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米南阳 - 米南阳:好的书法作品要有创造性

2022-03-11 17:40:19 3538




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 米南阳,1 九四六年出生于北京书法世家。字万龙,号天岭,堂号千石斋,鹤秋斋。中国当代著名书法名家。启蒙于耳濡目染、获益于家教嫡传。其书学严谨,博闻强识,意气勤恳,法古今圣手,采众家之妙,师造化之灵,兼收并蓄,大胆创新,寻求 清隽的格调,用笔、结体、章法力求多变,率真萧洒 ,雄壮 豪放,气韵生动,率真拙朴,酣畅淋漓,给人1 种奋发向上的时代感和艺术享用 ,逐渐 构成 了独特的艺术风格。他的名字已列入《中国当代书画家大辞典》、《中国古今书画家大辞典》及英国剑桥大学所编《世界名人录》等多部辞书。

现任中国书法艺术家协会副主席,中国书法艺术研讨 院副院长,中国人

民书画院艺术委员会副主席,文明 部老艺术家书画院副院长,中全联书画院副院长,中国书法名家联合会名誉主席,中国诗书画协会名誉会长,建设部文联书法艺委会主席,慈善书院院务委员会主席,国家民族书画院名誉院长,泰中关系协会名誉主席,新加坡神州大学艺术系客座教授,中国艺术工作者协会毕生 名誉主席,《红色经典书画》杂志主编,《米氏家族》杂志顾问,中国集邮总公司首席艺术顾问等数职。2010年在世界华人精英大会上作为全球文明 艺术界独一 代表荣获《全球华人最具影响力人物奖》同时还博得 世界华人精英《龙勋章》。2014年10月被英国皇家艺术研讨 院授予《世界文明 名人》称号,入编《世界名人录》。2015年3月被中国传统文明 学会授予《世界金典艺术家》称号。


 书法界人士有此1 说:“启功的杆儿,溥杰的尖儿,舒同的圈儿,南阳的弯儿。”此中南阳即米南阳先生,作为宋四大家米芾的27代世孙,米南阳不仅擅长篆、隶、楷、行、草等书体,还精通绘画、诗词、京剧、西医 、摄影等。而其幼即好学,文学、历史、曲艺、京剧、绘画、书法,无不涉及,且意在书画,偏好藏书,交游贤达,尤是腹有饱学,博闻强识,终成其书法气象。米南阳先生的书法,有颜真卿之刚正,柳公权之俊俏,含王羲之之秀气,又不失米南宫之萧洒 ;深情隽永,气韵生动,感人肺腑。

经过几十年的潜心研讨 逐渐 构成 本身 独特的艺术风格,米南阳力作收藏于人民大会堂和钓鱼台、中南海、毛主席纪念堂;和 民族饭店、友谊宾馆、新侨饭店、大观园酒店等场所。牌匾有之前 的老字号《5 芳斋》《天兴居》《1 条龙饭庄》等,和 京广中心、双安商场、建设大厦、银都大厦、京投大厦、玛依塔柯酒店、北京工艺美术品商店、前门文明 艺术节等不计其数。米南阳先生的作品还被蒲松龄纪念馆、岳飞纪念馆、米公祠、河北省博物馆、青岛博物馆等处视为珍品收藏;另有作品被镌刻在"黄河碑林"、"翰园碑林、""都乐碑林"、"圣泉碑林"、"吉林黑龙潭景区"、"江西庐山景区"等处。他的作品还曾作为国礼赠与过原日本首相田中角荣、佐藤荣作、铃木善幸、中曾根康弘和 韩国总统金大中、意大利总统钱皮和原美国总统老布什、小布什;还被法国、希腊、韩国、意大利、古巴等国家领导人作为珍品收藏。篮球明将科比、马布里等球星也收藏米南阳先生作品;《北京国安足球俱乐部》也出自米南阳先生之手。米南阳先生还题写过《中国计算机报》、《中国首饰》、《海口晚报》、《中国经营报》、《中国引进时报》、《首都机场报》和 《中国建设者》、《资治通鉴辞典》、《湖社画刊》、《中华时尚》、《中华人》、《年轻人》等几百种大型文明 报刊、杂志的报头、刊名。为地方 电视台《中国文艺》《走进西部》等专题栏目题标,为《中华卫视》题写台标,1990年为北京电视台春节晚会《京腔京韵自多情》题标,1989年为第十1 届亚运会大型文艺晚会《亚洲雄风》题标。还为几十部家喻户晓的电影、电视剧片名,如:《米老鼠与唐老鸭》、《方世玉》、《1 代大商孟洛川》、《生死快递》、《东方球王》、《甄三》、《北京女人》、《好男好女》、《走进西部》、《大路朝天》、《战国》、《紫气东来》、《刀锋》等。


