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叶恭绰(1881年~1968年9月16日)字裕甫,又字誉虎、玉父,号遐翁、遐庵,暮年 别署矩园,广州番禺人,本籍 浙江余姚,其5 世祖游幕广东。祖父叶衍兰,字南雪,以金石、书画、文艺名世,父佩玱,字仲鸾,诗文、篆、隶靡不精究。





中年当前 于诗文、考古、书画、鉴赏无不精湛。搜藏历代文物,品类颇广,至为丰富,为保存国宝不遗余力。文献古籍,经其整理,保存者尤多。文字改革,尽心尽力。书法用笔运腕,独有心得,精楷、行、草体,尤擅大字榜书,雄壮 豪放,绰约多姿,融会碑帖,独树一帜 。画则松石梅兰,尤喜画竹,多取元人神韵,秀劲隽上,直写胸臆。

年登八秩,前后 将所藏书画、典籍、文物重器尽数捐献于北京、上海、广州、苏州、成都等市有关机构,以垂永久 ,令人敬佩。叶恭绰努力 艺术运动5 十余年,至老不倦,是中国古代 书画大师,20世纪著名文人、收藏家,重要的美术活动家和组织者。其著作甚丰,次要 有《遐庵诗稿》、《遐庵清秘录》、《遐庵词》、《遐庵谈艺录》、《遐庵汇稿》、《矩园馀墨》、《历代藏经考略》、《梁代陵墓考》、《交通救国论》、《叶恭绰书画全集 》、《叶恭绰画集》等。另编有《全清词钞》、《5 代十国文》、《广东丛书》、《清代学者像传合集》等。






建国后,任北京中国画院首任院长,中国文字改革委员会常务委员,地方 文史研讨 馆副馆长、代馆长;中国美术家协会第1 届理事会常务理事,中国佛教协会理事,当选为全国政协常委。


叶恭绰性喜收藏古籍和文物。他花了大量财力,收藏希世 瑰宝 ,如西周毛公鼎、晋王羲之《曹娥碑》、晋王献之《鸭头丸帖》、清初张纯修《楝亭夜话图》等;收藏了大量乡镇专志、清人词集、清人传记、名僧翰墨、文物图录,如清人词集有5000余种,《全清词钞》有3196家。


 叶恭绰为保护文物不遗余力。抗日和平 爆发后,上海沦陷,他预备 避难香港。临行前,秘密将收藏 的7箱文物寄存在公共租界英商美艺公司仓库,其中1 箱就是毛公鼎。

民国29年,他的姨太太潘氏为侵吞财产,大兴讼事,并向日本宪兵队透露了毛公鼎藏在上海的音讯 。叶恭绰闻讯,急电侄子叶公超去上海掌管 讼事,并谆谆嘱托:毛公鼎不得变卖,不得典押,决不能流出国土。毛公鼎终究 没被日军掠去。后来此鼎为发国难财的商人所得,抗克服 利后交“上海敌伪物质 管理委员会”处理。上海市政府聘叶恭绰为毛公鼎保管委员会委员,并从军统局领回拨交南京地方 博物院保存。

叶恭绰还将大批珍贵古籍和文物捐献给图书馆、博物馆。民国32年将地理类藏书等906种3245册捐赠上海合众图书馆;收藏 的文物或捐赠,或出售,尽归北京、上海、广州、苏州、成都等有关文明 机构收藏。如《鸭头丸帖》归上海博物馆,《楝亭夜话图》归吉林省博物馆。













1923年5月,孙中山任其为广州大本营财政部部长,兼理广东财政厅厅长,不多 辞兼职;7月代理大本修建 设厅厅长,统1 广东财政委员;11月奉派往东北,与张作霖洽商讨伐直系军阀事宜;12月任广州大本营财政委员会委员,

