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洪荒(1923.6~2010.8.21)原名洪勤波,浙江慈溪人。擅长漫画、中国画。1942年进桂林美专西画系学习,后转入广东省立艺术专科学校。1944年毕业后到重庆社会服务处任美术干事、股长,后曾任上海青年馆美术干事、比乐中学美术教师。曾任《漫画月刊》编辑、《文汇报》美术编辑、美术摄影组组长、高级编辑。1950年起任职于上海文汇报社,高级美术编辑。中国美术家协会会员,上海美协理事,中国旧事 漫画研讨 会常务理事,上海旧事 漫画研讨 会会长。作品有初期 漫画《自在 的保障》;5 十年代作品《强烈的对比》参加第1 届全国美展;《古道西风瘦马》参加1960年全国美展,为中国美术馆收藏。另有《救济物质 源源运到》、《自在 的保障》、《人民有挨打的自在 》等,《哈罗,又碰到你了》获第六届全国美展佳作奖。1993年荣获全国漫画金猴奖荣誉奖。
作品有初期 漫画《自在 的保障》;5 十年代作品《强烈的对比》参加第1 届全国美展;《古道西风瘦马》参加1960年全国美展,为中国美术馆收藏。另有《救济物质 源源运到》、《自在 的保障》、《人民有挨打的自在 》等,《哈罗,又碰到你了》获第六届全国美展佳作奖。1993年荣获全国漫画金猴奖荣誉奖。

Introduction to the artist

Hong Huang (Hongqin wave of 1923.6~2010.8.21) original name, person of Zhejiang kind brook. Be good at caricature, China drawing. Entered Guilin beauty 1942 department study is drawn on the west only, training school of Guangdong provincial art turns after. After graduating 1944, to Chongqing society the service is in an art a secretary in charge of sth, section chief, person in charge of something of art of Shanghai youth house ever assumed after, than teacher of art of happy middle school. Ceng Ren " caricature monthly magazine " editor, " civil report " group leader of group of photography of art editor, art, senior editor. Hold a post to report a company at Shanghai article since 1950, high art edits. Chinese artist academician, thing of Shanghai beautiful assistant manager, seminar of Chinese news caricature is standing director, chairman of seminar of Shanghai news caricature. Work has inchoate cartoon " free safeguard " ; The fifties work " sharp contrast " attend beauty of the first whole nation to exhibit; " thin horse of ancient course west wind " attend countrywide beauty was exhibited 1960, collect for Chinese art gallery. Have additionally " in a steady stream of relief goods and materials carries " , " free safeguard " , " people has the freedom that take a beating " etc, " breath out collect, come up against you again " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit award of an excellent work. Had the honor to win award of honor of award of monkey of countrywide caricature gold 1993.
Work has inchoate cartoon " free safeguard " ; The fifties work " sharp contrast " attend beauty of the first whole nation to exhibit; " thin horse of ancient course west wind " attend countrywide beauty was exhibited 1960, collect for Chinese art gallery. Have additionally " in a steady stream of relief goods and materials carries " , " free safeguard " , " people has the freedom that take a beating " etc, " breath out collect, come up against you again " obtain beauty of the 6th whole nation to exhibit award of an excellent work. Had the honor to win award of honor of award of monkey of countrywide caricature gold 1993.