 上世纪八十年代末,米南阳先生在日本曾以1 副《精气神》荣获东邦书展最高荣誉奖,而后连续5 连冠夺得国际书法金奖,传为佳话。




2003年获中国书画印研讨 院书法艺术博士学位;中国国际书画艺术研讨 院研讨 员。

2004年荣获《炎黄杯》国际书画约请 展金奖;荣获华夏英才和东方艺术研讨 院主办的《百名金奖作品和德艺双馨艺术家》;荣获新加坡共合作新神州艺术院“高级名誉院士”;荣获《米芾杯》全国书画大赛1 等奖,并被聘为米襄阳书画研讨 院艺术顾问。

2005年获地方 书画院院士;被世界杰出华人总会授予《世界杰出华人贡献奖》;被中国公益事业促进会授予《公益楷模》光荣称号。




2010年世界华人精英大会作为全球文明 艺术界独一 代表荣获《全球华人最具影响力人物奖》,同时还博得 了《世界华人精英龙勋章》

2011年补充 为中国民族文明 研讨 会高级研讨 员。

2014年10月被英国皇家艺术研讨 院、世界文艺家联合会授予《中英艺术交流抽象 大使》,同时授予《世界文明 名人》称号,入编《大型国际艺术交流人物辞典》和《世界名人录》。

2015年3月被中国传统文明 学会授予《中国魂·百名爱国艺术家》光荣称号;入选《中国传统文明 大典当代人物》;入选《世界艺术家》典藏;世界书画艺术家研讨 会名誉主席,被授予《世界金典艺术家》《高级书画家》称号。

米南阳先生的书画作品被中国文联出版社编著的《当代书坛巨匠》和 中国书画家联谊会编著的《中国书法领军人物》、《美术家》、《红楼画集》、《华夏儿女》、《海峡两岸书画名家》、《人民书画家》、《美术鉴藏》、《名人名家书画集》等刊物收录出版。

中华人民共和国文明 部艺术品质部艺术等级评为特1 级。地方 旧事 电影制片厂拍摄专题影片《书法家米南阳》,米南阳巨型雕像在湖北荆门《华夏艺术家之林》落成。

Introduction in English

 Mi Nanyang was born in Beijing calligraphy family in 1946. Wanlong, Tianling, qianshizhai, heqiuzhai. A famous calligrapher in contemporary China. Enlightenment benefits from the influence of family education. His calligraphy is rigorous, erudite, hardworking, ancient and modern masterpieces, the wisdom of many families, the spirit of learning from nature, eclectic, bold innovation, the pursuit of clear and meaningful style, the use of pen, structure, and law for variety, straightforward and unrestrained, bold and bold, vivid, straightforward and simple, hearty, giving people a sense of the times and artistic enjoyment, and gradually forming a unique style of art. His name has been listed in many dictionaries, such as the dictionary of contemporary Chinese Calligraphers and painters, the dictionary of ancient and modern Chinese Calligraphers and painters, and the world's celebrities compiled by Cambridge University, UK.