1924年4月兼盐务督办;8月任地方 银行董事;9月去财政部部长职;10月去盐务督办兼职;11月任北洋政府交通部总长,192



1928年1月任张作霖安国军财政讨论会副会长、中国第1 次美术博览会 评审员。

1929年与朱启钤组织中国营建 学社,与朱祖谋等组织词社,与龙榆生创《词学季刊》;同年兼故宫博物院常务理事、管理地方 庚款董事会董事。


1933年任中山文明 教育馆常务理事兼总干事,倡设上海博物馆;同年10月任国民政府全国经济委员会委员。


1939年在香港发起组织中国文明 协进会。

1941年12月,香港沦陷,移居九龙。翌年10月转往上海,拒受伪职,以书画自娱。抗日和平 胜利后,由沪返穗。





1951年任地方 人民政府政务院文明 教育委员会委员,同年7月被聘任为地方 文史研讨 馆副馆长。

1952年5月任中国文字改革研讨 委员会委员。

1953年任中国文学艺术界联合会第二届全国委员会委员、中国美术家协会第1 届理事会常务理事。



1957年加入中国农工民主党。是第二届全国政协常委、第三届全国政协委员。叶恭绰还是中国佛教协会发起人之1 ,曾被选为中国佛教协会第1 、二、三届理事。

1958年,被错划为左派 分子,停止全国政协常委职务和解聘代理地方 文史研讨 馆馆长职务。

1959年摘掉“左派 分子”帽子。

“文明 大革命”中蒙受 迫害,于1968年8月6日病逝,长年 87岁。

1979年改正了1958年将他划为左派 的错误。

1980年3月中国政协为他举行悲悼 会,平反昭雪。遵其遗言 ,骨灰葬于南京中山陵东侧仰止亭旁(仰止亭是在中山先生奉安中山陵之前,由叶氏捐款建筑 ,以志他对中山先生知遇之情)。



 叶恭绰除早年努力 于交通事业外,生平于艺术、书画、诗词、文物鉴藏无不精通。

书工楷、行、草,主张以出土竹木简及汉魏六朝石刻、写经为宗。他用笔运腕,独有心得,笔法雄强朴厚,妍媚动人,独树一帜 。人称其书有褚之俊逸、颜之雄壮 、赵之润秀,誉为当代高手。


为了保护祖国文明 遗产,使之不流入外国人之手,他购买了许多珍贵字画、碑帖、磁器、铜器、孤本、善本、外国难得之名著与故宫禁物,装成八大箱,惜均毁于沙面之变。1 次他重金购得希世 珍品——晋朝王献之的《鸭头丸帖》真迹,慨然捐献给了上海博物馆。又前后 将全部收藏品捐给北京、上海、广州、苏州、成都等市有关机构,以垂永久 。

为弘扬传统文明 ,他刻印了很多典籍,尤笃于师友风义,近代文坛名流如文廷式、罗瘿公、潘兰史、曾习经等人的遗作,均系经他整理出版的。他的诗词亦达到很高水平。

次要 著作

 叶恭绰著作甚丰,次要 有《遐庵诗》、《遐庵词》、《遐庵谈艺录》、《遐庵汇稿》、《交通救国论》、《历代藏经考略》、《梁代陵墓考》、《矩园馀墨》、《叶恭绰书画全集 》、《叶恭绰画集》等。另编有《全清词钞》、《5 代十国文》、《清代学者像传合集》、《广东丛书 》等。


 民国初年(1 九1 二年),欧阳竟无继杨仁山居士遗志,掌管 金陆刻经处,校勘刻印佛经。1 九1 八年,开始筹设“支那内学院”,苦于经费无著。到了1 九二1 年,始得叶恭绰联络熊希龄、梁启超、蔡元培等发起组织院董会,并由叶恭绰等联名呈请北京政府,请予以拨款补助。叶恭绰并与熊希龄、梁启超等以彼等在北京政界之影响力,经北京的财政部与教育部会商,咨文江苏省政府,由江苏财政厅拨出基金十万元,补助内学院成立,并每月由国税项下拨款1 千元,作为经常费。由于有了这项经费来源,支那内学院始向内务部、教育部备案,于1 九二二年正式成立,开学授课。后来并开办法相大学特科,使内学院成为佛学研讨 重镇,追本溯原,叶恭绰等支持保护 之功,实不可没。

1 九1 八年初春,叶恭绰与在京佛教居士蒯若木、蒋维乔、江味农、徐蔚如等发起讲经会,推徐蔚如南下宁波观宗寺,迎谛闲法师入京讲经。谛闲三月进京,在江西会馆讲《圆觉经》,七月讲经美满 ,叶恭绰以北方佛法不振,希望请谛闲留在北京办1 佛学院,培育弘法人才。谛闲以观宗寺工程未了而辞谢,叶恭绰与蒯若木居士各致赠香仪1 千银元,其他居士亦各有馈赠。谛闲以此款,把观宗寺附设的佛学研讨 社改组为“观宗学社”,自任主讲,扩大招生名额,培育人才。后来,观宗学社人材蔚出,如倓虚、常惺、仁山、宝静、戒尘、妙真诸师,都毕业于观宗学社,而弘法于中国各地。

