exhibition for Shenzhen Museum of Art Collection


More than ten works such as Versailles in the Rain participated in the exhibition of elite works of Chinese watercolor painting held in Hong Kong.


In 1988, he participated in a delegation of Chinese artists to visit four African countries and Paris, France.


In 1985, Quzi Temple freehand brushwork participated in the National Watercolor joint exhibition of six provinces and one city. Hunan Fine Arts Publishing House publishes Huangtieshan Watercolor Painting Collection.


In 1984, "Golden with Late Autumn" participated in the 6th National Art Exhibition and won a bronze medal. It was collected by the Chinese Art Museum. Later, it participated in the museum's collection exhibition for 30 years.


In 1980, Cuiguan was selected for the Fifth National Art Exhibition, and later participated in the Second International Art Exhibition in Bangladesh.


Born in 1939 in Dongkou County, Hunan Province.



