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何满宗 - 风雅颂湖湘-访湖南省书法家协会主席

2022-03-11 17:40:20




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 书法家何满宗1956年出生.汉族.常宁市人。中共党员,清华大学研讨 生毕业、硕士学位,国家1 级美术师。现任中国书法家协会国际交流委员会副主任、中国书法家协会理事、湖南省文联副主席,湖南省书法家协会主席。历任湖南省九届人大代表.长沙市十1 届人大代表,湖南省青联第七届常委,湖南年轻人杂志社副总编辑,湖南省广播电视学校校长、湖南省青年书法家协会主席等职。

何满宗主张用书法弘扬美德,始终坚持美学上的价值就是道德上的价值,现为国家1 级美术师、教授。中国书法家协会理事,湖南省书法家协会主席。在北京、长沙,日本、韩国、美国、澳大利亚,澳门、台湾等地举办书法展。获中国书法家协会先进工作者、德艺双馨艺术家称号。

书法家何满宗的书法专集及书法理论著作有:《当代书风.何满宗书法系列》《中国书法与传统文明 研讨 》《怀素自述帖技法》《王铎草书技法》等;次要 书法论文有:《毛泽东书法宏观思考》《中国书法百年论》《湖湘书风分析》等。在创作主题上主张:用书法弘扬中华美德,在创作实践中寻求 :创意经典,在事业上倡导:湖湘书法碑林建设,在理论上总结湖湘书风为:浪漫豪放。

书法家何满宗努力 于公益事业和慈善事业,为社会捐赠书法作品千余件、捐款。





2013年在北京大学倡导书法家书写当代标准汉字、投身乡村书法建设、提升本身 艺术涵养 。




2001年5月、2005年6月、2006年1月分别赴日本、香港、澳门组织湖南书法展。出版旧事 著作:《广播电视旧事 导论》(湖南人民出版社);报告文学集:《中国当代经济强人》、《煤海写风流》(人民日报出版社)。书法专辑及书法理论著作:《当代书风·何满宗书法系列》、《竹简·楚辞》、《中国书法与传统文明 研讨 》、《怀素自叙帖技法》、《王铎草书技法》、《四体千字文》等。次要 书法论点:在创作主题上主张:用书法弘扬中华美德,在创作实践中寻求 :神韵至上。努力 于公益事业和慈善事业,为社会捐赠书法作品千余件、捐款。2005 年荣膺“湖南省德艺双馨中青年文艺工作者”称号。2006年1月在全国名家作品拍卖会上,所书的“寿”字作品,拍卖成交22万元,全部捐建南岳万寿碑廊建设。

次要 著作

 《当代书风 ——何满宗书法系列》、《中国书法与传统文明 研讨 》、

怀素自叙帖技法》、《王铎草书技法》等10余种。另外,2010年1 月出

版了与著名书法理论家王焕林先生合编的《湖南书法史》1 书!

Introduction in English

 He MANZONG is a member of the Communist Party of China. He graduated from Tsinghua University with a master's degree in history. He is a national first-class artist and professor. In addition to the creation of calligraphy, he studied philosophy and poetry, published philosophy around him and artistic conception of poetry, and put forward that philosophy, poetry and calligraphy are the basic cultivation of contemporary scholars. At present, he is the director of China Calligrapher Association, vice chairman of Hunan Federation of literary and art circles, chairman of Hunan Calligrapher Association, member of Hunan CPPCC and vice chairman of Hunan Red Cross Society. The young and middle-aged writers and artists of Hunan Province, the first-class meritorious service of the people's Government of Hunan Province, and the artists of both virtues and arts. He has successively held the posts of deputy to the Ninth National People's Congress of Hunan Province, deputy to the 11th National People's Congress of Hengyang City, member of the seventh Standing Committee of Hunan Youth Federation, deputy editor in chief of Hunan Youth magazine, President of Hunan Radio and television school, and chairman of Hunan young Calligrapher Association.