1 九三1 年夏,叶恭绰与一名 陈飞青居士,同在青岛避暑,鉴于青岛是1 个国际性的都市,各种教会都有,惟独 没有佛教寺院。适有他的同乡陈研卿、梁少廷二居士,想在青岛成立1 处念佛会,找到叶恭绰,希望他出面向地方政府要1 块土地。因而 叶恭绰约集诸位善信及青岛地方上无力 量的人士,在交通大楼开筹备会,倡议修佛寺,他并当场首捐1 万元,在场人士也附和认捐。后来,叶恭绰在外埠又捐了1 笔钱,并请青岛市长胡若愚拨了1 块公地,修佛寺的事就成了定居。叶恭绰并推荐早年曾随从谛闲到北京的倓虚法师,到青岛负责佛寺的兴修 ,这就是青岛湛山寺的起因。


 1952年2月,北京市规划局预备 迁移城内所有墓地,进行大规模的改造城市建设。照此规定,袁督师庙和墓均在迁移之列。叶恭绰、柳亚子、李济深、章士钊联名上书毛泽东,呼吁保护袁墓:“主席赐鉴:兹有陈者,北京市府因计划关系,将城内各义冢饬迁出城,其中广东新旧两义园有前明蓟辽督师袁崇焕遗墓和祠宇历见载籍,数百年来祭扫不绝。明末满洲久为边患,能捍御者以袁崇焕为最。满酋后施反间,崇焕竟以冤死,天下痛之。今日新史学家亦佥称为民族英雄,但或不知其祠、墓即在天涯 。兹当提倡民族气节和爱国主义之际,拟乞饬所司于该两处袁崇焕祠、墓特予保全,并力崇饰,以资观感,不胜企幸。”


“数月前接读惠书,并附萨镇冰先生所作诗1 首,不久又接读大作二首,均极感谢。萨先生现已作古,其所作诗已成纪念品,兹付还,请予保存。近日又接先生等四人来信,说明末爱国领袖人物袁崇焕先生祠庙事,已告彭真市长,如无大碍,应予保存。此事嗣后请与彭真市长接洽为荷。”

至此,经叶恭绰、柳亚子、李济深、章士钊等人的多方努力,积极呼吁,北京市政府对袁崇焕墓进行了全面的修缮 ,墓古迹得以保存。

Introduction in English

 Among the sculptors in New China, Cheng Yunxian's artistic life is undoubtedly unique. In 1928, Cheng Yunxian was born in a family of intellectuals in Changsha, Jiangxi Province. His father studied in Japan in his early years and became a university professor after returning home. In 1946, Cheng Yunxian went to Taiwan with his parents and studied at Jianguo Middle School in Taipei. In 1947, he left his family and returned to the mainland to study in the National Hubei Normal University. In July 1949, after completing his studies successfully, he resolutely joined the Chinese People's Liberation Army with his pen. In the second year after joining the army, Cheng Yunxian, originally a Chinese major, was organized to study sculpture at the Central Academy of Fine Arts and began his sculpture life. Over the past 50 years, he has devoted himself to the creation and research of the art of portrait sculpture. With the responsibility of carrying forward the spirit of the times and the theme, he has created more than 100 portraits of Mao Zedong, Zhou Enlai, Deng Xiaoping, the older generations of proletarian revolutionaries, and other founding marshals, such as Zhu Dehuai and Peng Dehuai, as well as heroes and international friends, which are cast in bronze and white stone. A series of revolutionary epic poems, with the language of sculpture to write a movement of the times.


Cheng Yunxian is a famous sculptor and calligrapher. In more than 50 years of art career, mainly engaged in portrait sculpture and monument sculpture creation and research, and also engaged in calligraphy art. More than 100 bronze and marble, granite statues and large-scale monuments of famous figures at home and abroad created by him show the people's appearance and demeanor with profound modeling skills and vivid body language, and strive to depict their inner mentality, emotion, style and temperament. For example, in order to commemorate the centenary of Mao Zedong's birth, Shaoshan Mao Zedong giant statue. In the imagination, God is beyond words, reflecting the author's artistic character and the artistic concept of "truth, goodness and beauty". More than 40 cities, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Japan, Singapore, Thailand, Germany, the United States, Korea, Tonga and other places have his portrait sculptures, monument sculptures or other sculptures. He has won many awards or served as a judge in previous large-scale national art exhibitions. Nine works have been collected by the National Gallery of Art. The Chinese People's Revolutionary Military Museum has a special "Cheng Yunxian Sculpture Art Museum" for long-term display.


