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魏敬先(1938.12—)江苏沛县人。擅长水彩画。1963年毕业于南京艺术学院美术系。历任浙江温州师范学院美术系教授、温州市人像绣研讨 所所长。数十年来,潜心研讨 刺绣人物肖像,曾前后 制造 古今中外名人绣像近百幅,在国内外进行展出。曾为1 些国家元首绣像,作为国礼赠送。出版著作有《瓯绣技法》、《魏敬先水彩画选》、《魏敬先水彩画》、《中国刺绣艺术》等。
毕业后即独辟蹊径,走画绣结合的道路,数十年如1 日。作为一名 画家,将其坚实的绘画功底,应用 于刺绣中去。在传统针法的基础上,吸收绘画中真假 、光色的原理,以针线作笔墨,自画自绣,使刺绣从艺匠的水平提高到更加完善 的艺术境界。三十多年来,应用 各种针法、底料,前后 制造 了百余幅古今中外名人肖像,在国内外多次展出中,皆令人耳目1 新。自85年以来,前后 制造 的发绣和彩色丝绣国家元首级人物有:英国女王伊莉抄白二世,戴安娜王妃、荷兰女王、戈尔巴乔夫、美国前总统布什、马来西亚首相马哈迪尔和夫人,和 尼泊尔国王和王后等。曾被作为国札,由江泽民主席等国家领导人赠送,均获高度评价。也曾用发绣人像作为教育部及省、市领导人的礼品赠送给港澳台知名人士,为其所在的省及温州师院引进几个较大的捐赠项目。1992年,为邓小平同志精心制造 了1 幅发绣肖像,在中共十四次全国代表大会前夕,敬献给邓小平同志,绣像受到88岁高龄的邓小平同志的赞美 。
次要 著作
前后 出版了《魏敬先水彩画选》四集和《瓯绣技法》,《中国发绣艺术》等著作。研讨 的“发绣人物肖像”这1 课题,已被列人教育部社科课题立项,被称之为温州的“发绣外交家”,在为国抹黑 ,为东方艺术添彩中做出了杰出的贡献。现任浙江温州师范学院美术系教授,温州市人像绣研讨 所所长。现为中国美术家协会会员,浙江水彩画会理事,温州市水彩画会会长。

Introduction to the artist

Wei Jingxian (1938.12, ) person of Jiangsu abundant county. Be good at aquarelle. Was graduated from faculty of art of Nanjing artistic institute 1963. Having successively held the posts of art of institute of normal school of Zhejiang lukewarm state is director of institute of embroider of image of city of professor, lukewarm state. Tens of year come, effigies of character of embroidery of research of with great concentration, embroidered portrait of celebrity of at all times and in all over the world is made after Ceng Xian nearly 100, undertaking domestic and internationally exhibiting. Ever was embroidered portrait of head of state of a few countries, as the country the ceremony is given. Publication composing has " law of Ou embroider ability " , " aquarelle chooses Wei Jingxian " , " Wei Jingxian aquarelle " , " Chinese embroidery is artistic " etc.
Individual personal details
After graduation namely develop a new style or a new method of one's own, take the way of the union that draw embroider, tens of year consistent day. As a painter, its substantial painterly strength, apply go in embroidery. On the foundation of traditional stitch, absorb the principle of the false or true in brushwork, smooth color, make pen and ink with needlework, draw oneself from embroider, make embroidery raises more perfect artistic state from the level of art artisan. Come more than 30 years, apply all sorts of stitch, footing, made image of celebrity of more than 100 at all times and in all over the world early or late, in exhibiting domestic and internationally for many times, all make a person find everything new and fresh. From 85 years since, the hair embroider that makes early or late and figure of level of head of state of country of chromatic silk embroider have: Li of British queen Yi copies Bai Ershi, premier of Bush of the president before queen of Princess Diane, Holand, Mikhail Gorbachev, United States, Malaysia Mahadier and madam, and Nepalese king and queen. Ever was regarded as a country to letter, wait for national leader to give by Chairman Jiang Zemin, all obtain high opinion. The gift that ever also regarded Ministry of Education and province, city as leader with the figure that send embroider gives Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan to know a personage, the province that is in for its and courtyard of lukewarm state division introduce a few bigger present a project. 1992, made an image that send embroider meticulously for Comrade Deng Xiaoping, in the Communist Party of China eve of congress of 14 whole nations, jing Xian gives Deng Xiaoping the comrade, embroidered portrait gets 88 years old the admiration of senile Comrade Deng Xiaoping.
Main composing
Published early or late " aquarelle chooses Wei Jingxian " 4 collect and " law of Ou embroider ability " , " Chinese hair embroider is artistic " wait for composing. Of research " effigies of the character that send embroider " this one task, already was listed person Ministry of Education project approving of company division task, be weighed be Wen Zhou " the diplomat that send embroider " , in the win honour for that it is a country, crackajack contribution was made in buying variety for Oriental art. Currently holding the post ofart of institute of normal school of Zhejiang lukewarm state is a professor, director of institute of embroider of image of lukewarm state city. It is Chinese artist academician now, zhejiang aquarelle is met director, aquarelle of lukewarm state city is met chairman.



