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冯长江 - 冯长江:中国古壁画让我如此痴迷

2022-04-28 13:25:33




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冯长江1943年出生于西安,本籍 河南省滑县人。中国美术家协会会员、中国书法家协会会员,曾任山西省画院院长。少时爱好 绘画,先习西洋绘画,后攻中国水墨画,再转传统工笔重彩。1974年曾随中国著名美术史家、工笔画家潘洁兹先生学习中国传统工笔重彩及古代壁画的复制,前后 对中国芮城永乐宫、秸山青龙寺、繁峙岩、高平开化寺及太原娄睿墓等地壁画进行了大量长时间的临摹复制与研讨 ,从中得益甚丰,为构成 当前 的艺术风格奠定了坚实的基础。

冯长江主攻人物画,旁及山水等其它题材,尤擅长大场面制造 。他笔下的古代 女性,外型 优美而富东方神韵 ,显示出其坚实的绘画基本功及出色 的艺术表现能力。其作品重中国传统线描的节奏韵律,同时融入西洋绘画丰富的色彩语汇,构成 鲜明的个人艺术风格,兼具浓厚的时代气息。

作品有《红绸舞》 ,《血与火》(与李玉滋合作,获1982年法国春季沙龙美展金质奖);《飞花时节》(与李玉滋合作,获第六届全国美展铜质奖),《大河上下》(获庆祝建军60年美展优秀作品奖)。以上作品均藏于中国美术馆。书法作品曾获1985年全国电视书法大奖赛三等奖。


总之,冯长江之选择中国传统工笔人物画古代 归纳 的固执 努力和他所精意确立的鲜明个性化的审美风格,和 他由此而对这1 古老画种在新的表现性、表现力、新视觉美感的创意而给人们展示 的新境趣,无疑给我们1 个成心 味的话题。由于 ,他作为1 个蕴于山西、成于国粹、走入国际画坛的精彩个案和典型,对当代工笔人物画发展,对山西画家们具有着多方面的启示意义。


冯长江主攻人物画,旁及山水等其它题材,尤擅长大场面制造 。他笔下的古代 女性,外型 优美而富东方神韵 ,显示出其坚实的绘画基本功及出色 的艺术表现能力。其作品重中国传统线描的节奏韵律,同时融入西洋绘画丰富的色彩语汇,构成 鲜明的个人艺术风格,兼具浓厚的时代气息。

作为绘画个性特质的构成 ,对冯长江而言,固然离不开作为1 个画家对画种的选择、技法表现、视觉创造等基本前提和基础层面明确、精确 、精确的实践和磨砺。但能富有超越性地摆脱庸常平俗,而进入本身 精神层面和理想美的自在 创造,具特殊意义的还在于他所特有的艺术思想的含量和维度,它包括知识结构、精神境界、艺术理想、心思 心态、文明 认识 、综合素质等全方位、多层面完全 而零碎 的美学寻求 、审美取向,而对本身 具体的艺术实践实现着无效 的整合、控制和把握;并由此在找准了本身 的优势、地位 ,找到了本身 的方向、目的的前提下,在优良 资源和生态中获以发展、成就。纵观艺史,凡真实的 艺术大家必然是具有独特见识的思想者,由于 思想的深度、思维的向度、思路的广度,使他具有1 种超越的文明 价值、艺术观、精神取向和审美境界的高度、量度和精度,也决定着他创造的风格与精神的走向、品味和路径……
冯长江审美风格的构成 ,的确绝非仅仅是他在技法、技能和技巧操作层面的堆砌和构筑或偶然的机遇荣幸 。如果回头去看他曾于1987年所写的1 篇《论中国传统壁画艺术审美》的文章所论,大约会发现和领悟到1 个有成就的画家对“诗外之功”的思想方法、文明 含量、精神特质、知识与视野和 高起点的审美寻求 的盲目 和清醒。在这篇洋洋万言的文章中,冯长江从中国传统壁画艺术审美的文明 品格、精神意味、美学形状 、审美元素、情势 规律、审美心思 和情感的特征方面,旁及书法的线、音乐的色、文学的意、建筑的境等审美通感,类及古埃及壁画艺术、古希腊雕刻艺术和古今古代 文明中艺术景象 异同与本质的比较中,而表达出本身 对艺术思想的、精神的、方式的、规律的、品质与寻求 的思理、思路的思考。它既是本身 基于绘画艺术实践上读书、研史、习艺的综合总结,同时也已透露出他对本身 绘画艺术审美风格寻求 和构筑的1 份不独是绘画本身的,但却是内涵丰富有关美之创造理论、理想和规律上的独到的认识和深省。作为1 个画家,这类 认识 和努力,不管 在当时或是如今 ,都难能可贵,盲目 而独到。
也正是这些个性特质内蕴和内涵的所传达的丰富信息和脉络路径,我们能更清晰地认识和理解他的艺术风格在艺术创作实践层面与进程中,从以《红绸舞》(1979年)为代表的,线、形、色优美律动美的寻求 之始,至上世纪80年代充分借鉴汲取古代壁画中视觉美感元素,努力 探求以工笔画情势 表现理想 大题材(《血与火》、《飞花时节》、《大河上下》等)体现大容量、发挥表现力、发掘表现性的突破;到上世纪90年代着意于《冬夏春秋》、《风景》、《静物》等多题材视觉美感、装潢 味、意象性、质感美和形色、线韵等情势 言语 趋于唯美探索的积淀,和 近10余年间,在国际画坛以女性题材的意象写实而优美画风构成 的四个不同阶段中,看出他认识 上明晰的探索性、创意性、跨越性、指向性和目的性。

