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2022-03-11 17:40:20




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 何维跃大师的抽象 ,还有他的妆容和 发型,确实不大像大师,就算穿上了黑色大马褂,留了“艺术头”,气质还是欠缺了些。不过何大师的整体 抽象 和外型 ,却十分亮眼。比如他的八字胡、扫帚眉就非常有特点。再加上夸张的服饰,让何大师多少还是具备了当代大师专家的1 些标签特点。当然,这些都不重要,关键还在于何大师的创作过程还有作品,确实够味。讲到何大师,大家最津津乐道的,必然 是他的成名作——千里走单骑。

这幅画中的人物就是关公,从他的长发还有那把青龙偃月刀来推断,此人必是关云长无疑了。不过,画中的这个关公和小先生 涂鸦的效果,几无差异。更夸张的是,关公的赤兔马此刻早已不见了,他居然会踩单车。这幅画1 经展出,立刻引发 轰动。不过,刚开始许多不明本相 的网友,纷纷对何大师嗤之以鼻。但是,当大家晓得 本相 后,却又纷纷为其点赞。到底是何原因 ?

何大师的创作,其真实目的并非为了创作本身,而是为了讽刺当下书画界的这类 “乱象”。在当代书画界,有1 种呼声非常高,它就是“艺术创新”、“艺术自在 ”。在这类 呼声的影响下,出现了1 些反传统的艺术形状 ,其中比较著名的就是丑书、盲书、乱书、射墨等新艺术情势 。比较著名的代表人物有王冬龄、邵岩等人。这些代表人物,许多都是我国书画界很有影响力的人,为了所谓的“艺术自在 ”,他们确实备受争议。然而,像何大师此般直接讽刺的,还真是首例。

何大师在“千里走单骑”以后 ,又前后 创作了许多“惊世骇俗”的大作。尽管何大师的画作非常夸张、恶搞,尽管何大师的表演让人喷饭。但是大家对何大师却十分肯定,毕竟他是用生命和元气搞创作的艺术家!如果说“丑书”、“射墨”属于艺术创新,那么何大师的方式难道就不能算吗?


Introduction in English

 The image of master he Weiyue, as well as his makeup and hairstyle, is not exactly like that of master he. Even if he put on a black jacket and left his "artistic head", his temperament is still lacking. However, master he's overall image and shape are very striking. For example, his mustache and broom eyebrow are very characteristic. Coupled with exaggerated costumes, master he still has some label characteristics of contemporary master experts. Of course, these are not important. The key lies in master he's creation process and works, which are really tasty. When it comes to master he, what we are most fond of talking about must be his famous work, Qianli single riding.


The real purpose of master he's creation is not to create himself, but to satirize the "chaos" in the current painting and calligraphy circles. In the field of contemporary painting and calligraphy, there is a very high voice, which is "art innovation" and "art freedom". Under the influence of this voice, there are some anti-traditional art forms, among which the most famous are ugly books, blind books, random books, ink and other new art forms. The famous representatives are Wang Dongling, Shaoyan and so on. Many of these representatives are influential people in Chinese painting and calligraphy circles. For the so-called "art freedom", they are indeed controversial. However, it's the first time that master he has such direct satire.