Cheng Yunxian studied calligraphy from an early age, from Mr. He Lu, a famous calligrapher in Sichuan Province, and from Cao Quan Bei in Han Dynasty. Long-term study of Tang Sun Guoting's Shupu and Huai Su's Self-narration, as well as the Stone Gate Inscription and other monuments. Good grasses, changeable and rigorous rules, free and easy to lose the law, forming a dignified and elegant, thick and graceful combination of unique style. Some places of interest and museums in China, as well as Japan, the United States, Singapore, Malaysia and Thailand, have their ink marks, which are collected by many institutions and individuals. Ye Gongchuo (1881-1968), the word Yufu (Yufu, Yuhu, Yufu), and the word Tiger, known as Xian'an, in his later years, other Bianzhuang Garden, room name "Xuan Room". My grandfather Ye Yanlan (Lantai) is famous for his gold, stone, books and paintings. Father Ye Pei has excellent poems, books and articles.


Calligrapher and painter, collector and political activist. A member of the Department of Transportation.


He graduated from Beijing Normal University in his early years, and later studied in Japan and joined the League led by Sun Yat-sen.


He served as Chief Transport Officer of Beiyang Government, Minister of Finance of Guangzhou National Government of Sun Yat-sen and Minister of Railway of Nanjing National Government. In 1927, he became the curator of the Chinese Academy of Peking University. After the founding of the People's Republic of China, he served as Vice-curator of the Central Museum of Culture and History and Standing Committee of the Second CPPCC.




Ye Gongchuo (1881-September 16, 1968) was also known as Yu Fu, Tiger and Jade Father. He was famous for his tiger and Jade Father. In his later years, he lived in Moyuan, Panyu, Guangzhou. His ancestor was Yuyao, Zhejiang Province. His fifth ancestor traveled to Guangdong. Grandfather Ye Yanlan, the word Nanxue, famous for stone, calligraphy and painting, literature and art, father Pei Li, the word Zhonglu, poems, seals, subordinate carefully.




He graduated from the School of Official Studies of Beijing Normal University.


In his early years, he took transportation as his responsibility and tried to save the country by transportation.


After middle age, he is excellent in poetry, archaeology, painting and calligraphy, and appreciation. The collection of cultural relics of past dynasties has a wide range of categories, to the most abundant, and spares no effort to preserve national treasures. Ancient documents and books have been sorted out and preserved by many people. Word reform, do our best. Calligraphy wrist with pen, unique experience, regular script, line, cursive style, especially good at large-character list, bold and bold, graceful, melt tablet, self-contained. Painting is pine, stone, plum and orchid, especially like drawing bamboo, taking the charm of the Yuan Dynasty more, delicate and meaningful, direct writing of the mind.


Eight ranks were published in 1998, and the collection of paintings, classics and cultural relics were donated to the relevant institutions in Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Suzhou and Chengdu for ever and admirable. Ye Gongchuo has devoted more than fifty years to the art movement. He is a master of modern Chinese painting and calligraphy, a famous literati and collector in the 20th century, and an important art activist and organizer. His works are abundant, mainly including "Yin'an Poetry Draft", "Yin'an Qing Secret Record", "Yin'an Ci", "Yin'an Talk Art Record", "Yin'an Hui Draft", "Moment Garden Remaining Mohist", "A Brief Examination of Tibetan Classics in Successive Dynasties", "Mausoleum Examination of Liang Dynasty", "On Transportation Saving the Nation", "Selected Collections of Ye Gongchuo's Calligraphy and Paintings" and so on. In addition, it compiles Quan Qing Ci Banknote, Five Dynasties and Ten National Languages, Guangdong Series, and Collection of Qing Dynasty Scholars'Images.




Grandfather Lantai (Nanxue) was Hanlin in the late Qing Dynasty, and Zeng Guanhu Langzhong and Zhangjing were military aircraft. My father died in his middle age and grew up under his grandfather's knee. He was smart from an early age. When he was a teenager, he became famous. Graduated from Beijing Normal University.


At the end of the Qing Dynasty, he was successively appointed Director of Road Administration Department, Member of the Ministry of Posts and Communications, and Lang Zhongzhong.