所有这些对冯长江而言,全然是在1 个无意识 前提下不断调整、完善继而完全 的个体生命与艺术的真实而生动历程,其个性特质、画风演化 、艺术成就,见仁见智,难以类比更不可反复 。但对其审美风格的品读,却能在普遍意义上作为艺术与艺术家、美的寻求 与美感创造、艺术表现与内在精神品质等等主客观艺术辩证法的规律性和共性认识上提供着1 种可资鉴的范例与积极的启示作用。由于 艺术从来是人类精神的印痕,艺术风格的建立和构成 同时是艺术家本身 文明 价值、精神品质的提升和创生的过程。它取决于1 个艺术家应所具有着的文明 的盲目 、精神的自主和认识 上的自信,也决定着他是否能超越平庸,在走向更广阔的艺术天地,在人类精神创造的记录中去获得1 份真实的 人格精神的自在 、大气与从容。


其作品重中国传统线描的节奏韵律,同时融入西洋绘画丰富的色彩语汇,构成 鲜明的个人艺术风格,兼具浓厚的时代气息。其处女作《红绸舞》首展于中国美术馆,获得成功,其后他创作了大量的古代 工笔重彩画作品,曾获1982年法国沙龙美展金质奖章、1987年全国美展1 等奖、山西艺术节金牌奖、山西首届文艺基金奖金牌奖第一位 及获政府颁发《优秀艺术家》荣誉称号。

个人收录入“文明 名人”全国大型电视专题片。多件作品由中国美术馆、中国历史博物馆、国家奥委会、深圳博物馆、梵帝岗、美国白宫及联合国等收藏。由中国美术馆,中国历史博物馆,国家奥会委,深圳博物馆,梵帝岗、美国白宫及联合国等收藏。冯先生多次在国内外举办个人画展及参加了诸多的国内大展,深受海外收藏家的欢迎。1997年旅居美国,并于美国东方画廊、曼哈顿的中国艺术中心及纽约曼哈顿索荷区Benedetti Gallery举办画展,获得成功,受到美国及旅美外籍人士和收藏家的好评。冯先生多次在国内外举办个人画展及多次参加国内外大展。

1997年以世界杰出美术家身分定居美国,并于美国东方画廊、曼哈顿的中国艺术中心及纽约曼哈顿索荷区BenedettGalery举办画展,受到美国及旅美外籍人士和收藏家好评。历年来出版了《冯长江画集》、《冯长江绘画作品集》、《冯长江重彩画选》、《冯长江艺术作品集》等多本专著。2004年被“中国画投资与鉴赏协会”评为“二十1 世纪最具投资价值的十大画家”之1 。2008年列入美国著名艺术网评选之300位近二百年全球最杰出画家,当中5 位华人画家包括陈逸飞等。多件作品由中国美术馆、中国历史博物馆、国家奥委会、深圳博物馆、梵蒂冈、美国白宫、美国大都会博物馆、联合国等收藏。


相干 评价

1 、文明 特质和精神品格的自信与坚守。正是他固执 于把传统工笔画作为本身 艺术的表现潜能、风格、准绳 和文明 身份的清醒。因此 ,他坚定地阔别 1 时间各种情势 创新风潮的功利之心和困惑浮躁,静心于把传统工笔画表现力发挥到工细能极致精妙的地方 ,写放可达精神的、理想美的无穷 自在 之境的努力,从而使这1 中国传统的、古老东方的、独特本土的表现方式不仅成为本身 言语 风格基石和精神载体,还成为走向世界的独特抽象 面貌和款式 。