Now he is vice chairman of Chinese Calligraphy Artists Association, vice president of Chinese Calligraphy Art Research Institute, Chinese


Vice chairman of the Art Committee of the people's Academy of calligraphy and painting, vice president of the old artists' Academy of calligraphy and painting of the Ministry of culture, vice president of the all China Federation of calligraphy and painting, honorary chairman of the Chinese Calligraphy Association, honorary president of the Chinese poetry, calligraphy and painting Association, chairman of the calligraphy and Art Committee of the Ministry of construction, chairman of the academic committee of the charity academy, honorary president of the National Academy of calligraphy and painting, honorary chairman of the Thai China Relations Association, Shenzhou, Singapore Visiting professor of Art Department of University, honorary chairman of China Artists Association, editor in chief of red classic painting and calligraphy magazine, consultant of Mie family magazine, chief art consultant of China Philatelic Corporation, etc. In 2010, as the only representative of the global cultural and art circles, he won the award of the most influential Chinese in the world and the Dragon Medal of the world's Chinese elites. In October 2014, he was awarded the title of "world cultural celebrity" by the Royal Academy of art, and was included in the world celebrity list. In March 2015, he was awarded the title of "world gold standard artist" by Chinese traditional culture society.


Calligraphers have said, "the pole of enlightenment, the tip of PuJie, the circle of comfort, the bend of Nanyang." As the grandson of Mi Fu, the four great masters of Song Dynasty, MI Nanyang is not only good at Zhuan, Li, Kai, Xing and Cao, but also proficient in painting, poetry, Peking Opera, traditional Chinese medicine and photography. He is eager to learn when he is young. Literature, history, quyi, Peking Opera, painting and calligraphy are all involved. He intends to collect books and make friends with sages, especially when he is full of learning and knowledge, which eventually becomes his calligraphy atmosphere. Mr. Mi Nanyang's calligraphy has the integrity of Yan Zhenqing, the beauty of Liu Gongquan, the beauty of Wang Xizhi, and the natural and unrestrained style of MI Nangong. It is deep and meaningful, vivid and moving.


After decades of painstaking research and gradually forming its own unique artistic style, MI Nanyang's masterpieces are collected in the Great Hall of the people, Diaoyutai, Zhongnanhai, Chairman Mao's memorial hall, as well as national hotel, Friendship Hotel, Xinqiao Hotel, Grand View Garden Hotel and other places. The plaques include old brands such as wufangzhai, tianxingju, yilongfanzhuang, etc., as well as numerous Beijing Guangzhou center, Shuangan shopping mall, Jianshe building, Yindu building, Jingtou building, maitaco Hotel, Beijing Arts and crafts store, Qianmen culture and Art Festival, etc. Mr. Mi Nanyang's works are also regarded as treasures by Pu Songling memorial hall, Yuefei memorial hall, migong temple, Hebei Provincial Museum, Qingdao Museum, etc.; other works are engraved in "Yellow River Forest of Steles", "Hanyuan forest of Steles", "dule forest of Steles", "Shengquan forest of steles", "Jilin Heilongtan scenic area", "Jiangxi Lushan Scenic Area", etc. His works have also been given to former Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka, Sato, Suzuki, Nakasone, Kanghong, South Korean President Kim Dae Jung, Italian president Qian PI, former US President George W. Bush and George W. Bush as national gifts; they have also been collected as treasures by leaders of France, Greece, South Korea, Italy, Cuba and other countries. Basketball stars such as Kobe Bryant and Marbury also collect Mr. minangyang's works; Beijing Guoan Football Club is also written by Mr. minangyang. Mr. Mi Nanyang also wrote the titles of hundreds of large-scale cultural newspapers and magazines, such as China Computer News, China jewelry, Haikou evening news, China business news, China Import times, capital airport news, and China builders, Zizhi Tongjian dictionary, hushe pictorial, China fashion, Chinese, young people And the title of the journal. It is the title mark of CCTV's special columns such as "Chinese literature and art" and "into the west". It is the title mark of CCTV's "China Satellite TV". In 1990, it was the title mark of CCTV's Spring Festival Gala "Beijing Opera and Beijing rhyme are full of feelings". In 1989, it was the title mark of the 11th Asian Games large-scale literary and art Gala "Asian style". Also known for dozens of films and TV series, such as Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck, Fang Shiyu, Meng Luochuan, a generation of big business, life and death express, Oriental king, Zhen San, Beijing woman, good man and good woman, into the west, the road to the sky, the Warring States, Ziqi Donglai, blade, etc.



