汪顺利,字昱光,中国知名书法艺术家,终身 热衷书法创作,师从著名书法家杨再春。在学习和继承传统风格的基础上,博取众家之精髓,构成 了本身 独特的艺术风格。
在2015、2018年由中国邮票发行中心前后 两次发行邮票纪念册。2016年10月代表中国文明 促进会在韩国巡展。被约请 出席2018年地方 电视台《精彩中国 惠及世界--纪念改革开放40周年》暨CCTV中国文艺颁奖盛典。
作品苍劲浑厚、豪迈凝重、雄奇奔放;笔墨功夫扎实深厚,线条流畅、抑扬顿挫、收发自若 ;在众多作品创作中体现出深厚的艺术涵养 和独特的美学见地。凭借对艺术的执着寻求 和精湛的笔墨技艺博得 众多书法爱好者和收藏家的关注。作品1 度被台湾、香港及美国友人收藏。让我们一同 走进汪顺利老师的书法艺术世界,感受传统书法的无穷 魅力
Wang Shunli, Zi Yuguang, a famous Chinese calligraphy artist, devoted his whole life to calligraphy creation and studied under the famous calligrapher Yang Zaichun. On the basis of learning and inheriting the traditional style, we have gained the essence of many families and formed our own unique artistic style.
In 2015 and 2018, China stamp distribution center issued two stamp memorials successively. In October 2016, he toured in South Korea on behalf of China Council for the promotion of culture. He was invited to attend 2018 CCTV "wonderful China benefits the world - Commemorating the 40th anniversary of reform and opening up" and CCTV China literature and art award ceremony.
The works are vigorous, bold, dignified, magnificent and unrestrained; the strokes are solid and profound, the lines are smooth, the cadence is smooth, and the sending and receiving are free; the works embody profound artistic accomplishment and unique aesthetic insight in many works creation. By virtue of the persistent pursuit of art and exquisite painting skills, it has won the attention of many calligraphy lovers and collectors. His works were once collected by friends from Taiwan, Hong Kong and the United States. Let's go into Wang Shunli's calligraphy art world and feel the infinite charm of traditional calligraphy