二、壁画魅力的心思 情结。应当 说冯长江的工笔人物画之表现力和言语 风格的突显,是与上世纪70年代初曾跟随工笔画大家潘洁兹先生遍临山西古代壁画精品,经历与发现的豁然省悟密切相干 。然而,更深刻和成心 味的不仅仅是他因而 获得了传统文明 智慧、文脉中美律元素、技法技巧构成的借鉴开启,还有他智性中对艺术与宗教在精神永久 、生命认识 、人性和神性间那种大情怀、大境界的领悟,而这类 心思 情结的认识 积蕴,给他的绘画注入1 种艺术精神深层弥漫的特质与情愫。

三、音乐美感的视觉寻求 。就在那篇文章中,冯长江把绘画情势 言语 、视觉美感的理解和应用 引入对节奏、旋律、调式,模进、复现、变奏,和 音色交响、节律律动的音乐叙说 。似乎是这类 对中西音乐美感情势 的理解,构成 他的绘画视觉美极富律动美感和多种“曲式”与情调的基本构成认识 。中国的线,在曲直、方圆、起伏流动、交错中构成 了音响;色彩在或苍茫、清淡、或丰富、单纯中有着层次、强弱情绪的成心 味“调性”,而于抽象 、形体、形状 等情势 的诸多画面关系的交织,成为或和谐、或律动的独奏、和声、交响。所有这些美律通感的盲目 合度的应用 ,着意于人们视觉、生理、心思 与生命节律的吻合,在美感次序 的构成认识 和表现上构成 他绘画视觉美的1 个鲜明特征。

四、辩证思理的统摄化用。应是冯长江绘画风格中的统筹调和 诸关系与视觉言语 、语汇并达至语境之美的思想方法和情感逻辑。取万象错布的自然之态、写瞬间结晶的灵动,抒随情达意的感受。其阴阳、刚柔、真假 、疏密、曲直方园、抑扬、向背等等参错之理,无疑使冯长江绘画在感性与理性、物态与精神、张力与次序 的内在美感直觉把握中有着本身 个性和规律的敏锐与尺度。因而 这也是他的画具有所谓古代 性、理想 感、意味 意味等等境趣而经得起耐看、品味和揣摩 的美感要素。

English Introduction

Feng Changjiang was born on 1943 in Xi'an, Henan Province native Huaxian people. A member of Chinese Artists Association, China Calligraphers Association, former Shanxi provincial art academy. Little love painting, Western painting first XI, after China ink painting, then the traditional meticulous. In 1974, with the China famous art historian, fine brushwork painter Mr. Pan Jiezi learning Chinese traditional meticulous and ancient mural copying, in order to Chinese Ruicheng Yongle Palace, straw mountain Qinglong temple, Fanshi rock, Gaoping Kaihua and Taiyuan Lou Rui tomb mural copying, copying and studying a large number of long time, benefited from the very HSBC, which laid a solid foundation for the formation of artistic style.
Feng Changjiang of the main figure painting, landscape and other themes, especially good at making up the scene. He described the modern woman, beautiful and rich oriental charm, showing its solid basic skills of painting and outstanding artistic expression. The heavy work Chinese traditional line drawing rhythm, while the integration of Western painting rich in color vocabulary, form a distinctive personal style, with a strong flavor of the times.
Works of the "red silk dance", "blood and fire" (with Li Yuzi, won the 1982 French spring Salon Exhibition Gold Medal); "flying season" (with Li Yuzi, won the Sixth National Art Exhibition Bronze Award), "down the river" (a celebration of the army 60 years Art Award for outstanding works). All of the above works are hidden in the Chinese art museum. Calligraphy works have won the 1985 National Television calligraphy Award three and other awards.
A number of works by the Chinese Art Museum, the Museum of Chinese history, the National Olympic Committee, the Shenzhen Museum, the Vatican, the White House, the United States metropolitan museum, the United Nations and so on.
In short, Feng Changjiang's choice of aesthetic style China traditional Chinese painting of modern interpretation of the persistent efforts and his spirit established distinctive, and the new environment which he has on this ancient painting in the new performance, performance, new visual aesthetic ideas to show people's interest, will undoubtedly give us a meaningful topic. Because he is a wonderful case in Shanxi, as in the quintessence of Yun, into the international art world and the typical development of contemporary painting, has many implications for Shanxi artists.