He MANZONG, a calligrapher, was born in 1956 in Changning, a Han nationality. Member of the Communist Party of China, graduated from Tsinghua University, master's degree, national first-class artist. At present, he is deputy director of International Exchange Committee of China Calligrapher Association, director of China Calligrapher Association, vice chairman of Hunan Federation of literary and art circles and chairman of Hunan Calligrapher Association. He has successively held the posts of deputy to the Ninth People's Congress of Hunan Province, deputy to the 11th People's Congress of Changsha City, member of the seventh Standing Committee of Hunan Youth Federation, deputy editor in chief of Hunan Youth magazine, President of Hunan Radio and television school, chairman of Hunan young calligrapher association, etc.


He MANZONG advocated the use of calligraphy to promote virtue and always insisted that aesthetic value is moral value. Now he is a national first-class artist and professor. Director of China Calligrapher Association, chairman of Hunan Calligrapher Association. Calligraphy exhibitions are held in Beijing, Changsha, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Australia, Macao, Taiwan and other places. He was awarded the title of advanced worker of Chinese Calligrapher Association and artist of virtue and art.


The calligrapher he MANZONG's calligraphy collection and calligraphy theory works include: contemporary calligraphy style. He MANZONG's Calligraphy Series, research on Chinese calligraphy and traditional culture, huaisu's self describing calligraphy technique, Wang Duo's cursive calligraphy technique, etc.; the main calligraphy papers are: Mao Zedong's calligraphy macro thinking, Chinese calligraphy Centennial theory, Huxiang calligraphy style analysis, etc. In the theme of creation, it advocates: carrying forward Chinese virtues with calligraphy, pursuing in the practice of creation: Creative classics, advocating in career: the construction of Huxiang calligraphy stele forest, summarizing the Huxiang calligraphy style in theory as: romantic and bold.


He MANZONG, a calligrapher, devoted himself to public welfare and philanthropy, and donated more than 1000 pieces of calligraphy works to the society.


In January 2006, at the spring auction of famous calligraphy and painting works, the book "Shou" was sold for 220000 yuan, all of which were donated to the construction of Wanshou monument in Nanyue.


In August 2006, the book "Fu" bidding for 330000 yuan, all donated to build Mayang "Fushou stone forest".


In 2011, he gave lectures on "philosophy around us" in Peking University and "poetic conception" in Tsinghua University.


In 2012, he was selected as the top 30 calligraphers with the most academic value and market potential.


In 2013, he advocated calligraphers in Peking University to write contemporary standard Chinese characters, devote himself to the construction of rural calligraphy, and improve his artistic accomplishment.


China Art Evaluation and appraisal center organizes professionals and insiders to evaluate and appraise. He MANZONG's calligraphy works per square foot: 5500 yuan


He MANZONG calligraphy exhibition was held in Macau in July 2004, Changsha in October, Aichi World Expo in Japan in May 2005, and Changsha in January 2006.


In May 2001, June 2005 and January 2006, they went to Japan, Hong Kong and Macao respectively to organize Hunan Calligraphy Exhibition. Published news works: introduction to radio and television news (Hunan people's Publishing House); reportage collection: China's contemporary economic power, coal sea writing style (people's Daily Publishing House). Calligraphy album and calligraphy theory works: contemporary calligraphy style · he MANZONG calligraphy series, bamboo slips · Chu Ci, research on Chinese calligraphy and traditional culture, huaisu's self describing calligraphy technique, Wang Duo's cursive calligraphy technique, four styles and thousands of characters, etc. The main points of calligraphy are as follows: on the theme of creation, it is advocated that calligraphy should be used to promote Chinese virtues, and in the practice of creation, verve should be the highest. Committed to public welfare and philanthropy, donated more than one thousand calligraphy works and donations to the society. In 2005, he was awarded the title of "young and middle-aged literature and art workers of Hunan Province". In January 2006, at the national famous works auction, the works with the word "longevity" were sold for 220000 yuan, all of which were donated to the construction of Wanshou Stone Gallery in Nanyue.