Feng Changjiang of the main figure painting, landscape and other themes, especially good at making up the scene. He described the modern woman, beautiful and rich oriental charm, showing its solid basic skills of painting and outstanding artistic expression. The heavy work Chinese traditional line drawing rhythm, while the integration of Western painting rich in color vocabulary, form a distinctive personal style, with a strong flavor of the times.
As a form of painting personality, on the Yangtze River Feng, it cannot do without as a painter of painting selection, techniques of expression, visual creation basic premise and basic level clear, accurate, precise and practical sharpening. But beyond to get out of the rut flat vulgar, and into their own spiritual and aesthetic ideal of free creation, with special significance lies in the content and dimensions of his unique artistic thought, it includes the structure of knowledge, spiritual realm, artistic ideal, mentality, culture consciousness and comprehensive quality, full range multilayer complete system of aesthetics and aesthetic orientation, and the artistic practice of their specific implementation of efficient integration, control and grasp; and thus in finding their own advantage, to find their own position, direction and purpose of the premise, in the high quality resources and ecology to development and achievement. Throughout the history of art, where the real art is necessarily has a unique insight thinker, because thinking depth, the breadth of ideas, so that he has a transcendent cultural value, artistic value and spiritual orientation and aesthetic realm, and the height measurement accuracy, but also determines the direction, style and spirit he created the taste and path......
Feng Changjiang works
The works of Feng Changjiang Atlas
The formation of the aesthetic style of the Yangtze River, is indeed not just his skills, skills and skills in the operation of the stack and build or chance of luck. If you look back in 1987 he had written an article "on China traditional mural art aesthetic" in theory, and to comprehend about will find a painter of "poetry power" thought method, the content of culture, spirit, knowledge and vision and high starting point of aesthetic the pursuit of consciousness and conscious. In this article a few million words in the article, Feng Changjiang from the characteristics of Chinese traditional mural art aesthetic cultural character and spiritual meaning, aesthetic form, aesthetic elements, form rules, aesthetic psychology and emotion, and calligraphy, music line color, literary meaning, building environment, aesthetic perception, and compare the similarities and differences the essence of art phenomenon and ancient Egyptian mural art, ancient Greek and ancient carving art in modern civilization, express the quality and to pursue their own artistic thought and spirit, the way and the rule of thinking, thinking, thinking. It is not only based on their comprehensive summary of painting practice on reading, research history, art, but also has revealed a not only of his painting art aesthetic style and the pursuit of building is the painting itself, but it is rich in connotation about the creation theory, ideal and law on the unique understanding and reflection of beauty. As a painter, this awareness and efforts, whether in time or now, is commendable, consciousness and unique.
It is also the intrinsic connotation of personality traits and convey the rich information and the context path, we can more clearly understand his artistic style in the artistic creation and practice process, from the "red silk dance" (1979) as the representative, line, shape, color and beautiful rhythm of beauty at the beginning in 80s, the last century fully draw the visual aesthetic elements in ancient paintings, to explore the performance of real subjects in the form of painting ("blood and fire", "flying season", "River" etc.) reflects the large capacity, play performance, explore breakthrough performance; to the last century in 90s focused on "winter and spring and Autumn", "landscape", "still life" and other themes, visual aesthetic decoration, imagery, sense of beauty and color, lines and other forms of language tends to explore aesthetic accumulation, and more than 10 From four different stages in the international art to the theme of women image realistic and beautiful style formation, see his consciousness clear exploration, creativity, span, direction and purpose.
All of these Feng Yangtze River, all is in a sense under the premise of continuous adjustment, perfect and complete the individual life and the art of true and vivid history, its characteristics and style evolution, artistic achievement, more difficult to Different people, different views. can not be repeated, analogy. But the aesthetic style of reading materials, it can be used in art and artists, the pursuit of beauty and beauty in the general sense of creation, artistic expression and spiritual quality, subjective and objective dialectics of art regularity and common understanding on providing a valuable learning paradigm and positive inspiration. Because art is the human spirit never prints, establishment and the form of artistic style and process improvement and creation of the artist's own cultural values, the spirit of quality. Consciously, it depends on the spirit of an artist should have a culture of self consciousness and self-confidence, but also determines whether he can transcend mediocrity, in to the broader world of art, freedom, atmosphere and easy to get a real personality in the creation of the human spirit in the record.

The heavy work Chinese traditional line drawing rhythm, while the integration of Western painting rich in color vocabulary, form a distinctive personal style, with a strong flavor of the times. The first "red silk dance" the first exhibition in China Art Museum, successful, then he created a lot of modern heavy color painting works, won the 1982 French Salon Exhibition Gold Medal, 1987 National Art Prize, Shanxi Art Festival Gold Award, the first Shanxi Arts Foundation Award gold medal and won the first prize of outstanding artists "issued by the government" the honorary title.
Personal income into the "cultural celebrities" national large television feature films. Many works by China Art Museum, China History Museum, Shenzhen Museum, the National Olympic Committee and the Vatican, the White House and the United Nations. By the Chinese China Art Museum, Museum of history, the National Olympic Committee, the Shenzhen Museum, Vatican, the White House and the United Nations. Mr. Feng has held solo exhibitions and participated in many domestic exhibitions many times at home and abroad. Living in the United States in 1997, and in the United States, Manhattan Oriental Art Gallery China Art Center and the New York Manhattan SOHO Benedetti Gallery exhibition, succeeded by the United States and American expatriates and collectors. Mr. Feng has held solo exhibitions at home and abroad many times and participated in many domestic and international exhibitions.
In 1997 the world's outstanding artists who settled in the United States, and SOHO BenedettGalery in the United States, Manhattan Oriental Art Gallery China Art Center and the New York exhibition held in Manhattan, by the United States and American expatriates and collectors. Over the years, published the "Feng Changjiang album", "Feng Changjiang", "Feng Changjiang painting", "painting selected Feng Changjiang art works" and many other books. 2004 was "Chinese painting investment and appreciation Association," as "the most investment value of the twenty-first Century, one of the ten major artists". 2008 included in the United States famous art network selection of 300 nearly two hundred years of the world's most outstanding artists, including five Chinese artists, including Chen Yifei, etc.. A number of works by the Chinese Art Museum, the Museum of Chinese history, the National Olympic Committee, the Shenzhen Museum, the Vatican, the White House, the United States metropolitan museum, the United Nations and so on.
Over the years, published the "Feng Changjiang album", "Feng Changjiang", "Feng Changjiang painting", "painting selected Feng art works", "the Yangtze River Yangtze River Feng 2000" 2002 new "art and art works in" Yangtze River Feng and many monographs.

One, the cultural characteristics and spiritual character of self-confidence and stick to. It is his obsession with the traditional Chinese painting as his artistic potential, style, principles and cultural identity of the conscious. Therefore, he firmly away from a wave of innovation time of various forms of utilitarian and confusion in the impetuous, meditation of traditional painting performance of the play to the extreme can fine subtleties, write up to put the spirit of the beauty of ideal, infinite freedom efforts, which is a Chinese traditional and ancient oriental, unique local expressions not only become their own language style foundation and spiritual carrier, also become the world's unique image and style.
Two, the charm of the murals of the psychological complex. It should be said that Feng Changjiang's painting of the power and the language style is highlighted, and the last century at the beginning of 70s had followed Mr. Pan Jiezi painting all times near the Shanxi ancient mural boutique, is closely related with the discovery of Huoranshengwu experience. However, a more profound and meaningful not only is he won the traditional cultural wisdom, Sino US law context elements and techniques of drawing skills to open, and his wisdom of art and religion in the eternal spirit, life consciousness, humanity and divinity of the feelings, realm of understanding, and this psychological complex the consciousness of withlong traits and feelings, into a deep artistic spirit filled his painting.
Three, the visual pursuit of music aesthetic. In the article, Feng Changjiang took the form of the language of painting of the visual aesthetic understanding and using the introduction of rhythm and melody, mode, mode into, repetition, variation, and timbre, rhythm, rhythm of the symphonic music narrative. This seems to be on Chinese and western music aesthetic form of understanding, the formation of his painting beautiful rhythm and a variety of rich visual aesthetic feeling and sentiment "form" the basic structure of consciousness. Chinese line, right and wrong, in the surrounding area, the fluctuating flow in the formation, staggered sound; color light, or in the vast, rich, simple or has a strength level, the mood has the means of "tonality", and many pictures in the image, shape, form and other forms of harmony, or become intertwined, or solo, chorus, Symphonic rhythm. With all of these beauty conscious degree of synaesthesia, with pains in the vision, physiology, psychology and life rhythm, form a distinctive feature of his painting in aesthetic consciousness and the order of the.
Four, the dialectical thinking of the control. Is the way of thinking and emotional logic of Feng Changjiang's painting style to coordinate the relations with the visual language, vocabulary and context to beauty. Take the wrong Vientiane cloth of natural state, the crystallization of the moment to write smart, express their feelings with love. The Yin and Yang, rigid, strength, density, right and wrong, square garden, and so on, support of iambic brocken will undoubtedly make the Yangtze River, Feng painting has its own personality and rule of sensibility and the scale in the emotional and rational, material and spirit, the intrinsic aesthetic tension and intuition in order. So this is his picture with the so-called modernity, reality, symbolism and so on, and can withstand the beautiful environment interesting taste and pondering aesthetic elements.



